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What's God Shouting in This Pandemic? How Should Christians Stand? The Benham Brothers, and Jim Daly Answer

What's God Shouting in This Pandemic? How Should Christians Stand? The Benham Brothers, and Jim Daly Answer Read Transcript

- [Paul] In this recent digital simulcast

about finding good thingsduring this painful pandemic

Focus on the Family's Jim Daly

talked about C.S. Lewis'ssaying that God shouts to us

in our pains.

- And this pandemichas been a time of pain

and I hope that we canhear God shouting in it.

- Then he shared six thingshe believes God is shouting.

One, God is with us right now.

- Lean into him.

He'll never leave us

nor forsake us.

- [Paul] Two, this isn'tthe end of the world.

There's a new day coming.

Three, God makes all things new.

Can help us form new good habits.

- My wife Jean and I had been spending

more time in the morning reading the Word

and praying together.

- [Paul] Four, even ifdeath overshadows us

heaven is real and awaits us.

- Scripture says that ourlives are but a vapor,

but we can't lose sight of what's coming

after this life.

- [Paul] Five, it's importantthat we not forsake God

in this hard time, blame Him,

and turn our back on Him.

And six, God loves us.

- I'm convinced that Godis speaking to the world

in the middle of this pandemic.

Now I don't believe He caused it,

but He's allowed it,

and He's using it toaccomplish His purposes.

Are we paying attention?

Are we listening?

- [Paul] The Benham brother appeared

with their usual cheeky humor.

- I'm David, this is mylittle brother Jason.

He's been in my shadowfor almost 45 years now.

- But they spoke solemnlyabout people of faith

standing up for rights thatare sometimes threatened

during this pandemic.

Like free speech,

or the right to assemble.

David himself was recentlyarrested for sidewalk counseling

outside an abortion clinic.

- First it's ourresponsibility to be a voice

for the voiceless.

But now all of a sudden,

our rights are being threatened

and I was like "Uh huh,

"I'm not gonna budge."

And they ended up arresting me.

- How do you redeem a crisis?

You continue to be faithfulin the midst of it.

That how you could do it.

- [Paul] So pass it on!

- Create an appetite in your kids

for the things of the Lord.

So, when we were kids wewoke up every morning,

we caught our dad either,

and our mom, both of them,

our dad and our mom,

either reading their Bibles

or praying in front of the couch.

- [Paul] And stand.

- We're American citizens.

We have rights

and those rights arenot given by government.

They're given by God.

- Paul Strand, CBN news, Washington.


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