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Favorite Episodes: Good and Famine - The Superbook Show

Emma shares her favorite Superbook Show episode. Read Transcript

- Hey guys, I'm Emma

and I'm a host on the Superbook show.

And my favorite Superbookvideo is "Good and Famine."

I love this video becauseI feel like it relates

to where we are right now.

We're in the middle of a famine.

We feel like there's no hope.

And this video just reminds us

that good is right around the corner

and that, if we stay praising God

and remembering how goodhe was in the seasons

when we had joy and peace,

we will have joy and peacein this season right now.

And that's such a good reminder.

Also, the young compilations

are pretty funny as well. (laughs)


- Welcome to the Superbook Show.

- Hey everybody!

Today, we're talking about,wait, what are we talking about?

- Today, we're talkingabout cows eating cows.

- Oh right.

Okay, so today, we're talking about cows


Ew, that's disgusting!



Wait, why would we betalking about cannibal cows?

- Not just cows.

We're also gonna be talkingabout grain-eating grain.

- Well, I guess that's not as disgusting,

but still a little gross.

Wait a minute!

- Here it comes.

- I know what we're talking about.

Joseph and Pharaoh's dream.

- Behold, in my dream, I stoodon the bank of the river.

(mystical music)

Suddenly, seven cowscame up out of the river,

fine looking and fat. Andthey fed in the mud hole.

Then behold, seven othercows came up after them.

Born very ugly and gaunt.

Such ugliness as I have neverseen in all the land of Egypt.

And the gaunt and ugly cows

ate up the first seven, the fat cows.

- And the next part of the dream

was the same thing but with grain.

- Yep. God told Josephwhat the dream meant

seven years of plenty followedby seven years of famine,

when no crops would grow.

- Pharaoh put Joseph in charge of Egypt,

and for seven years he savedup food for the famine.

- Good memory.

- So why are we talking about this?

- There's a line in the Bible

during the story that reminded me of me.

- I know which part, eating seven cows

because I've seen you at picnics

with one hamburger on one hand,

and one hamburger on the other.

- Uh no! When Joseph interprets the dream,

- The dreams of Pharaoh are one.

The seven good cows are seven years

and the seven good heads are seven years

and the seven thin and ugly cows

which came up after them are seven years.

And the seven empty heads

blinded by the east windare seven years of famine.

God has shown Pharaohwhat he is about to do.

Indeed, seven years ofgreat plenty will come

throughout all the land of Egypt,

but after them, sevenyears of famine will arise.

And all the plenty will be forgotten.

- I hadn't really thoughtabout that line before

till I was looking at the story recently

- About the years of famine?

- The famine so bad thatall of the years of plenty

will be forgotten.That's too much like me.

- I need more to go on.

- There are times in my life

where things are going really great.

- Me too.

- There are times wherethings aren't so great.

When things aren't going my way.

- Been there, felt that.

- When I go through the bad times,

I don't remember the good times at all.

It feels like things have always been bad

and they're never going to change.

- Yeah, no fun, but what canwe do? We feel what we feel.

- We take Joseph's advice.

- By hoarding food? My brother does that.

Did you know that he canmake his Christmas candy

last all the way till Easter?

- Close, we hoard thememory of good times.

When things are going great,we don't take them for granted

- By?

- By constantly giving thanks to God.

Acknowledging how good he is,

and when the bad times do come...

- We don't forget the goodtimes, we remember God's goodness

and we use those memories toknow that he still loves us

and that the good times areright around the corner.

- All that I am praise the Lord,

may I never forget how good he is.

- "Why am I discouraged?Why is my heart so sad?

I will put my hope in God.I will praise him again,

my savior and my God.

Now I am deeply discouraged,but I will remember you."

- Perfect.

- And that's not just Joseph'sadvice, that's what he did.

- Wow! Take over fellow host.

- Joseph had a really hard life.

His brothers sold him into slavery,

and then he went to prison,

but he never forgot that God was good.

- And if anyone had a goodargument to be depressed,

it was Joseph.

- He just always kept thememory of God's goodness

in his mind.

- All is forgiven. You intended to harm me

but God intended it all for good.

He brought me to this position

so I could save the lives of many people.

- So when you feel like thebad times are overwhelming,

- Remember the fat cows

and don't let the skinnyones eat up all your joy.

- Wasn't gonna put it like that, but sure.

- (Together) His word is forever alive.


- Don't let the skinnycows make you forget

to like and subscribe to this channel.

- Okay, that's a stretch.

- And be sure to downloadthe Superbook Bible app

to brush up on God's goodness.

- Not a stretch at all. Good one.

- See you next time.

(upbeat music)

(cows mooing)


- [Producer] A little aboutthis part, the Corona thing

Looking at the story recently,about the years of famine,

times that I feel bad,like things are always bad.

They're never gonna get good.

I want you to make sure thatthe expression on your face

and maybe more changethe tone in your voice.

- Okay

- [Producer] And that's too much like me.

So you can start to kind of perk up again.

- Do we both say this word?

- Yep

- All right then.

- [Producer] That's whenyou go back over two years

(bell rings)

(upbeat music)

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