Trump Signs International Religious Freedom Executive Order, Approving $50 Million for Programs
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- Well today PresidentTrump made his second visit
to a religious site in less than 24 hours,
not in response to protests,but to bring attention
to the fight for InternationalReligious Freedom.
He then signed an executiveorder on the issue.
White House correspondentBen Kennedy has the details.
- President Trump calledupon the nations of the world
to end religious persecution.
The executive order evenlocks down $50 million
for programs that advanceInternational Religious Freedom.
President Trump visiteda DC shrine Tuesday,
honoring Pope John PauL the II
in an effort to focus onInternational Religious Freedom.
- Because there's so muchreligious persecution
in the world.
It also hurts all the other human rights.
- Sam Brownback, the ambassador
at Large for Religious Freedom
says the executive order isneeded now more than ever,
as around 80% of the world's population
live in countries where religious freedom
is threatened, restricted or banned.
Ambassador Brownback what kind of impact
can this order have?
- I think a massive ,part ofmy modeling in this program
is wanted to have religious freedom,
be like the human trafficking issue.
That it'd be one that embrace everybody,
and it goes grassroots.
- Under the order, Secretaryof State Mike Pompeo
will develop country specific action plans
for prioritizing religious freedom
to top that all personnelassigned to positions overseas
will now receive InternationalReligious Freedom training.
- To summit whole all up is,
it makes religious freedomInternational Religious Freedom,
a whole of government approach
on our basic foreign policy apparatus.
- Now the executive ordercomes as Christian persecution
and anti-semitism are onthe rise around the world.
North Korea, Afghanistanand Somalia topped the list
as the most dangerouscountries for Christians,
according to Open Doors USA.
Ben Kennedy CBN News, the White House.