China proposes a new security law that would strip Hong Kong of many freedoms; what will happen to the church?
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(dramatic music)
- [George] This week on"Christian World News,"
China tightens its grip on Hong Kong.
Democracy leaders say it's theend of autonomy for the city.
What will happen to the Church?
- [Wendy] Plus, cries for justice.
Protest after a mandies in police custody.
He kept telling them, "I can't breathe."
- And holy sites arereopening in the Holy Land
and a historic visit signalshope for Israel's relations
with the Arab world.
Hello, everyone, welcometo this week's edition
of "Christian WorldNews," I'm George Thomas.
- Good to be with you, my friend.
- Same here.- It's been a while.
- It's been a while.
- Social distancing.- I know.
- All right we're still, you know,
don't get too close, right?- No, we won't.
- All right, well I'm Wendy Griffith,
great to have you all with us as well.
Well in the news, China'scommunist regime is extending
its control over Hong Kong,
planning to impose new security laws
severely limiting freedoms there.
- Absolutely, right, theUnited States government says
it's the end of Hong Kong's autonomy
and one more sign ofChina's increasing efforts
to dominate its neighbors.
(dramatic music)
When the city was handed tothe Chinese back in 1997,
the idea was that Hong Kong would be
this one country, two systems
and it was supposed tolast for half a century.
The agreement expires in the year 2047.
As Beijing announced days ago plans
to enforce sweeping new security laws,
similar to the draconianmeasures used on the mainland,
many here feel it wouldbe the end of Hong Kong
as we know it.
- Beijing has essentiallyintervened directly
and said, "We're not going to wait,
"we're going to passthis law here in Beijing
"which will apply to you, Hong Kong."
Effectively, this is sayingHong Kong is no longer
under a one country, two systems approach.
It is now fully integrated into China,
despite the fact thatwe are not yet at 2047.
- [George] Many HongKong residents fearful
at the thought of becominganother Chinese city
and losing personal freedoms.
- [Interpreter] I thinkit's very ridiculous.
They promised one country, two systems,
but the content of the security law
is basically implementingone country, one system.
- [George] Cheng says for China,
the idea of one country, twosystems has always really meant
one country over two systems.
- So what this is going to mean is
that freedom of the press,freedom of expression,
freedom of assembly, freedomof protest, freedom of speech,
all of these are going tobe very much in jeopardy.
It also effectivelynullifies the independence
of the Hong Kong judicial system.
- [George] China insiststhe new crackdown is needed
to prevent secessionistsand subversive activity,
as well as foreigninterference and terrorism.
Ahead of more pro-democracyprotests this week,
China's top militarycommander in Hong Kong says
his 10,000-strong army isready to do whatever it takes.
- [Interpreter] The garrisontroops have the determination,
confidence and capabilities todefend national sovereignty,
security and development interests
and safeguard longterm prosperity
and stability in Hong Kong.
- [George] In Washington,
lawmakers on both sides of the aisle want
to sanction any Chinese official involved
in enforcing the new laws in Hong Kong.
The bill would also penalizebanks and businesses
that help enforce the law.
The White House is warningChina against enacting the laws.
- If that happens there'll be sanctions
that will be imposedon Hong Kong and China.
It's hard to see
how Hong Kong could remainthe Asian financial center
that it's become if China takes over.
- [George] And now experts worry
that if China moves to takeover Hong Kong,
Taiwan could be next on Beijing's list.
- The reality is that Chinacracking down on Hong Kong means
that Taiwan has even less reason
to believe Chinese promises of autonomy
and non-interferenceshould the two reunify.
- Joining me now is David Curry, he is CEO
of the religious freedomwatchdog group, Open Doors U.S.A.
David, great to have youback on the broadcast.
What does this new law meanfor Hong Kong and its people?
- Well I was in Hong Kong in December.
I can tell you the spirit ofthe people there is strong,
but what you see is a growing oppression
by the Chinese government
on the freedoms of the Hong Kong people
and this is gonna affect theChristian churches as well.
When you look at whathappens right now in China
over the last six years,
China has readopted this no-god system
where they're pushing out churches,
they're monitoring thechurches that do exist.
Even right now, many churches,
it's illegal to have even Skype church
in some of these areas wherethey're still locked down.
That doesn't mean they're allbeing shut down or raided,
but it means it's illegal.
This is the kind of thingyou may see very quickly
in Hong Kong as Chinabegins to impose the rules
and the restrictions onreligious freedom in China
in the territory of Hong Kong.
- You've spoken extensivelyof China's use of surveillance
to control its people.
David, how might thatbe used in Hong Kong?
- Well here's what we're seeing.
Some churches, not all, but some churches,
you have to even give facial recognition.
They keep score of howoften you go to church.
We know that there's somenegative impact, social impacts,
to how often you go to church
and they don't allow you to bring kids.
For example, if you bring yourchild under the age of 18,
will that affect their abilityto get into a good school?
Right now it does.
Does it affect your ability to travel?
This is a system thatis very sophisticated.
They can keep score of whereyou're going, what you're doing
and it will negatively affectyou if you're a Christian.
That could happen andI expect it to happen,
in Hong Kong as Chinaforces its rule upon them.
- You know we've heard these reports
that there are a lot ofChristians who are a part
of China's communistgovernment, strong believers.
Is that the case also of HongKong's pro-democracy movement?
- Well China would liketo link these two together
because they want to have an excuse
to attack some of thechurch leaders and so forth.
Certainly people of freedomcome from all manner
of faiths in Hong Kong and from what I saw
on the streets thereamongst the protesters,
it cuts across every part of life.
The fact that Christian faith
and theology is about anindependent relationship with Jesus
and many of the other things
that we take as human rightsare rooted in the Bible,
I think does make the crossreference of values strong
with the freedom fighters.
But I don't think we can sayit's a Christian movement
and I hope that China willnot use it as an excuse
to attack other churchleaders and so forth.
- You said Hong Kong's people are strong.
How can we pray for them atthis very critical moment?
- Well it is a very unique culture.
It's just somethingtotally of its own making.
I think we pray forthese Christian leaders,
for governmental leaders.
It is a very small piece whenyou consider it next to China,
so it's going to needsome extraordinary support
from the worldwide communityto see clearly through the fog
of what's being saidbecause so much of the news
coming out of China is propaganda.
I've seen it firsthand.
I've witnessed what's happening
and then read what they're saying about it
and there's just worlds apart.
So we need clarity
and pray for that inthis very difficult time.
- Real quickly, while we haveyou on, could Taiwan be next
and could the Church therebe under threat as well
from China?
- Well I expect China,this is one guy's opinion,
I expect China to push itsinfluence as far as it can go.
Certainly over Taiwan,other areas as well,
using its economic muscle and threat
of economic issues within thatregion, on other partners.
So I think it's reasonable to assume that.
- [George] Terrific, David,we'll have to leave it there.
Thank you so much, David Curry,
with the great group, Open Doors U.S.A.
- Well turning now to the Philippines
where thousands are now homeless
after a typhoon ravagedremote towns in the east.
Despite the threat of COVID-19,
Operation Blessing'sdisaster response team
is on the scene to help victims.
Lucille Talusan brings us the story.
- [Lucille] Maribell Varas was overwhelmed
as her husband died tragically,
trying to save the familyas the typhoon hit.
- [Interpreter] My husbandwas afraid the roof
of the shelter where weevacuated would collapse on us
because of the very strong winds.
He broke the window so we could jump out,
but broken glass cut an artery in his arm.
That's why he lost alot of blood and died.
- [Lucille] Maribell saidpeople tried to help,
but it was too late.
Now she worries about their future.
- [Interpreter] I lostmy husband, our house
and now I don't know how I could work
to support our five children.
I need to take care of them,
especially my two-month-old baby.
- [Lucille] Nine-year-old Angel Gaza says
she was afraid of the powerful winds,
but remained strong forher younger sisters.
- [Interpreter] Charlotte wascrying because she was scared
and so I put the blanket over her.
- [Lucille] Their father leftthem at a temporary shelter
while he tried to save theirhouse during the storm.
Taking care of her youngersiblings is a familiar experience
for nine-year-old Angel.
Abandoned by their mother,
she's to fill that role
while their father worked in other town.
- [Interpreter] I takecare of my siblings.
I bathe them.
I cook for them so we will not go hungry.
- I don't have a choicebecause I have to find work
to earn money to buy food.
Now we have more problems
because our house wasdestroyed by the typhoon.
- The Operation BlessingDisaster Response Team
had to observe strict quarantine protocols
to be able to pass throughthe various checkpoints
as they traveled to theareas that were hardest hit
by Typhoon Vongfong.
Not even the threat ofcontracting COVID-19 can stop
this team from giving themuch-needed assistance
to the typhoon victimswho are now suffering.
The team distributed foodpacks containing rice,
can goods, coffee and other supplies
to more than 1,200 familiesaffected by the typhoon.
Maribell Varas was among them.
Her face brightened
after she received herfood pack and prayer.
- [Interpreter] Thank you very much.
Your help means a lot to us.
I hope you can continue toreach more people in need.
- [Lucille] Aside from thechocolates that Angel enjoyed,
they also received a foodpack from Operation Blessing.
The team's pastor counseledher father and prayed for him.
Operation Blessing Philippinessays it will rebuild homes
for both Maribell and Angel.
The OB staff was touched whenAngel expressed her gratitude
with a heartfelt prayer.
- [Interpreter] Papa Jesus, Iwill take care of my siblings.
I will feed them.
I will study well.
Help us, thank you so much, Papa Jesus.
- [Lucille] Lucille Talusan, CBN News,
Eastern Samar, Philippines.
- [Wendy] God bless her, thanks, Lucille.
Coming up, America rocked by the death
of an unarmed black man in police custody.
Christian leaders are calling for justice.
(dramatic music)
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- [Efrem] I'm Efrem Grahamand this is "Studio 5."
Cruise with me as I discoverthe good things happening
in the world of music,sports, television and movies.
- The fact that Ryan Cooglerwas gonna be directing the film
I knew that somethingspecial was gonna happen.
- [Efrem] We'll chat with artists
at the forefront of entertainmentand explore the connection
between popular culture and faith.
- I asked my pastor, I said,
"Well does that mean I'msupposed to be a preacher?"
He said, "Oh, no, no, youalready have a pulpit."
- [Announcer] Watch "Studio5", Wednesday night at 9:30.
- [Announcer] As the worldwatches from the outside.
- It's a big diplomatic tug-of-warhere in the Middle East.
- [Announcer] Go inside thestory with "Jerusalem Dateline."
- Israeli archeologists aretalking about a discovery
that could change the thinkingabout the Temple Mount.
- [Announcer] Join CBN JerusalemBureau Chief Chris Mitchell
and get the biblical perspective
on the events shaping the world.
- Because what starts in Israel
then ends up going to other places.
- [Announcer] Watch "Jerusalem Dateline,"
Friday night at 9:30 onthe CBN News Channel.
- And welcome back to the broadcast.
Here in the United States,
Christian leaders areresponding to the rage and grief
over the death of an unarmedblack man in police custody.
Disturbing video shows apolice officer kneeling
on George Floyd's neckfor several minutes,
refusing to let him up evenas Floyd repeatedly said,
"I can't breathe."
His death has sparked protestsin cities across this nation.
President Trump calledfor an FBI investigation.
Christian leaders arealso demanding justice.
On Twitter, the ReverendFranklin Graham wrote,
"This makes me sick to my stomach.
"What took place yesterdayon a Minneapolis street,
"by the Minneapolis PDshould deeply concern each
"and every American."
And award-winningChristian artist, Lecrae,
with his own video on Instagramcalling out the injustice
and asking protesters torefrain from violence.
- What we're experiencing outhere right now in this world
is pure, unadulterated evil.
Use that anger to be constructive.
Use it for prayer, for policy changes,
for programs that we can get involved in
to change the way thatthings are right now.
Be characterized by yourlove and productivity
and don't let hatred andbitterness rule your heart
'cause then evil wins.
- Well said.
CBN Reporter Charlene Aaronis following this story
and she joins us now.
Charlene, we are learningmore about the victim.
Can you tell us more aboutGeorge Floyd's background?
- Yes, Wendy.
I've been poking around on social media.
Friends of George Floyd are posting videos
and tributes to him
and many of them say thathe was a gentle giant.
He was 6'6, very big, tall man,
but that he was a very peaceful man
who wanted change in the community.
He wanted to see people come together.
He was actually involved
with helping someinner-city youth ministers
minister to people in the community,
helping to set up the baptismal,
helping to set up chairs for outreaches.
And so they were reallyshocked that this happened
to someone that they deemedthat was a very peaceful,
a very gentle person.
- Wow, well what do we knowabout the police officer?
- Yeah, several things are now coming out
about two of the police officerswho were caught on camera.
There were four officers involved
who were there on the scene
and all four of them have been fired.
But what we're learningnow about the officer
who had his knee on George Floyd's neck,
his name is Officer Derek Chauvin
and he's a 19-year veteran ofthe Minneapolis police force.
And he's been involved inseveral police-involved shootings
over his 19 year career.
And he also had several complaints
about him using a demeaningtone, derogatory language,
so he has a pretty checkered past.
And the other officer, theAsian officer, Officer Tao,
who was also there, hehad actually been involved
in a lawsuit.
He was sued in 2017 forusing excessive force
in the line of duty.
- Interesting.
Well we know that faithleaders, we just saw Lecrae,
they're speaking out.
Tell us more about what they're saying.
- Yeah, a lot of people,
a lot of Caucasian brothers andsisters are outraged as well
not just the African-Americanbrothers and sisters,
like Lecrae of course.
But Beth Moore, popularBible teacher Beth Moore,
she has actually issued achallenge to white believers
because she feels this is an issue
that we're seeing recurringover and over again
and it's not going to be solved
by just African-American Christians.
She is calling for allChristians of all races
to come together to make positive change.
Nick Hall of PULSE Ministries,he's speaking out about it
and he is saying we need toband together as Christians
because the answer lies inthe hands of the Church,
the body of Christ.
African-Americans,Caucasians, working together
to bring peace to this issue.
- Yeah, interestingthat George Floyd wanted
to make a difference in the community
and he's certainly doing that.--
- There's one picture of himholding up the Bible, Wendy.
Him holding up the Bible, you know.
He loved God and it's just tragic.
- Totally tragic.
Charlene, thanks for stayingon top of this for us.
Thank you, God bless.
- God bless.
- Well up next, a prime minister on trial
and a historic visit to the Holy Land.
These stories and morewhen we go inside Israel.
(dramatic music)
(upbeat music)
- [Shawn] It's about the competition.
- I kind of put that pressure on myself
and I think people had expectation.
- [Shawn] It's about overcoming.
- We use this phrase allthe time, "Keep chopping,
"keep practicin' hard."
- [Shawn] It's about going the distance.
- You know I think as a father,
it's my job, you know, to lead.
Just be the best husbandand father I can be.
- [Announcer] Watch "Going theDistance with Shawn Brown,"
Saturday night at 7:30on the CBN News Channel.
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- Welcome back to "Christian World News."
A new wave of persecutionagainst Christians in Cuba.
This one targeting evangelists
and believers in the country's prisons.
Patrick Klein of Vision Beyond Borders
says guards are tearing up Bibles
and officials are transferringChristians to other prisons.
On CBN's "Global Lane" program,
Klein says churchesface the same situation.
- In the house churches,if the music is too loud
or the preaching's too loudor the neighbors complain,
then the government comesin and shuts 'em down,
so you never know from dayto day what's gonna happen.
So when people will goand plant a new church
or a church is established,they try to build relationships
with their neighbors rightaway to get on their good side
and try to do nice things tothem, for them and help them.
And what we're seeing is the Church
is really growing in Cuba, it's amazing.
- Klein says the governmentpersecutes the Church
because it fears the power andthe growth of Christianity.
- Two Republican senatorsare asking President Trump
to protect Christians facingpersecution in Nigeria.
Iowa's Joni Ernst and Chuck Grassley
recently sent a letterasking the President
to consider deploying a special envoy
to help end Nigeria's Christian genocide.
In it they point to 40,000Nigerian deaths tied
to the terror group Boko Haram,
which along with the Islamic State,
has long threatened the livesof Christians in the country.
At the White House in 2018,
Mr. Trump asked the visitingpresident of Nigeria
to protect innocentcivilians of all faiths.
The senators want to see moreaction as you can expect.
- The Holy Land's mosticonic Christian sites
reopen their doors forthe first time in weeks
and Israel's primeminister is in the fight
of his political life.
Emily Jones has those storiesand more from Jerusalem.
(mysterious music)
- Welcome to Jerusalem forthis "Inside Israel" report
where we show you what'shappening in Israel
and the Middle East.
Just one week after forming a government,
Netanyahu made history
as the first sittingIsraeli prime minister
to stand trial for corruption.
Netanyahu appeared before thecourt in a dramatic hearing.
He's facing criminal chargesin three separate cases,
including fraud, breach of trust
and bribery over giftsreceived from friends
and alleged deals with Israelimedia for positive coverage.
The streets filled with bothsupporters and detractors.
(supporter speaking in foreign language)
- [Interpreter] What theywill see is a proud people
holding their heads high, standing tall
and saying, "You'll neverwalk alone, Netanyahu."
- I truly believe the peopleof Israel will understand
it's time to move forward.
It's time to say to Netanyahu,
"Thank you, but enough is enough."
- The next court date could be months away
and some legal analystsspeculate the trial could take
up to two to three years.
Until then, Netanyahu will be able
to continue serving as prime minister.
Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity opened
for the first time inmonths after being shut down
to fight the coronavirus.
Tradition says the church is built
over the site where Jesus was born.
In Jerusalem,
the Church of the HolySepulcher also reopened.
That's built on thesite where many believe
Jesus was crucified, buriedand raised from the dead.
Both churches are keepingstrict COVID-19 restrictions,
limiting the number of visitors
and enforcing social distancing.
Israel is still closed to tourists
and there is no official word
on when it will open its borders.
For the first time in its history,
a plane from the United Arab Emirates
made a direct flight to Israel.
The unmarked plane flewfrom Abu Dhabi to Tel Aviv,
carrying at least 14 tons ofcoronavirus aid to Palestinians
in the West Bank and Gaza.
The aid is supposed togo towards U.N. efforts
to fight the outbreak,
but the Palestinian Authority said
it will not accept the equipment
for fear of normalizing ties with Israel.
The direct flight was a rarepublic moment of cooperation
between Israel and the UAE,
which has no official diplomatic ties.
- Some remarkable outcomes in terms
of advancing Gulf-Israelrelations during this pandemic,
during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Of the six Gulf States,
four of them are nowin contact with Israel.
- For years, rumorshave swarmed that Israel
and the Gulf nations are havingback-channel discussions,
especially over their common enemy, Iran.
Thank you so much forjoining us this week.
For more stories like this,
you can watch our"Jerusalem Dateline" program
- [Announcer] From WashingtonD.C., uncompromising stories,
interviews and analysisfrom veteran journalists,
David Brody--
- That could be the next stepin this escalating fight.
- [Announcer] Jenna Browder.
- Robert Mueller chosehis words carefully--
- [Announcer] Ben Kennedy.
- He's asking Christiansto get the word out--
- [Announcer] Bringing you thepolitical news that matters.
- Get out and tell thestory of the progress
that we're making in this country.
- [Announcer] Watch "Faith Nation,"
weeknights at 6:00 onthe CBN News Channel.
- [Announcer] Nutrition,exercise, essential oils,
weight loss and more.
It's "Healthy Living" with Lorie Johnson.
- Talk about what's in this.
- [Announcer] Join CBNHealth Reporter Lorie Johnson
to get the latest information
from today's top health experts.
- This is fantastic.
- [Announcer] Find outwhat you need to know
to live a healthier life.
Watch "Healthy Living,"Tuesday night at 9:30.
(upbeat music)
- I don't know if therehas ever been a time
when our nation and theworld needed a miracle
more than we do right now.
- [Announcer] Get PatRobertson's latest DVD,
"Do You Need A Miracle?"
In this DVD you'll discoverGod's awesome power
at work today.
Featuring incredible truestories of divine intervention.
- God showed up and he worked miracles.
- Different doctors wouldcome in and it's like,
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- I knew God had restored him.
- We've also gathered teachings
that will be especially helpful to you
with what we're facing today.
Why it's so important tobelieve God and build our faith
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- [Announcer] Conquer fear,find hope and be encouraged.
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- Finally this week, in theage of social distancing,
Hillsong United's latest music video
is an emotional reminder ofthese very difficult times.
"Another in the Fire" music video
features the Hillsong Unitedgang recording their parts
of the song from home.
United's D.J. Douglasswrote that the video speaks
to the truth that we are not alone
in this journey called life
and we can come through anyseason or circumstance stronger
because Jesus is with us andGod will make a way for us.
- George, the music has notstopped during this pandemic.
- No, it hasn't.- It continues.
- And it does and we'll comeback stronger than ever before.
Folks, that is it for this week's edition
of "Christian World News."
- Amen, it went by fast.- It did.
- Well until next week,
from all of us here,goodbye and God bless you.
(uplifting music)