Netanyahu’s trial opens on corruption charges; what will it mean for Netanyahu, Israel? Plus, will Trump Admin., Netanyahu succeed to annex parts of biblical Judea, Samaria? And the feast of Shavuot, Pentecost when God poured out the Holy Spirit.
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(horn blaring)
- [Narrator] This weekon Jerusalem Dateline,
Israeli Prime Minister,Benjamin Netanyahu goes on trial
on corruption charges.
What will this mean forNetanyahu and Israel?
Plus, will the Trump administration
and Netanyahu succeed an annex in parts
of Biblical Judea and Samaria.
And Shavuot, the BiblicalFeast of Pentecost
when the Holy Spirit was poured out.
All this and more thisweek on Jerusalem Dateline.
- Hello and welcome to thisedition of Jerusalem Dateline,
I'm Chris Mitchell.
In a trial that could takeyears, the first step began
when Israeli Prime Minister,
Benjamin Netanyahu appeared incourt on corruption charges.
It's the first time in Israel's history,
a prime minister has facedlegal charges while in office.
Prime Minister Netanyahu appearedbefore a three-judge panel
who will determine his legal fate.
Just before the dramatic court hearing
and surrounded by his supporters,
Netanyahu accused the police, prosecutors
and the press of trying to depose him.
- (in foreign language)
- [Translator] Citizens of Israel,
what's on trial today is the wish
to eliminate the will of the people.
The attempt to topple meand the right-wing camp.
For over a decade,
the left did not succeedin doing so in the polls.
So in recent years, theycame up with a new pattern.
Sources at the police andattorney's office joined together
with the left-wing newspapers.
I call them the just not beebee bunch
in order to tailor baseless cases.
- [Chris] He also saidduring a TV interview,
he will not accept a plea bargain
and wants full transparency.
The trial began here atJerusalem's District Court.
While his legal fate rests here,
his political future is being tried
in the court of public opinion.
Where both supporters and detractors
of Netanyahu came out into the streets.
- Hopefully the court isgoing to make justice.
- (in foreign language)
- [Translator] What theywill see is a proud people,
holding their heads high.
Standing tall and saying,
you'll never walk alone, Netanyahu.
- [Chris] In the Knesset,some say it's time to go.
- I truly believe the people
of Israel will understandit's time to move forward.
It's time to say to Netanyahu thank you
but enough is enough.
- Netanyahu faces chargesof fraud, breach of trust
and bribery in three separate cases,
called 1,000, 2,000 and 4,000.
Case 1000 centers on gifts he received
from wealthy friends for political favors.
Case 2000 focuses on an alleged deal
with an Israeli publisher
to receive positivecoverage for Netanyahu.
And case 4,000 allegesIsrael's major telecom,
assured positive press coverage
in exchange for favorablegovernment regulations.
The trial came just hours
after the new government heldits first cabinet meeting.
The next court date could be months away
and some legal analysts speculate
the trials could take up to three years.
Until then,
Netanyahu will be able toserve in the government.
In another historic development,
President Trump hastaken unprecedented steps
to support Israel, includingrecognizing Jerusalem
as Israel's capital andmoving the US embassy here.
Now, the administration istaking another controversial step
by working with Israel
to annex Jewish communitiesin Judea and Samaria.
As Julie Stahl reports,this comes in the face
of major opposition in theMiddle East and beyond.
- [Julie] Prime MinisterNetanyahu recently presented
his reasons for wanting to put annexation
to a vote in Israel's Parliament in July.
- Three months ago, the Trump peace plan
recognized Israel rights inall of Judea and Samaria.
And President Trump pledged
to recognize Israel's sovereignty
over the Jewish communitiesthere and in the Jordan Valley.
A couple of months from now,
I'm confident that thatpledge will be honored.
That we will be able tocelebrate another historic moment
in the history of Zionism.
- Netanyahu and otherIsraelis see this area
as the Biblical Heartland first settled
by patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
It also serves as the ancestral homeland
of the Jewish people who returned here
after nearly 2,000 years.
Yet many international governments
and organizationsopposing annexation label
at the West Bank, part ofa future Palestinian State.
- As you know, this runscounter to international law,
violates existing agreementsand is not in line
with International SecurityCouncil Resolutions
and Council Conclusionsof the European Union.
- Palestinian AuthorityPresident, Mahmoud Abbas plans
to scrap all deals with Israel and the US
including security agreementto protest annexation.
Neighboring Jordan alsoissued a veiled threat.
- (in foreign language)
- [Translator] The words of his majesty,
the King of Jordan were very clear.
We will not accept annexationof Palestinian lands
and based on that,
our chances to reconsiderthis relationship
with Israel in all its dimensions.
- [Julie] But Middle Eastanalyst, Caroline Glick argues,
annexation would improveIsrael's standing.
- It's obvious thatIsrael's strategic position
in the region, in Judea and Samaria
and also throughout the Middle East
is going to be vastlyimproved after we do this.
And if we don't do this, notonly do we harm our relations
with the Trump administration,
but we undermine our credibility
as a strategic actor in the region.
- The Trump administration is now working
to draw up a map alongwith Netanyahu to determine
what the annexation wouldlook like here on the ground.
The July timing isimportant as both Netanyahu
and the Trump administrationwanna make this happen
long before November'spresidential elections.
Julie Stahl, CBN News, Gush Etzion.
(upbeat music)
- [Narrator] Coming up.
Analysis on Netanyahu'strial and the annexation
of Jewish communitiesin Judea and Samaria.
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(upbeat music)
- Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's trial
and annexation are two historicdevelopments here in Israel.
For more analysis,
we talked with Middle Eastexpert, Caroline Glick.
Glick is the SeniorColumnist at Israel Hayom
and the author of the Israeli Solution,
a one state plan forpeace in the Middle East.
Caroline, thanks forjoining us on CBN News.
You've called the trial ofBenjamin Netanyahu, a show trial.
Why do you say that?
And what do you think is atstake for not only Netanyahu,
but for Israel as well?
- The reason that Icalled it a show trial is
because Netanyahu has been indicted
and is now standing trial and charges
that don't exist in Israel's penal code
or in Israel's law books.
They invented,
the state prosecutioninvented a concept of bribery,
which is that a politician accepts a bribe
when he gets good mediacoverage for supposedly favors
that he does for media owners.
And this doesn't exist
on any law book anywhere in the world.
Not in Israel, not in the United States,
not in any democracy.
Because what it basically doesis it criminalizes politics.
And the same is true ofthe other two charges
that they were just arbitrarily determined
by an out of controlstraight state prosecution
that has hell bent oncriminalizing Netanyahu
for actions that are notcriminal under our laws.
That's why it's a show trial.
- Yeah, why do you say that's so dangerous
to have this criminalized,
trying to get favorable press coverage?
- Because it means that the profession
of journalism is a crime,
it means that any journalistwho provides positive coverage
for a politician or publicservant is liable to find himself
or herself under investigationfor offering bribes
to politicians and any politician
who has any sort of positiverelationship with a journalist,
can be accused of accepting bribes.
it cause mass detriment
and really destroys the whole concept
of freedom of the press in Israel
and also criminalizes politics.
So this isn't even a slippery slope,
this is the state prosecution in Israel
jumping off the cliff forthe sole purpose of trying
to criminalize the PrimeMinister and get rid of him
through anti-democratic ways.
I mean, he was indictedand then he was again,
he won the greatest victory in terms
of the actual number of votes
that he received in hisentire political career.
So, I mean, it's reallya testament of the fact
that the public doesn't buy the charges
and is not interested in having him leave.
- If this trial goes on foryears, like many people say
what impact could that have on Netanyahu
and what he's able to accomplish?
- Well, obviously it's gotto be a major distraction,
not only for him, but for everybody.
I mean, he's at the cusp of enacting
the most important changein Israel since 1967,
which is to apply Israeli to lot of parts
of Judea and Samaria,our ancestral homeland.
And so this happening at the same time
that he's standing histrial for imaginary charges,
is a very big problem andit'll go on and go forward
so long as this legal charade continues.
- One of the main thingsthat you just mentioned
about annexation betweenBlue and White and Likud
and between Gantz andNetanyahu was the ability
to vote on annexation.
What are you thoughtson that plan right now?
- Oh, I think it'll go forwardand it has to go forward.
I mean, look, Netanyahumade the implementation
of the sovereignty aspectsof the Trump peace plan,
a condition for signing thedeal to build a coalition
with Likud and Blue and White Party.
So they're obligated to enable this
to go forward on July 1st.
So I think that this is gonna happen,
this is the central goal ofhis fifth term in office,
as far as Prime MinisterNetanyahu is concerned.
He has a full backing
of the Trump administration for this.
And so I think it's gonna happen.
- Yeah, you have spoken favorably
about the Trump peace plan,
but there are leaders outthere in Judea and Samaria
that are opposed to it.
Do you share some of their concerns?
- I think that there areproblems with the map.
I think it's important for our leaders
to have a conversation withthe Trump administration,
see about improving themap, the conceptual map,
that was put forward bythe Americans in January.
I don't see any reason why they shouldn't.
I mean, it's talking
about maximum something likea one and a half percent
of the territory of Judea and Samaria.
So this isn't gonna,
this isn't gonna change thescales one way or another.
And I think it's important,
but I think that we must notlet the perfect be the enemy
of the good here.
- Yeah, Jordan's King Abdullah has implied
that he might abrogate the peace treaty.
Palestinian President,Mahmoud Abbas has said,
he's gonna abrogate dealswith the US and Israel
and maybe security arrangements.
The EU obviously is against this.
What do you think about allthese threats by Jordan,
the PA the EU and others, ifannexation does take place?
- Well, first of all,
Jordan is putting out very mixed messages
because it's King Abdullahis telling the Europeans
that he's opposed to it, andthat he's going to oppose it.
He's telling the Americansand the Israelis,
that isn't true.
The same, of course,
with the Sadducees alreadyannounced in January
that they approve the deal.
The UAE sent representativesto the White House
for the unveiling of theplan by President Trump,
so I don't think that we'reexpecting any major problems
with the regional governments,including Abdullah.
- Well, Caroline, thanksfor joining us on CBN News.
Always appreciate yourinsight and expertise.
- Thank you, I alwaysappreciate talking to you.
Thank you very much, God bless you.
(upbeat music)
- [Narrator] Upnext, how Biblical Judea
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(upbeat music)
- It's the 53rd anniversary
of the Unification ofthe City of Jerusalem,
according to the Gregorian calendar.
Back then in June 1967,
an outnumbered Israelfaced the war every front.
But in just six days,
Israel had defeated thecombined armies of Egypt,
Jordan and Syria,
and regained the TempleMount in Jerusalem,
the Golan Heights andBiblical Judea and Samaria.
As we mentioned earlier,
Prime Minister Netanyahu is planning
to annex some of that land
as granted by PresidentTrump's peace plan.
Here's a story fromour virtual Israel tour
about what happened in Judea
and Samaria after the six-day war.
(children cheering)
- [Narrator] Much of the world calls
the playgrounds these childrenenjoy, an obstacle to peace.
That's because they'rein Judea and Samaria,
otherwise known as the West Bank.
- Are we witnessingprophecy unfolding right now
after the 1967 war.
- Absolutely, it says that the sound
of children playing in thestreets will be heard once again.
So you hear it, you see it.
(children singing)
- I spoke with former ShilohMayor, David Rubin in Shiloh.
Overlooking the road of the patriarchs,
the highway Abraham, Isaac,
and Jacob would have traveled on.
Rubin told me the six-day war was pivotal
in Israel's history.
It opened the door for Jewish people
to redeem the Biblical Heartlandafter 2,000 years in exile.
(cannon fires)
Places like Jerusalem,
home of two consecutive Jewish temples,
Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus,
Hebron, where Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
and their wives are buried.
And Shiloh, where thetabernacle stood for 369 years.
They all came back into Israeli hands.
- So you see 67, the six day were just
like a prophetic pivot in time in history.
- Oh, clearly, clearly itsays in the book of Ezekiel
that the dry bones beingput back together again.
Israel was being put backtogether again as a nation.
If we don't have a right to Shiloh,
we don't have a right to Shechem
and we don't have a rightto Bethel and Jericho,
we definitely don't havea right to Tel Aviv.
- [Chris] But not everyonesaw the opportunity.
It took until 1978 forShiloh to be established
just above the site wherethe tabernacle had rested.
- There were Israelis
who were coming heretrying to set up tents
on the lower hills of Shilohand the Israeli Prime Minister,
who was looking over his shoulderat the American President,
kept sending in thearmy to chase them away.
- Just months after the six-day war,
Israelis established the firstJewish community in Judea
about 35 miles South ofShiloh at Kfar Etzion.
Jews lived there before Israel'sindependence war in 1948
and were either evacuated ormassacred by the Jordanians.
- When this group of orphans
of those who were murdered,notified the Israeli government,
that if you don't give us the permit,
we will go on without a permit,
the government really couldn't stand up
against orphans ofthose who were murdered.
And so Kfar Etzion was established
- [Chris] Rabbi EliezerWaldmann was one of those
who helped establish the nextcommunity in ancient Hebron.
- There was always aJewish community in Hebron,
even during the 2000years of exile until 1929
when the Arabs massacredthe Jewish community here.
- [Chris] A small group offamilies rented a hotel in Hebron
for the Passover Seder.
Essentially, they never left.
- And I believe that thenalmost the entire population
of Israel was with us.
Even more than a half yearafter the six-day war,
the spirits were high amongalmost the entire population.
- [Narrator] Thousandsof Israeli pilgrims enter
the old city of Jerusalem forsolemn religious ceremonies.
- All of the media was with us.
I even remember headlines,
"Passages of the prophetshovering in the air."
- [Chris] After 50 years,
some 430,000 Israelis livein more than 200 communities
in Judea and Samaria.
The number jumps to 750,000
if Eastern Jerusalemneighborhoods are included.
- The growth here has been so tremendous.
And as we gone through those50 years after the six-day war,
and we're looking to thefuture so we had this vision
of a booming Shiloh once again.
- 50 years ago, what wouldthis place have looked like?
- Barren desert.
There was nothing.
It was just hills of weeds and thorns.
- This road will lead to a new school
for the growing population.
There are 8,000 residentsin the Shiloh Township,
more than 2,000 of them are children
who study here in Shiloh.
- We learned that whenIsrael is not in the land,
that the land lays barren.
The land doesn't give its fruit.
And now the land of Israelis giving up its fruit
because Israel is back andthe most important fruit
is what you see right here.
All of these children here.
(children cheering)
- [Chris] Still ahead.
Shavuot, the Biblical Feast of Weeks
and how the Jewish celebration of Shavuot
and the Christiancelebration of Pentecost,
parallel each other.
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(upbeat music)
- As churches in the US andaround the world are beginning
to reopen, Christians aroundthe world are celebrating
the New Testament outpouring
of the Holy spirit at Pentecost.
First fruits of Zion Founder,
Boaz Michael explains the deepconnection between Pentecost
and the Biblical Feast of Shavuot.
The Torah refers to the first five books
of the Bible known alsoas The Books of Moses.
- Shavuot is a Pentecost,but in Hebrew it's Shavuot.
And it's the time of, traditionally,
of God giving the people ofIsrael, the Jewish people,
the Torah at Mount Sinai.
There are so many beautiful parallels
that take place with Shavuot.
Imagine Mount Sinai withthe mountains above it,
the covenant given tothe people of Israel.
This reminds us of a huppahover a bride and a groom.
It tells us that God is making a covenant
with His bride, Israel.
There's a marriage that takes place.
So Shavuot is a celebration
of the giving of the commandments,
but more than that, we'vebeen redeemed from Egypt,
we've wandered through the wilderness,
we've come to Mount Sinai,
and we enter into an intimaterelationship with HaShem,
with God, through thegiving of His commandments
and the covenant that He gives to us,
the Torah at Mount Sinai.
And Haftorah is the selectedportion of scripture
from the prophets thatconnects to the Torah reading.
And Ezekiel chapter one isthe Haftorah for Shavout.
And when you read that in parallel
to what takes place in Actschapter two, it's phenomenal.
Ezekiel speaks of theseflames above people's heads
and these wheel and the Spirit
and the movement and all these things.
And this is what we see taking place.
And then we see it in many ways,
revealed in Acts chapter two,
where the Spirit comes downupon the congregation on Shavuot
The nations are represented there.
The people that have havefeared God as Psalm 67 says,
have come up to this pilgrimage festival.
They are in the temple courtyards
and the Spirit falls upon them indicating
that God's Spirit is now being multiplied
amongst the nations.
It's not just for the Jewish people,
but it's available to all nations.
And all nations, as we see later on,
throughout the book of Acts,
have equal access to that Spirit
and are equal before Godas the Jewish people.
As an extension of the people of Israel.
(horn blaring)
- Well, that's all for thisedition of Jerusalem Dateline.
Thanks for joining us.
Remember, you can followus on Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, and YouTube.
I'm Chris Mitchell,
we'll see you next timeon Jerusalem Dateline.
(upbeat music)