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Favorite Episodes: Perfection - The Superbook Show

Julie shares her favorite Superbook Show episode. Read Transcript

- Hey Superbook Show fam!

I'm Julie Houseman and I'man editor, videographer,

and production assistantfor the Superbook Show.

What can I say, we liketo wear a lot of hats.

Being so involved in theproduction of our shows,

I see our episodes a lot

and especially the ones that I edit.

I usually see those around 10 times or so,

which is kind of a lot.

But don't get me wrong, Ilove editing and I think

God uses it to get through my thick skull

because I have to watchthings and listen to things

over and over again.

So that being said, oneof my favorite episodes

is one that I edited called "Perfection."

I'm a little bit of aperfectionist and I can be

really hard and discouragingbecause I can be

really hard on myself.

I feel like I don't measureup or I'm not as good

as I could or should be,and it's just very negative

and not always that uplifting.

So this episode really helped to remind me

that it's okay, Goddoesn't expect perfection,

but he does expect us to do our best.

And through that, He'll beglorified and He'll be proud.

So I hope that thisepisode reminds my fellow

perfectionists out there that's it's okay

not to be perfect, butit's great to do your best

and to work hard.


(logo whooshing)

- Welcome to the Superbook Show.

- And we have a secret for you.

- We aren't perfect!

- Hey, speak for yourself.

- Okay, I'm not perfect.

- Really, what a coincidence,I'm not perfect either!

(logo whooshing)

(letters clacking)

- I know it may seem like wealways have our act together.

- But that's mostly due to editing,

cutting out the times we goof up.

- Special thanks to our editors,thanks Kara, thanks Julie.

- So we aren't perfect,and that's okay, nobody is.

- Just look at the heroesin the Bible, Abraham.

- Tried to pass offhis wife as his sister.

- King Saul.

- Tried to kill David.

- David.

- Committed adultery and murder.

- Moses.

- Committed murder and had anger issues.

- Peter.

- Denied Jesus.

- The list goes on and theseare the heroes of the Bible.

- Jesus was the onlyperson to ever be perfect.

- He said, "But you are to be perfect

"even as your fatherin heaven is perfect."

- Dude, we just said no one is perfect.

- And Jesus isn't talkingabout arriving at perfection,

but what is saying is thatthat should be our target.

- Right.

What she said.

- Jesus is talking about love here.

How to love others withGod's perfect love.

- Well, I know I don'talways succeed here,

but we have our target.

- Even Paul said, "I have notyet taken hold of the prize

"and I'm not perfect, butChrist has taken hold of me

"so that I can take hold of the prize."

- So we won't be perfect,at least not in this life.

- Paul was talking about spiritualmaturity or completeness.

- Again, a goal, a target.

- We bring this up becausea lot of us get caught up

in the idea of perfection.

- We try to be perfectand beat ourselves up

when we don't make it.

- Or we don't try at all because

we know we can't be perfect.

- A few things to remember.

Perfection is not the same as excellent.

Being excellent meansdoing the best you can

with what you have.

- There actually is asaying that perfection

is the enemy of good.

- Right, and that means...

(crickets chirping)

- You know you stopped talking, right?

- Yeah, I don't know what it means.

- It simply means tryingto make something perfect

ends up diverting us from makingsomething of good quality.

- By overthinking,redoing things constantly,

or not allowing yourself to move on.

- We can become stuck orparalyzed by perfectionism.

- There can even be a joy in messing up.

People talk about laughingat their mistakes.

- Some of the world's greatestinventions were mistakes.

Penicillin, for example.

- The pacemaker, Post-itnotes, potato chips,

all things that start with P.

- All things that were mistakesbut ended up having value.

Chocolate chip cookies.

- No, chocolate chip cookiescould never be a mistake.

- Well, Ruth Wakefield was trying to make

plain chocolate cookies and the bits

of chocolate didn't melt and voila.

- Oh, but mistakes can be so good!

When my sister would bakecookies, if one broke,

she would send them tothe cookie hospital.

- Let me guess, you werethe cookie hospital?

- Yup, oh I love my sister.

- Point being, don'tlet mistakes derail you.

- And don't let the fear ofperfectionism derail you.

- Run the good race andbe content with your best.

- An enjoy a broken cookie or two.

- His word is forever alive.

(logo whooshing)

To end our show, pleaseenjoy the many mistakes

we've made here at the Superbook Show.

- Try to pass off, wow (mumbles).

- Run the good race and be perfect, hmm.

- And be perfect.

- The whole point of this episode is

that you don't be perfect, y'all see me.

- I'm sorry for being rude earlier.

(both laughing)

- And you'll play my son.

- If you wanna follow alongon your Superbook Bible app,

we are looking at Luke 15:11-32.

- Like the fact thatanimals were the first dogs

to be domesticated.

Like the fact that dogswere the first animals

to be domesticated.

Also, they're known asman's best friend. (sighs)

- But...

- But what?

But what?

That's all I have todo, that's my only job

and I messed it up.

- Why didn't God justdeliver the Israel rights

from Babylon to Jerusalem?

- He still had those.

Benja.- Benjamin.

- Jeremiah was just telling the Israelites

they'd be in Babylon for a while.

- I was so focused onby doing what he says.

- That's the line.

- Oh is it?

- [Woman] Yes.

- Because your father cares for them.

Feeds them, I'm so sorry.

- Are you saying Ms. Bankerwill throw me into a fire?

- No.- Furnace.

Ray, what was that verse from Romans?

- And they kept prayingfor deliverance with years

for no answer.

(both laughing)

- Listen, you should be swiftto (speaking gibberish).


- So we can care. (grunts)


- To delight in someone means to find...

Okay, sorry.

- Does your church use an ad?

(crew laughing)

- I can't.

- [Man] What happened to the clipboard?

(girl screaming)

We're almost done, Cara, keep it together.

- Have you ever flown a plane?

- Yeah, I'm a jet setter.

- I said have you ever flown a plane.

- [Woman] Yes, I heard.

- I'm sorry.- Yeah.

- I'm so sorry.- Have you ever flown a plane?

- And you said yes!- No!

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