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Billions More Desert Locusts Devour Crops from India to Africa, Adding to Farmers' Pandemic Woes

Billions More Desert Locusts Devour Crops from India to Africa, Adding to Farmers' Pandemic Woes Read Transcript

(locusts buzzing)(child chattering)

- [George] This was the scene

in parts of Northern andCentral India this week

as billions of desert locusts descended.

It's India's worst infestationin a quarter century

causing unprecedented devastation

as the migratory pestsdevoured hundreds of thousands

of acres of farmland.

- [Translator] The problemwith the locust group

is that they eat up the leaves of crops

standing in the agriculture fields.

It also hurts animals, subsequently.

(pot banging)(child screaming)

- [George] Indian farmersbanged pots and pans

to ward off the dangerousinsects to no avail.

The government in NewDelhi dispatched teams

to spray insecticide, butthe damage was already done.

The insects swampedPakistan earlier in the week

before heading east.

The Food and Agriculture Organization

says a relatively small swarm

covering close to half a square mile

can include up to 80 million locusts

and travel 150 miles in a single day.

A group monitoring the insects in India

reported at least 10 suchswarms chewing through crops

as of Wednesday and it'sonly going to get worse.

Heavy rains and the cyclone season in June

are expected to see the swarms multiply.

As we have reported, thefood supplies and livelihoods

of millions across Africa and Middle East

also remain under threat.

This UN map shows thelocust infestation spreading

from the Horn of Africa acrossthe Arabian Gulf to Yemen,

Saudi Arabia, and to partsof Iran and Afghanistan.

(water rushing)

Somalia among the hardest hit countries.

Recent flooding, locusts, and the pandemic

posing a triple threat there.

The government in Mogadishudeclaring a national emergency.

- The consequences for Somalia are acute.

Even before COVID, morethan 5 million Somalis

required humanitarian assistance.

- The desert locust forecastbetween now and late July

shows the infestation continuingto pose a serious threat

to large areas of Africa, Middle East,

and the Indian subcontinent.

George Thomas, CBN News.


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