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News on The 700 Club: May 27, 2020

As seen on “The 700 Club,” May 27, 2020.: Read Transcript

- Well, welcome, folks, to the 700 Club.

Pushing back against the shutdown.

Small business owners areon the brink of bankruptcy

and they're fed up with beinglabeled, quote, non essential.

Now that states are reopening,

why are these businessesstill being put on hold?

And will more and more of them revolt

if they're not allowed to open soon?

Caitlin Burke has that story.

- This salon should be open.

Salons and barber shops were scheduled

to get back to work herein Connecticut on May 20th,

as part of phase one ofthe state's reopening plan.

But just two days before,

the governor decided to pump the brakes.

- A lot of us here today,

we did what was necessary andwhat was called for us to do,

and it just, the rug gotpulled out from underneath us.

- [Caitlin] Governor Ned Lamont

blamed his decision oncomplaints from salon owners

who asked for more timeto prepare for reopening.

Many others, however, werecounting on an income stream

to return a week ago.

Hair Canvas salon ownerErin Coyle tells CBN News

she spent time and moneyensuring her business

followed the government's guidelines.

- We separated the chairs

and the stations a little bit more.

We put plexiglass dividersbetween the sinks.

My husband built a hand sanitizing stand

because you couldn't find one anywhere.

We got hand sanitizers for every station.

We ordered in a ton ofbleach wipes and alcohol

and alcohol dispensers and you name it.

Face shields, masks, extra gloves.

- [Caitlin] Across thecountry, small business owners

have already reached a tipping point,

many frustrated that they'rebeing treated differently

than national chainslike Target and Walmart.

Virginia Beach gym owner,Amanda Crowe told CBN News

she, too, was expecting to reopen

as part of her state's phase one plan.

Then, at the last second,

Virginia Governor RalphNortham decided it wasn't safe.

- I guess his big argument

was people will be touching everything,

so that's why it's notsafe, and then the sweat.

But again, I go to Walmart

and open up the refrigerator, grab milk.

No one's sanitizing thathandle, touching all the breads.

So I would think the gym, wecould control that environment

and it would be moresanitary and more clean

and less risk for people to catch COVID

or any other diseaseversus going to Walmart.

- [Caitlin] Petitions to reopen

are circulating in dozens of states.

Reopen New York ralliedin the city last week,

demanding small businesses beallowed to get back to work

and pushing back againstthe label non-essential.

- Does this virus onlyspread in small businesses?

And yes, I know, I've heard the argument.

We are not essential.

You know what?

To my children, my smallbusiness is essential.

It is with money from mybrick and mortar store

that I put food in theirmouths and fill their bellies.

Our businesses essential to our families

and to our communities.

I cannot imagine whatNew York will look like

if, God forbid, we don't open now.

- [Caitlin] Meanwhile, in Connecticut,

salon owners are againpreparing to reopen.

The latest date set bythe governor: June 1st.

- I'm absolutely terrified.

I've probably the mostnervous person of the virus

that I've met,

but if I'm allowed togo back, I'm going back.

I'm going to wear my mask, my face shield,

my clients are gonna wear their mask.

We're going to follow all theprecautions that we're told.

- While decisions onwhen and how to reopen

are left up to individual states,

President Trump has been critical of those

he feels are moving too slowly,

encouraging governors to allow those

who want to work to go back

and those who are stillfearful to stay home.

Caitlin Burke, CBN News.

- Thanks, Caitlin.

You know, I mentioned yesterday

that we've crashed this great economy,

the greatest economy inthe world, just crashed it.

And for what?

I mean, I know a 100,000 deaths is tragic,

but as I said yesterday,and I'll say it again,

there are 200,000 peoplewho die every year

because they've got thewrong medicine given to them

when they're in hospitals.


We don't crash the hospitalson account of those people.

We've crashed our entire economy,

and it's time at these poor people

who are trying to runthese small businesses.

This is the backboneof the American economy

and so many people owe their livelihoods

to these small restaurantsand small businesses

like these hair salons andfitness labs and so forth.

We've got to do something,

and we cannot allow thisthing to continue any longer.

It's just insanity!

You say, well, we want toprotect the vulnerable.

Well, quarantine the vulnerable.

Make sure that thesepeople in nursing homes

have adequate medical attention.

Make sure that they have the very best

of all the necessary protective gear.

Make sure doctors and nurseshave the right kind of gear.

If you have to wear a mask, wear mask,

but let's get this economy open again.

We cannot continue this.

This pain and suffering istoo much, it's not necessary.

It's unwarranted and itis absolutely stupid.

Now, there's somethingelse I've been saying

on this program.

You don't fight the fed.

When the fed opens thespigots, the market goes up,

and lo and behold, thestock market is surging

as airlines and hotelsshow signs of improvement.

Could more Washington handouts

keep people from going back to work?

Is it a disincentive?

Well, the problem is, yes, it is.

John Jessup has more.

- Pat, stock market futures

are indicating another rally today

after the Dow jumped morethan 500 points Tuesday,

briefly rising above 25,000.

The S&P 500 hit its highestpoint in nearly three months.

Some of the major gains tied directly

to regaining the economy

to reopening the economy, rather.

Carnival Cruise Lines, MGM Resorts,

and United and SouthwestAirlines all on the uptick.

The market's rally is an indication

investors believe the worst ofthe economic downturn is over

and better days are ahead.

Well, most Americans areready to go back to work,

but some argue thatcongressional relief money

is tempting many to stay home.

The CARES Act boosted unemploymentpayments by $600 a week,

giving some people a higher monthly income

than they'd make on their own.

In the latest House-passed relief bill,

Democrats want to extend those payments

through January of next year.

The Trump administration believes

the increase discouragespeople from going back to work.

On CBN's Faith Nation program,

Delaware Democratic Senator Chris Coons

said Senate Republicans have made it clear

they object to those Democratic proposals.

- When the Senate gets backinto session next week,

we'll be debating vigorously

about what makes the most sense.

Is it extending the small business loans?

Is it extending unemployment insurance?

Is it extending the individualchecks, the stimulus checks

that went out once toabout 80% of Americans.

In the end, this is gonna be a subject

of vigorous negotiations

between the administration,the House and the Senate.

- Senator Coons is also working

with South Carolina RepublicanSenator Lindsey Graham

on legislation to encourage nations

to close wet markets whichslaughter and sell wild animals.

The coronavirus is believedto have started its spread

from a wet market in Wuhan, China.

Well, President Trump is vowingto take action against China

over Beijing's latest move totighten its grip on Hong Kong.

The communist government plansto impose new security laws,

severely curtailing human rightsand other personal freedoms

of residents in Hong Kong.

George Thomas explains

- When the city was handedto the Chinese back in 1997,

the idea was that Hong Kong

would be this one country, two systems,

and it was supposed tolast for half a century.

The agreement expires in the year 2047.

As Beijing announced days ago,

plans to enforce sweepingnew security laws,

similar to the draconianmeasures used on the mainland,

many here feared it would be the end

of Hong Kong as we know it.

- Beijing has essentiallyintervened directly

and said we're not going to wait.

We're going to pass thislaw here in Beijing,

which will apply to you, Hong Kong.

Effectively this is sayingHong Kong is no longer

under a one country, two systems approach.

It is now fully integrated into China

despite the fact thatwe are not yet at 2047.

- [George] Many HongKong residents fearful

at the thought of becominganother Chinese city

and losing personal freedoms.

- [Translator] I thinkit's very ridiculous.

They promised one country, two systems,

but the content of the security law

is basically implementingone country, one system.

- [George] Cheng says for China,

the idea of one country, two systems

has always really meant onecountry over two systems.

- So what this is going to mean is

that freedom of the press,freedom of expression,

freedom of assembly, freedomof protest, freedom of speech.

All of these are going tobe very much in jeopardy.

It also effectivelynullifies the independence

of the Hong Kong judicial system.

- [George] China insists the new crackdown

is needed to prevent secessionistand subversive activity

as well as foreigninterference and terrorism.

Ahead of more pro-democracyprotests this week,

China's top militarycommander in Hong Kong

says his 10,000-strong army

is ready to do whatever it takes.

- [Translator] The Garrisontroops have the determination,

confidence and capabilities todefend national sovereignty,

security, and development interests

and safeguard longterm prosperity

and stability in Hong Kong.

- [George] In Washington,

lawmakers on both sides of the aisle

want to sanction any Chinese official

involved in enforcing thenew laws in Hong Kong.

The bill would also penalizebanks and businesses

that help enforce the law.

The White House is warningChina against enacting the laws.

- If that happens, there will be sanctions

that will be imposedon Hong Kong and China.

It's hard to see howHong Kong could remain

the Asian financialcenter that it's become

if China takes over.

- [George] And now experts worry

that if China moves totake over Hong Kong,

Taiwan could be next on Beijing's list.

- The reality is that Chinacracking down on Hong Kong

means that Taiwan has even less reason

to believe Chinese promises of autonomy

and noninterferenceshould the two reunify.

- [George] George Thomas CBN News.

- Thanks, George, and, Pat,analysts and observers say

if this law passes, this could be the end

of Hong Kong as we know it.

- Well, it would be a terrible shame

because they've had a robust stock market.

The GEM's exchange in Hong Kong

is an opportunity for Chinesecompanies to go public.

It's been a financial center

that's noted all over the world,

and men like Li Ka-shing and others

that are with Wampo, Hutchison Wampo,

very successful companiesand enormously rich people,

and this whole idea ofcrashing their economy

is just insane.

It's one more move by dictators

to do something that's foolish.

But Taiwan, of course, nowis going to be on alert

and the Chinese are always concerned

that there'll be an invasionfrom Taiwan into China,

which isn't about to happen,

but the United States has gota defensive treaty with Taiwan

and we're going to sendthem planes and supplies

to defend themselvesagainst a Chinese invasion.

And whether China is preparedto go into a naval engagement

across the water intoTaiwan remains to be seen.

The chances are they won't,

but the United States had better be ready,

and the president, again, isgoing to be tested severely

by that particular initiative.

The Chinese are alreadyhaving very aggressive action

in the South China Sea.

They're claiming islands

and that they're makingthat they shouldn't,

they're extending their domainover all these territories

in the South China Sea,

and they are threateningour interests there,

and the United States can't back down.

It's going to be tough.

And the last thing any ofus want is a war with China,

but it looks like that'swhere it's heading.

John.- Pat, here at home,

searing heat is pummelingparts of the Southwest.

Meteorologists predicting

record-breaking temperatures today,

some in the triple digits.

Palm Springs, Californiaand Phoenix, Arizona

could top 110 degrees.

Temperatures are 10 to20 degrees above normal

for this time of the year

in California, Nevada, and Arizona.

Excessive heat warnings andheat advisories are in place.

Well, on the other end of the spectrum,

Virginia's mild winter broughtan early strawberry crop,

and COVID lockdowns made it difficult

to bring in the harvest,

with some farmers having to cancel

their popular you-pick season,

while others opened up theirfields with some restrictions.

Wendy Griffith has more.

- [Wendy] It was picture-perfect weather

for strawberry picking in Pungo,

a rural area near Virginia Beach.

Bruce Henley, owner of FlipFlop Farm

just hoped folks would take advantage

with new safety rules inplace due to the coronavirus.

- The rows in the fieldare five foot apart,

so we're putting a flagdown every other middle

and telling people to stay downthe roads without the flags

and that puts them 10foot apart in the field.

- [Wendy] And when people weigh and pay,

Henley says they can rest assured.

- We're extra sanitizing.

We're wiping down all the buckets.

We're wiping off the scalein between each customer,

wearing latex gloves, doing all we can.

- Here on VirginiaBeach, strawberry picking

is an annual tradition for many families.

These are known as Sweet Charlies

because just like thename, they're super sweet,

and despite thecoronavirus, people are out

enjoying this beautiful weather

while still maintaining social distancing.

- We live close by andwe're always really excited

for strawberry season, andjust to be out in the open.

Everyone seems to besocial distancing well,

but to get out here with our kids, too.

- [Wendy] Just down the road, however,

Mike Cullipher kept his strawberryfields closed to picking.

- We're completely opposite

of anything we've ever done before.

With everything going on,and with the CDC guidelines

and what the governor has mandated,

our family decided that our first priority

was keeping us and thepeople that help us,

our employees, safe.

Second priority waskeeping our customers safe.

- [Wendy] So Cullipher decidedto take a different route:

online ordering and pickup service.

- That's the preferred way,that you go through our website,

prepay, we give you a time slot

like the grocery stores are doing

of when you can come pick up your box

or bag or what have you.

- [Wendy] The decision did not come easy.

- We feel bad that we're depriving people

of the opportunity to come and pick,

and it's costing us money,

'cause you know mostpeople want to do that,

so we know we're losing business,

but you have to do with whatyou're comfortable with,

and this is all we'recomfortable with right now.

- [Wendy] Another problem forboth farmers is manual labor.

The pandemic kept manyseasonal workers home,

so Cullipher hired a local girls

high school basketball team

to help pick the delicious berries.

- And he said that we can come out here

and pick strawberrieswhile social distancing

and getting paid, so Iwas like, yeah count me in

because I work at a restaurant as well

and we're not, I can't work right now.

- [Wendy] Meanwhile,back at Flip Flop Farm,

Michelle and her daughter Nellie

picked enough strawberries to go around.

- Today, we wanted to get out of the house

because we've been cooped up for so long

with this social distancing,

and we wanted to pick some strawberries

so we can send some joyto some of our friends.

- [Wendy] What are youpersonally going to do

with your strawberries?

- We are going to cut these up

and make our homemade whippingcream and make shortcake.

- [Wendy] And that is asweet ending to this story.

Wendy Griffith, CBN News, Virginia Beach.

Is it good?

- I'd call that a sweet assignment.

Pat, did Wendy bring youback any strawberries?

- Yeah, well, boy, they're so delicious.

They really are good.

- John asked if I broughtyou back some strawberries.

You know, I did not, andI feel ashamed of myself.

- Well, I've had some people go down

and get me a couple quartsyesterday down at Henley Farms.

- They are, there's nothing like

freshly picked strawberries.

- Well, you know, we've beengetting some from California.

They look beautiful, butthey don't have much taste.

These are much more flavorful,they're just delicious.

- [Wendy] They are, and you know--

- They had one of thebest seasons, I think,

no frost or something.- Yeah, I mean,

it was so interesting'cause just down the road

you've got two farmers, twototally different stories.

And they're just, they'rejust following their conscious

and doing what they feel comfortable with.

- My wife and my oldest son,when he was a little boy,

went down there and therewere so many strawberries,

poor old Tim, he got a rash, he turned red

he ate so many and they're so delicious.


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