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Israel Finally Gets Gov’t; Jerusalem Excavation Reveals Jesus-Era Find 5/22/20

After a year and a half Israel finally gets a government but will it last? Plus, for the first time known a flight from UAE lands in Tel Aviv airport; a new excavation uncovers buildings dating to the time of Jesus; and the miracle story of Shalva. Read Transcript

(horn blowing)

- This week on Jerusalem Dateline.

After a year and a half,

Israel finally gets a government.

But will it last?

Plus, for the first time in history,

a flight from the UAE lands

at Tel Avivs Ben Gurion Airport.

And a new excavation uncoversbuildings back to the time

of Jesus and the miracle story of Shalva.

All this and more thisweek on Jerusalem Dateline.

- Hello and welcome to thisedition of Jerusalem Dateline,

I'm Chris Mitchell.

After 18 months of political gridlock,

and three inconclusive elections,

the power sharing coalitionbetween Israeli Prime Minister

Benjamin Netanyahu and Blueand White leader Benny Gantz,

finally took office but itcould face its first major test

in just weeks, when theydebate the contentious issue

of sovereignty over Jewish communities

in Judea and Samaria.

The entire sovereigntyissue is India agenda,

only because I personallyacted personally to promote

it for three years,publicly and privately.

I discussed it with US secretary

of State Mike Pompeo last week.

- Netanyahu against Israelneeded an emergency unity

government because ofthe COVID-19 pandemic.

- Frankly, we both we may havepreferred to form a different

government, maybe it would havebeen easier for many reasons

for both of us to go foranother round of elections.

We both made a difficult decision,

but the right decisionfor the people of Israel.

- One thing that could cause gridlock

is the former rivals will have veto power

over most of each other's decisions,

critics called the government bloated.

- After all the empty talkof an emergency government,

the government being formedtoday is the largest,

the most wasteful in thehistory of the country.

36 ministers, 16 deputy ministers,

you call that an emergency government?

- Netanyahu and Gantzagreed to share power,

when Netanyahu serves asprime minister for 18 months

then Gantz will takeover as prime minister

for the next 18 months.

Netanyahu is trial for bribery, fraud

and breach of trust beginson May 24th but he can still

continue to serve as primeminister during his trial.

He calls the charges part of a witch hunt.

- The political marriage between Netanyahu

and Gantz includesdisagreements about major issues

like extending sovereigntyover a biblical Judea

and Samaria and judicial reform.

So it remains to be seen howlong this fragile coalition

can last and what answerthey give to the question,

how can two walk togetherunless they be agreed.

Complicating matters regarding annexation,

Palestinian AuthorityChairman Mahmoud Abbas

announced that the Palestiniansvoided all agreements

with Israel including the Oslo Accords.

That includes canceling allsecurity cooperation with Israel

in the West Bank and the PArejected President Trump's deal

of the century and opposeany annexation of Israeli

communities in biblical Judea and Samaria

and the Jordan Valley to Israel.

Although COVID-19 haswreaked worldwide havoc,

positive things areemerging from the pandemic.

For example, nationswithout diplomatic ties

are working together to help others.

CBN relay correspondentJulie Stahl has that story.

- [Julie] For the firsttime a commercial flight

from the United ArabEmirates flew directly

to Israel landing at Ben Gurion Airport.

The unmarked Etihad Airlines flight

brought 14 tons of humanitarian aid

and medical supplies for Palestinians

in the West Bank in Gaza.

The equipment includedpersonal protective gear

and 10 ventilators.

- Some remarkable outcomesin terms of advancing

Gulf-Israel relations during this pandemic

during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The six Gulf states, four of them are now

in contact with Israel.

- [Julie] New York Rabbi MarcSchneier has been building

relations with Gulf stateleaders for more than 12 years.

He sees a growing partnership developing.

- My conversation withdifferent Gulf leaders,

they've said to me, "Rabbi,with our wealth and resources

and Israel's brain trust and technology,

in cooperation we could be theregion to find the vaccine,

to find the cure."

- No Gulf state hasformal ties with Israel.

Although Schneier says Qatarbegan the process two years

ago, Israeli Prime MinisterBenjamin Netanyahu also made

a rare visit to Oman in 2018where he met with the Sultan.

Around the same timeMiri Regev, Israel sports

and culture minister at thetime, visited the UAE for a Judo

tournament where they playedIsrael's national anthem

HatiKvah, Schneier sayscommon challenges are bringing

Israel and certain Gulf States together.

- The Iranian threat continuesbut now we have the economic

threat, this virus hashad a very negative impact

not only on the Israelieconomy but on the Gulf economy

and then there's alwaysthe physical threat

in terms of keeping your citizens safe.

- Schneier says the Gulf statesnow realize they have a role

to play in the IsraeliPalestinian peace process

by offering economicincentives to the Palestinians.

- We're on that journeyto the promised land

of Israel-Gulf relations and I'm confident

that it will not take 40 yearsand UAE landing its plane

at Ben Gurion, bringinghumanitarian aid to the Palestinian

people is one more benchmarkalong that journey.

- Palestinians laterrejected the aid saying

they didn't want to playa part in normalization

between Israel and the Gulf states,

Julie Stahl, CBN News, Jerusalem.

- Well from historic modernmilestones along with its

conflicts to a new discoveryin Jerusalem that goes back

2000 years, Israeliarcheologists have revealed

a unique underground systemcurved in the bedrock

from the Second Temple period.

Again, here's CBN Middle Eastcorrespondent Julie Stahl,

who takes us to the site.

- [Julie] Even though theWestern Wall remains under

COVID-19 restrictions,archeologists are still at work.

The latest dig deep underneaththe entrance to the Western

Wall tunnels uncovered aunique treasure dating back to

the time of Jesus.

- From outside it lookslike a modern white door

but open it up and it'sa gateway to history.

Like much of Jerusalemcivilization is built

on civilization, evencarved into the bedrock.

- Most of the buildings thatwe know from this time period

were stone built you know,we're on the street level.

And in here we finding youknow this really impressive

and unique rock cut system.

- [Julie] The rock cut systemfrom the second temple time

was completely covered by aByzantine era mosaic floor.

That's part of amonumental public structure

built about 1400 years ago.

It was renovated about 150 years later.

- Last January, we startedto excavate and we started

to dismantle the mosaicitself in order to find

the earlier remains to this building--

- [Julie] Dr. Brock MonacanDom Givon, the site's

co-director says archeologistsnoticed a great attention

to detail in the subterranean structure.

- Those details showed us thearcheologists that this system

was used on a daily basis.

It may be used as a pantry,you know, so people stored

their grocery or oliveoil or wheat and barley

or what is more possiblethat it was used you know

for daily life, peopleactually lived here.

- [Julie] The site is alsolocated about half a football

field from the Temple Mountand only 40 feet from the huge

bridge that connectedancient uptown Jerusalem

to the Temple Mount.

- Basically what we havehere is a window to the way,

you know the women, men andchildren of ancient Jerusalem

during the time of the templelived and we're finding

here a very unique way ofliving that was not really

familiar to archeologistsworking on this time period

or in this area.

- [Julie] ArcheologistMichael Chernin said

artifacts from the dig alsoattest to the history here,

like this chalk cup.

- The finding of vessel of this kind show

us that here in this areathere was a Jewish population

in this area because vesselsof this kind were used

only by the Jewish.

- [Julie] Other finds includedthe rim of a huge expensive

pot like those at thewedding in Canaan when Jesus

turned water into wine.

The revelation comes on theeve of the Jerusalem day

anniversary, when Israelreunited the city and regained

control over the TempleMount, just 53 years ago.

Julie stahl, CBN News,underground near the Western

Wall in Jerusalem.

(upbeat music)

- [News Caster] Up next,the miracle story of Shalva,

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- Jerusalem is home to theworld's largest facility

for the disabled.

We talked to its founderRabbi Coleman Samuels,

about what has become knownas the miracle of Shalva.

- Rabbi Coleman Samuels, we're in Shalva,

which is the largest facilityof its kind in the world.

220,000 square feet,tell us what is Shalva

and how did it get to this point.

- Shalva means serenity peace of mind.

It's an organization that mywife and I set up many years

ago and its source ofthat name is biblical.

It's Psalms 122 verse 7, "Maythere be peace in your walls

Shalva serenity within your palaces."

We chose that name becausewhat we desire to do

in this organizationis to provide serenity

and peace of mind forpeople who don't have it.

- And we can hear some of theactivity going on right now,

this is a place with a lot of life,

but it didn't start this way.

You have 1000 people thatyou service almost every day

but it started with your sonYossi, tell us about that.

- Our second child Yossi,at the age of 11 months,

was taken by Malki toa public health center

to get a routine vaccination and unbeknown

to her and unbeknown to the community,

they were having problemswith a batch of that vaccine.

Yossi was injured and amongst many others,

and he became blind, deafand very hyperactive.

So our lives got flipped on its heads.

Well meaning visitors to mywife often said, you know,

you can't manage a household with a child,

with these disabilities, andyou should consider finding

another setting for him, andMalki used to cry and say

God, I'm never takingyour seed out of the home

but if you ever decide to help my Yossi,

I will dedicate my lifeto helping other mothers

and their children and sevenyears later, we were witness

to the Helen Keller miracle,where Yossi got suddenly

a breakthrough to communicationwhen a woman in a deaf

school spelled the wordtable in Hebrew letters

in the palm of his handand he suddenly realized

that that was this object.

He quickly learned how to spell.

He was then taught how tospeak Hebrew synthetically.

And my dear wife sat me downand said it's payback time.

I made a promise that if God ever helps,

I will dedicate my life to other women.

God has helped and Iwant to set up a center

to help these youngsters.

It started with six childrenin one garden apartment.

Malki ran the programs, bythis time I was in the computer

field and we thought itwas amazing to be able

to serve six kids.

What we didn't know is thatGod has a great sense of humor,

and very different plansand it kept growing in leaps

and bounds and today indeed,we serve over 1000 people

a day from birth all the way to adulthood,

and with their familiesproviding quality of life

to them and their familiesand as you can hear

this place rocks,

- I can hear.

- It rocks 24/7.

So it's not only the biggest physically,

it's probably the biggestCare Center anywhere.

- And also Shalva has madeWorld News not long ago,

Shalva band played for Eurovisionwhere literally hundreds

of millions of people saw the Shalva band,

tell us about that.

- The goal of all our programs at Shalva,

is to focus on abilitiesand not on disabilities

and try to maximize those abilities.

Over a decade ago, we begana music program designed

to create a band, which wethought would be a nice in house

band and we took kids withmusical ability who are younger,

older and we took a great musical director

and he began to work.

What developed was beyondanything we could have imagined.

Last year, they were invitedto play on Israel's version

of America has talent andwhereas we thought they might win

once they rocked and theyknocked off the competition

and they got to thefinals and having done so,

they would have been able to play

in Eurovision as contestants,

except that the finals fell on the Sabbath

and some of the childrenare religious kids

and they couldn't playso the whole band decided

we're not playing, it washuge news when they withdrew,

but then the Eurovision folks came back

and said we'd like them to play

as guest artists at Eurovision.

So they sang "A Million Dreams"from the greatest showman

at Eurovision in front ofmore than 200 million people

and it made waves allthrough Europe with the BBC

and everybody else featuring this band.

If anyone likes to see it, theShalva band a million dreams

on you Eurovision butI warn you take a piece

of Kleenex with you.

- Final question, Rabbi Samuels,

you've written a book called"Dreams never Dreamed."

What's the biggesttakeaway you want people

when they read that book?

- I think the biggesttakeaway is with God's help,

ordinary people can sometimes do things

that are not considered ordinary.

We could never have dreamtof this, people who tried,

who pushed and we see ablessing, that we've been able

to build something that we'rehumbled by what it has become.

But it's not about us, it'sabout every one of us as human

beings that we have to haveour dreams, we have to follow

our dreams and with God's help,these dreams can come true.

- That's a great message,especially in these days

right now Rabbi.

- Oh, are they ever, may God help us all.

- Amen, thank you very much.

- Thank you, Chris.

[upbeat sound]

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- 53 years ago, Israel capturedthe Old City of Jerusalem

for the first time inmore than 2000 years.

On Jerusalem day Israelcommemorates their history.

And we asked Rabbi YehudaGlick what that event means.

- Exactly 53 years yearsago, Israel established

the first unity government.

Because we were in danger thepopulation of two and a half

million surrounded by 200million were threatening to wipe

us on the face of the earth.

We were begging the worldwe want to survive who knew

that two weeks later, wewill be after Israel greatest

victory in history ever.

Within six days, we returnedto the biblical land of Israel,

all the mountains of Judea,Samaria, the Golan Heights,

we returned to the ultimate Jerusalem,

and the city is liberated and reunited.

It's the Word of Godcoming out of the book,

materializing and becominga reality in our time

in front of our eyes.

- The capture of Jerusalem temple mount

53 years ago, sent shockwaves

throughout the Jewish world

and also raised hopes

for the building of the Third Temple.

- On June 7th, 1967,Israelli brigade commander

Motta Gur made an announcementthe Jews had waited to hear

for some 2000 years.

(speaking native language)

- The Six Day War was amiracle of biblical proportions

and was a cataclysmicopening of a new era,

for Israel and for the whole world.

- Rabbi Hyman Richmanof the Temple Institute

is dedicated to rebuildingthe Jewish temple.

He sees the time since the SixDay War as a prophetic shift.

- It's would be hard I thinknot to see what's happened

in the past 50 years as a tremendous

jumpstart a tremendous fast forward,

it's more than prophetic.

It's like a kiss from heaven,you know, it's like a divine

kiss, it's an intimate brushwith the reality of God's

compassion and love andHe keeps his promises.

- The institute shares a key connection

to the battle for Jerusalem.

Its founder Rabbi Yisrael Ariel,

served with the 55th paratrooper brigade

that captured the Temple Mount.

After the victory, a Jordanian guy gave

them a remarkable tour.

- His job was to carrythe company machine gun

is a very beautiful photograph of that.

He actually the first night ofthe liberation of Jerusalem,

he was given the task ofguarding over the spot

of the Dome of the Rock, which, of course,

we believe is the Holyof Holies (mumbles).

The story though, that hetold us is that the soldiers

were on the Temple Mount andit was just like the first

hour or so.

And they were approachedby a Jordanian fellow

in western dress, who explainedthat he was the official

tour guide for the Jordanianparliament and he offered

to take the soldiers and showthem the sights on the Temple

Mount and he takes the soldiers you know,

the rabbi there and hesays, well, this is exactly

where the sanctuary stood.

This is where the the altar stood

and then this is where the menorah stood.

It tells him all thesethings about the history

of the holy temple.

One of the rabbi asked him, whyare you telling us all this?

And he said, Well, we havetradition from our fathers.

They from their fathers thatone day the Jews would wage

a war and conquer this mountainand rebuild the holy temple.

And I assume that you'restarting tomorrow.

I wanted this to be my part,my part in helping you.

- What was their reaction to that story?

- Well, gosh, I guess, yes,they were very surprised

but the bottom line is, in hindsight,

it doesn't look like we were ready.

- Richmond sees the templethrough the eyes of the prophet

Isaiah, who wrote 3000years ago, God's house

would be a house ofprayer for all nations.

- It means basically thatthere's a God in the worlds

and that the best is yet to come.

And that we are so connectedto him and to each other

and to that purpose and to all humanity.

And it's just a wonderful privilege

to be here with you today tobe looking out over Jerusalem

and to realize thatwe're living in probably

most important time in history.

- If you would like to knowmore about the Six Day War,

CBN documentaries produceda docu-drama called

"In Our Hands The Battle for Jerusalem".

If you'd like to get a copy,

you can go to our hands.

[upbeat music]

- Up next, the sounds of the shalva band

playing "Hallelujah".

♪ Hallelujah ♪

♪ Hallelujah ♪

♪ Hallelujah ♪

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- Thanks for joining us, well,that's all for this edition

of Jerusalem Dateline.

We'll leave you with theShalva band playing Hallelujah,

along with well knownIsraeli singer Kobi Marimi.

I'm Chris Mitchell,we'll see you next time,

on Jerusalem Dateline.

♪ Hallelujah ♪

♪ Hallelujah ♪

♪ Hallelujah ♪

♪ Hallelujah ♪

♪ Hallelujah ♪

♪ Hallelujah ♪

♪ Hallelujah ♪

♪ Hallelujah ♪

♪ Hallelujah ♪

(upbeat music)


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