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News on The 700 Club: May 20, 2020

As seen on “The 700 Club,” May 20, 2020.: Read Transcript

(upbeat orchestral music)- Well, welcome, folks,

to this edition of The 700 Club.

It's a shocking fact,apparently, small banks,

the Small Business Administration,somebody along the way,

is frustrating the desire of the president

and also the Federal Reserve Board

to get money out into small businesses.

It's just like a bureaucratic nightmare

that people are going throughand the money's not flowing.

They've appropriated trillionsof dollars to help people

but that help is not comingbecause of something.

We're gonna try to find out.

But before that, this ladyis a Harvard Law graduate.

She's lovely.

CBN brings an exclusive interview

with White House PressSecretary Kayleigh McEnany.

That's coming up later.

But first, again, as I said,

what's happening to all the money

that's supposed to help small businesses?

That's just one of several tough questions

the nation's top two financial officers

faced yesterday on Capitol Hill.

Caitlin Burke reports.

(air whooshing)

- Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin

and Fed Chairman Jerome Powell

presented different picturesof the economic outlook.

Mnuchin warning thatunless states re-open,

the economy could face permanent damage.

While Powell suggested

that more Congressional action is needed.

- We are continuing tosee large unemployment

and other negative indicators.

It is important to realizethat the large number

represents real people.

- This is the biggestresponse by Congress ever

and the fastest and the biggest from us

and still this is thebiggest shock we've seen

in living memory and thequestion looms in the air

of is it enough?

- [Caitlin] Some lawmakersquestioned if it's time

to begin sending people back to work

before a vaccine is in place.

- How many workers should give their lives

to increase our GDP by half a percent?

- No workers should give their lives

to do that, Mr. Senator.

And I think yourcharacterization is unfair.

- [Caitlin] Others are raising questions

about whether bailoutmoney is actually making it

to the small businesses who need it most.

A Congressional oversightgroup revealed this week

that the Treasury Departmenthas only allocated

$37.5 billion of the$500 billion relief fund.

CBN News spoke with small business owners

who described the difficultiesof accessing the money

the government's alreadyallocated for them.

- By the time I got thefunds, actually hit last week,

you're given eight weeks todisperse and allocate them

for it to be forgivable but because my gym

is not able to open yet,I had to return the funds

because I wouldn't be able to do

all the standards they've requested.

- I knew the day that itwas gonna be available.

I had all of my stuff ready,I had all my ducks in a row.

This is major, this isreally important to us.

So, it's all electronic, I'mprepared, the morning of,

I go on, I put my stuffin, and I get an automated

response back that says, "I'msorry, you don't qualify."

Uh, that was a massive, massive problem.

I know we qualify, I've read the law.

- Scott Gilbert says, in the end,

he only received 60% of whathe should've been eligible for.

Leaving many expenses still unpaid.

Democrats hope Tuesday's hearingswould pressure Republicans

into another relief bill.

But Congress is deadlocked.

GOP leaders say lawmakers should evaluate

what's working and what's notbefore spending more money.

Caitlin Burke, CBN News.

- Thanks, Caitlin, well,something's gotta be done

to get that money free.

And whether the banks are holding it up,

the Small BusinessAdministration's holding it up,

whether it's big banks, oris it a bureaucratic SNAFU

or is it an attempt to discredit Trump

going into the election?

I don't know what it is but all I know is

that money should be flowing

and something needs to break the logjam.

Well, in other news, she'sserving the president

on the front lines and battlingthe media in the process.

We have an exclusive interview

with President Trump'snew press secretary.

John Jessup has more.

(air whooshing)- That's right, Pat.

The White House's KayleighMcEnany talks about

the president's reasons for taking

the drug hydroxychloroquineand why the media

is holding back on newrevelations about the Obama

administration's role in the Russia probe.

She spoke with CBN's DavidBrody at the White House

yesterday afternoon.

(air whooshing)

- Kayleigh McEnany has plentyof sweetness and smiles

but don't be fooled.

Since stepping into therole of Press Secretary,

she arms herself for battle,

prepared to defend the president.

Lately, the commander inchief, facing criticism

for taking the controversialdrug hydroxychloroquine

to prevent COVID-19.

How comfortable is thepresident with doing this

and did specifically thedoctor prescribe it for him?

I'm just understanding this.

- Yes, the doctor didprescribe it for him.

And he took it afterhaving several discussions

with Doctor Conley about its efficacy

and he believed that, Dr.Conley, that the benefits

outweighed the risk for the president.

- But the criticism would be that the FDA

and the government, if youwill, the federal government,

only recommends it be takenin a hospital setting.

- So, I talked to Dr. Hahnabout that this morning,

from the FDA, and Dr.Hahn said first, you know,

this is a drug that hasa long safety profile,

it should always be prescribedfrom a doctor to a patient,

but it has been shown to be safe.

And I explicitly asked him,

"What about outside of hospitals?"

And he said, "Yes, it's okay,if a doctor prescribes it

"to you in your ordinary point-of-care,

"that is an acceptableway to go about this."

- [David] McEnany saysthe media stokes fear

without providing necessarydetails and specifics.

She'd actually like to know why the media

isn't asking more questionsabout what President Trump

likes to call Obamagate.

- It is a criminal offenseto leak the identity

of an individual like MichaelFlynn, a private citizen,

to the press after being unmasked.

So, we know that a crime was committed.

Who did it is the question.

But there are a lot--

- Within the Obama administration.

- Within the Obamaadministration, absolutely.

But there are a number of other questions

that need to be asked.

There's more questions thanthere are answers in this

and the lack of journalistic curiosity

is really something intriguing.

- Do you think the media's carrying

the Obama administration's,

or the former Obama administration's,

water here to a degree?

- When they don't ask thequestions, absolutely, yes.

- The media has alreadytaken aim at McEnany,

saying, in their view, at least,

"She lies from the podiumdespite her pledge not to."

You've been called alot of names out there.

I mean, they're alreadysaying, "I will not lie,"

and they're calling you a liar already.

They're calling you othernames, racist and a birther,

and all that type of stuff.

What's your response to the critics

that say all that stuff to you, about you?

- That I know the person I amand I know what I stand for

and I stand as a Christian woman,

someone who believes inequality and truth and loyalty

and honesty and it's the valuesI've lived by my whole life,

it's the values I'll continue to live by.

And people will malignyou, it comes with the job.

But I know who I'm ultimately working for,

it's the big guy upstairs.

- And sticking with those terms,

McEnany sees God's handin Trump's election.

How do you see God kind of in all of that?

This idea of providence,is Donald Trump put there

by God for such a time as this?

- Yeah, I think prayer madea difference in this election

and that's not to say that Heputs a certain political party

in a certain place at a time,

but I do believe certain people are meant

to be in positions at a certain moment.

And I do believe that President Trump

is the person meant for this moment.

And I think prayer madea lot of difference.

This country neededsomeone to fight for life,

to fight for religious liberty.

And I believe that PresidentTrump was that person

and he's done that.

There's just so much that he's done

to fight for the Christian community.

So I certainly believe thathe's here at this moment

for a time, as we all are.

- The press secretary isdefinitely not shy about her faith.

And during our interview,she became emotional

when talking about thepassing of Ravi Zacharias.

- Yeah, it's a huge loss.

You know, my dad saidto me that Billy Graham

was a great evangelist.

And I think Ravi Zachariasis the great apologist.

- Yeah, I know, this is tough, I know.


- We don't have to cry'cause we're Christians,

so we know he's at the--

- Yeah, I mean, we're human,the last time I checked.

But the tears come from what?

- To have someone from an academic place,

as an apologist, could equipyou with those arguments,

where you didn't have tocheck your brain at the door

when you became a Christian.

Where there is intellectual foundation

for everything we believe.

But his life continues in the next life.

He is someone I'll meet inHeaven and rest assured,

his legacy will always be here

and he will continue to change lives.

- This press secretary ishoping to make a difference

here on Earth, too.

David Brody, CBN News, Washington.

- Well, in addition to Kayleigh McEnany

there in David's report,

tributes are pouring infrom around the world

about the spiritual legacyleft by Ravi Zacharias.

Once full of doubt himself,

the evangelist foundChrist at an early age.

He then spent the rest of his life

not only preaching the Gospelof hope, but defending it.

Wendy Griffith has this lookat his life and ministry.

(air whooshing)(light orchestral music)

- [Wendy] Ravi Zachariaswas a 17-year-old skeptic,

an unbeliever, recoveringfrom a suicide attempt,

when he heard the wordsof Jesus in John 14:19:

"Because I live, you also will live."

The truth of scripture gave Zacharias hope

and he gave his life to Christ,

promising to leave no stone unturned

in his pursuit of truth.

The verse in John 14,

"I am the way, the truth, and the life,"

became the cornerstone ofZacharias's ultimate mission

as a Christian apologist and evangelist.

To present and defendthe truth of Jesus Christ

that others may find life in Him.

Zacharias did just thatseveral times over the years

on The 700 Club.

- How wonderful to knowthat when Jesus Christ

speaks to you and to me,

He enables you to understand yourself,

to die to that self because of the cross,

and brings the real you to birth.

When you're crucified with Christ,

nevertheless you live.

Yet not you but Christ lives in you.

I think that's so unique,

that one cannot escape the ramifications.

- [Wendy] Zachariasbegan preaching in India

at the age of 19.

Years later, he was invited to speak

at the Billy Graham EvangelisticAssociation in Amsterdam,

where he addressed 4,000 other speakers.

It would be a turning point for him,

as he began to seriouslyconsider the critical need

of apologetics to removethe intellectual barriers

that kept many from consideringthe claims of Christ.

In 1984, he founded Ravi ZachariasInternational Ministries.

- You think God's brought you here

for a purpose this morning?(upbeat orchestral music)

It may be you really don't know Him.

But deep inside, you're wantingHim, wanting Him very badly,

and saying, "God, ifyou're real, speak to me."

- [Wendy] Even to the end,Zacharias remained committed

to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ

through preaching, teaching,and his popular radio program

called Let My People Think.

He shared the gospelwith millions of people

in more than 70 countries.

And wrote more than 25 books.

In 2017, Zacharias's vision to establish

an apologetics training centerin the U.S. was realized

with the launch of theZacharias Institute in Atlanta.

He spent nearly 50 yearsadvancing the Christian faith

and addressing some oflife's greatest questions.

- Through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ,

you can become one with God.

It is a unique claim, noother religion allows it.

- At the core of the Christianfaith is the grace of God.

If there's one word I wouldgrab from all of that,

it's forgiveness.

That you can be forgiven,I can be forgiven.

And it is of the grace of God.

- [Wendy] Zacharias and his wife Margie

were married for 48 years andhave three grown children.

Ravi Zacharias was 74.

- The passing of a spiritual giant.


- Wonderful person who we,

as these giants move off thescene, it gives us all pause.

You know, we're allhuman, we're all mortal,

but you know, preciousin the sight of the Lord

is the death of His saints.

I think, he's preciousin the sight of the Lord.

Wendy, it was a great story, thank you.

- Thank you, I wish I'd had thechance to meet him in person

but his legacy willlive on forever and ever

and we appreciate that so much.


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