EXCLUSIVE: White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Armed for Battle with God on Her Side
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- Kayleigh McEnany has plentyof sweetness and smiles,
but don't be fooled.
Since stepping into therole of press secretary,
she arms herself for battle,
prepared to defend the president.
Lately, the commander inchief facing criticism
for taking a controversialdrug, hydroxychloroquine,
to prevent COVID-19.
How comfortable is thepresident with doing this,
and did specifically thedoctor prescribe it for him?
Just understanding it.- Yes,
the doctor did prescribe it for him
and he took it afterhaving several discussions
with Dr. Conley about its efficacy
and he believed that, Dr. Conley,
that the benefits outweighedthe risks for the president.
- But the criticism would be that the FDA
and the government, if youwill, federal government
only recommends that it betaken in a hospital setting.
- So I talked to Dr. Hahnabout that this morning
from the FDA, and Dr. Hahn said, first,
this is a drug that hasa long safety profile,
it should always be prescribedfrom a doctor to a patient,
but has been shown to be safe.
And I explicitly asked him whatabout outside of hospitals,
and he said yes, it's okay ifa doctor prescribes it to you
in your ordinary point of care.
That is an acceptableway to go about this.
McEnany says the media stokes fear
without providing necessarydetails and specifics.
She'd actually like to know
why the media isn't asking more questions
about what President Trumplikes to call Obamagate.
- It is a criminal offenseto leak the identity
of an individual like MichaelFlynn, a private citizen,
to the press after being unmasked.
So we know that a crime was committed.
Who did it is the question.
But there are a lot--- Within the Obama
administration, someone.- Within the Obama
administration, absolutely.- Yeah, yeah, right.
- But there are a numberof other questions
that need to be asked.
There's more questions thanthere are answers in this
and the lack of journalistic curiosity
is really something intriguing.
- Do you think the media
is carrying the Obama administration's,
or the former Obama administration'swater here to a degree?
- When they don't ask thequestions, absolutely, yes.
- The media has alreadytaken aim at McEnany,
saying, in their view at least,she lies from the podium,
despite her pledge not to.
You've been called alot of names out there.
I mean, they're already seeingyou as, "I will not lie,"
and they're calling you a liar already.
They're calling you othernames: racist and a birther
and all that type of stuff.
What's your response to the critics
that say all that stuff to you, about you?
- That I know the person I amand I know what I stand for,
and I stand as a Christianwoman, someone who believes
in equality and truthand loyalty and honesty,
and it's the values thatI've lived by my whole life,
it's the values I'll continue to live by.
People will malign you,it comes with the job,
but I know who I'm ultimately working for
and it's the big guy upstairs.
- And sticking with those terms,
McEnany sees God's handin Trump's election.
How do you see God in all ofthat, this idea of providence?
Is Donald Trump put there byGod for such a time as this?
- Yeah, I think, look,prayer made a difference
in this election, and that's not to say
that He puts a certain politicalparty in a certain place
- Right.- at a time, but I do believe
certain people aremeant to be in positions
at a certain moment and I do believe
that President Trump is theperson meant for this moment
and I think prayer madea lot of difference.
This country neededsomeone to fight for life,
to fight for religious liberty,
and I believe that PresidentTrump was that person
and he's done that.
There's just so much that he's done
to fight for the Christian community
so I certainly believe thathe's here at this moment
for a time, as we all are.
- [David] The press secretaryis definitely not shy
about her faith, and during our interview,
she became emotional whentalking about the passing
of Ravi Zacharias.
- Yeah, it's a huge loss.
You know, my dad said to me
that Billy Graham wasthe great evangelist,
and I think Ravi Zacharias isthe great apologist (sobs).
- Yeah.
I know this is tough.
I know.
- Just (sobs).
- Yeah.
- We don't have to cry'cause we're Christians.
We know he's with--- Yeah.
I mean, we're human thelast time I checked.
But the tears come from what?
- To have someone from anacademic place, as an apologist,
could equip you with those arguments
where you didn't have tocheck your brain at the door
when you became a Christian,
where there is intellectual foundation
for everything we believe.
But his life continues in the next life.
He is someone I'll meet in heaven.
And rest assured, hislegacy will always be here
and he will continue to change lives.
- [David] This press secretary is hoping
to make a difference here on earth too.
David Brody, CBN News, Washington.