'I Thank God for Giving Me Another Day': Mom Credits Little-Known Drug Leronlimab with Saving Her Life
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- [Johnson] SamanthaMottet tested positive
for COVID-19 in March.
Two weeks later, she appeared near death
in an intensive care unit.
- I had moments of gosh,55 years went by so fast,
I'm not gonna see my children again,
I'm not gonna see my parents,my future grandchildren.
- [Johnson] As a livertransplant recipient,
Samantha was consideredhigh-risk for complications.
- I had an overwhelming support
from my friends and family praying for me.
They were all praying for a miracle
that I would survive this.
- [Johnson] Her doctor tried a number
of experimental drugs without success.
- She certainly had not improved,
so she had been on the ventilatorfor several days already
and her condition was still critical
and not improving at that point,
so I thought that wedidn't have much to lose.
- [Johnson] Then heinjected with Leronlimab,
a drug originally developed to treat HIV.
- About a day or two days later,
the amount of oxygen sherequired on a ventilator
started to go down, sothe amount of oxygen
being exchanged in herlungs started to improve.
And then a couple more days later,
she was actually able toget off the ventilator.
- And then what happened to her?
- Then she went home.
- It was my last hope and ifit were not for that drug,
I truly would not be here today.
- [Johnson] Dr. Yang hasalso given Leronlimab
to several other patients.
- [Dr. Yang] Yes.- How'd they do?
- It's been a mixture
and many of them have improved.
Not everyone.
- Leronlimab is a monoclonal antibody
designed to calm theoften-deadly cytokine storm,
an extreme immune system overreaction.
- If we can stop the death,this is just the flu,
it won't do anything.
The whole country can be reopened
and everybody's gonna be safe,
if this works the way we think.
- [Johnson] The FDA designated Leronlimab
as an "emergencyinvestigational new drug".
- That requires the physician personally
to contact the FDA, producecertain types of information,
and get approval.
So it's fairly time consuming
and it's a barrier to giving it.
- People are dying right now.
They're asking us for drug
and when we send it to them,
a couple occasions they got the drug
and they were dead already.
- [Johnson] CytoDyn,the drug's manufacturer,
is requesting the FDA upgrade Leronlimab
to compassionate use status.
Studies testing Leronlimabon patients with mild
and more severe cases, likeSamantha's, are also underway.
- Every morning since I've been home,
the first thing I do when I open my eyes,
I look up, I put my hands together,
and I thank God for giving me another day.
And I go to bed at night thanking Him.
- [Johnson] Lorie Johnson, CBN News.