After surviving a childhood of abuse, Nona gave her life to Christ and healed from her past.
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(somber music)- I left
the White House reception
where I looked around and Isaw all these amazing people
and realized I was in the midst of them
but I still didn't feel like I belonged.
- [Narrator] Nona Joneshad made it to the top.
She had worked with some ofthe most influential people
in business and in politics.
But now, at the height of her career,
she couldn't put her past behind.
- I still had just a senseof anger and bitterness
in my heart concerning whathappened in my childhood.
- [Narrator] Nona'sfather died from cancer
when she was two.
Before long, her mom metanother man named Lee
who moved in.
Things were fine until hermom left Nona in his care
to attend a funeral out of town.
It was then he sexually abused Nona
who was now only five.
- I screamed and I criedand I asked him to stop
and he didn't and he toldme after all was over,
he told me, he said, "Youbetter not tell your mother.
"She's never wanted youanyway, she'll get rid of you."
And those words justreally seared into my soul
because before that even happened
there were times when mymother had said things like
she never wanted to have me.
- [Narrator] Despite thethreats, Nona told her mom
who had Lee arrested.
But after a year in jail,Nona's mom let him move back in
to help pay her bills.
- To just know that hewas coming back home
and basically had afull license to my body
at this point, it was devastating.
- [Narrator] For the next seven years
Nona endured abuse from hermom's boyfriend and her mom.
- She would start justslapping me and hitting me
and punching me for anyreason or no reason at all.
It was just absolutely terrifying.
- [Narrator] Nona was failing in school
and twice she tried to commit suicide.
The second time she almost succeeded.
- I found a butcherknife and I tried to slit
both of my wrists.
You can still see on theinside of my left wrist
this is the scar from about, I don't know,
20, 25 years ago.
I felt so completely unwanted.
I was confused, like, whatdid I do to deserve this?
- [Narrator] Then, insixth grade, a classmate
invited Nona to church andshe listened to a message
she desperately needed to hear,
that God is a father to the fatherless.
Nona started going to church regularly
and eventually askedJesus to change her life.
- Just knowing that I wascreated by God on purpose
was just such a freeing experience.
And it began to translate tohow I showed up at school.
- [Narrator] During that time,
the sexual abuse finally stopped.
Nona learned to hide the emotional pain
of the abuse and began to excel in school.
By 11th grade, she waslicensed into the ministry.
Her first sermon, hermom and Lee showed up.
Afterward, her mom confronted her.
- My mother proceeded to curse me out,
she called me all types of names.
She said that I didn'tacknowledge her good enough.
- [Narrator] Nona vowedthat after she graduated
from high school, she would never return.
She went on to a stellar college career
where she graduated with her MBA.
Soon after, Nona landedan executive position
in a Fortune 100 company.
She also garnered theattention of political circles
and people of influence including
the office of the president.
But at a White Housereception, she realized
her life was empty.
- So there I was, in the midst of this
exclusive meeting, allthese leaders were there.
But I didn't feel like Ihad accomplished a lot.
I didn't feel like I was worthy.
I still felt like I didn'tmatter, like I was unwanted.
What was really keeping me in the past,
was the question why.
You know, I mean it's whywas I born to this mother?
Why didn't she love me?
Why did she allow herboyfriend to hurt me?
I think what God revealed to me is that
there is no power in an apology.
I had to also reconcile with the fact
that just because she didn't apologize,
didn't mean I couldn't forgive her.
- [Narrator] With God'shelp, Nona forgave her mom
and her abuser and found peace in healing.
She went on to marry PastorTimothy L Jones Senior
and had two sons.
Eventually she left the business world
and was asked to help spearhead the global
faith based partnerships at Facebook.
- I work with communities offaith all around the world
to help them use Facebook to do ministry.
And I would have never imagined
that I would be at thecenter of helping churches
figure out how to navigatethis new environment.
- [Narrator] Nona and herhusband serve as the pastors
at Open Door Ministries Churchin Gainesville, Florida.
Nona speaks around theworld sharing God's word
and helping victims of childhood abuse
overcome their trauma and pain.
She also shares her story in her book
"Success From the Inside Out".
- If you're experiencingdepression, discouragement,
suicidal thoughts, if you're feeling like
you have no worth, I want youto know that God loves you,
that He is after you,He's after your heart,
and I truly want you to realize
that your life is worth living.
That's the type of God that we serve.
He is a redeemer, He is arestorer, He is a deliverer,
and He can use every single part of us,
even the parts of us that we hide in shame
through the light and power of God
He can use that to heal other people.