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'Our Nation Needs Prayer Now': Join the Virtual National Day of Prayer

'Our Nation Needs Prayer Now': Join the Virtual National Day of Prayer Read Transcript

- The National Day ofPrayer is an annual day

designated by Congress,

when people are asked toturn to God in prayer,

and it kicks off today.

But this year, it will beheld exclusively online,

because of the pandemic.

This year's theme is praying God's glory

through the earth.

Many Christian leaders willtake part in the event,

including pastor Jentezen Franklin.

He told CBN's Wendy Griffiththat despite the pandemic,

that God is going to releasesomething remarkable.

- There is power in united prayer,

and I'm just thankfulfor CBN taking the time

to pause everybody's day andsay, let's pray together.

Because the Bible said onecan put a thousand to flight,

but two, 10 thousand,

and we just multiply the power of prayer,

when we pray unified.

Ezekiel 22 talks about God saying,

I looked and sought for a manwho would stand in the gap

and take up the hedge.

And tragically, he ends that verse

by saying and I found none.

And the land was destroyed.

So it has implications that when we pray,

a hedge goes up in ournation, around our families,

around our lives.

And I believe the hedges are down

or have been broken through by the enemy.

And in ancient times, whenthere was a hole in the wall,

a man would literally throwhimself to fill that place,

and it was called taking up the hedge

and standing in the gap.

We need to do that forAmerica and the world.

- Well, this year's theme

is taken from the OldTestament book Habakkuk,

God's glory across the earth.

How do you see it in light ofthe current COVID pandemic?

- This is too uncanny.

Too many things are happeningto be coincidence or chance.

If God's people will prayand preach the gospel

and live the gospel, thisabsolutely could be a restart

of the book of Acts, days ofoutpouring of the Holy Spirit

on all flesh that Joel prophesied about

in his book in the Bible.

- All right, well how are youencouraging people to pray

on this National Day of Prayer, pastor?

- Well, I think to prayunited, number one,

that we just unite.

There's such powerful prayer.

Unity is spelled U-N-I-Ty, you and I tie.

We tie together.

We bind together, and we begin to pray.

And whatever we agree and touch on,

and what we're praying foris a remedy, a vaccine,

and end to this scourge and this plague

that is all over our land.

People are struggling in their businesses,

so pray about it.

Anything you would worry about,

I would encourage you to pray about.

I believe what God is sayingto the body of Christ,

the surf is up.

And there's coming a wave,and in the same intensity,

that this thing hasdestroyed churches in a day,

destroyed businesses in a day,

destroyed economies, and nations in a day.

There's coming a wave of wonder,

and it's going to hit the earth.

And we serve the godwho said I will restore

what the locusts and thecankerworm have taken away.

- Pastor Jentezen Franklin,God bless you so much,

and thank you for your time onthis National Day of Prayer.

- Thank you, God bless you.

- [Announcer] CBN is broadcasting

a special National Dayof Prayer event tonight

from eight to 10 Eastern,live on the CBN news channel,

and we will stream it on,

on CBN apps and on--

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