The Superbook Show hosts share some fun ways that you can help brighten someone else’s day during a pandemic.
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- Welcome to The Superbook Show.
When the Israelites werein exile, Nehemiah returned
to rebuild the walls around Jerusalem.
After completing the walls, allthe people gathered together
to read God's Holy Word.
And after the reading,Nehemiah said to the people,
- "Go and celebrate with a feast
"and share gifts of food with people
"who have nothing prepared forthis day is holy to our Lord.
"Do not sorrow, for the joyof the Lord is your strength."
(triumphant music)
- The joy of God isours, which is very cool.
But notice that Nehemiahdidn't just say be joyful,
he also mentioned to share with those
who have nothing prepared.
I take from this thatwe should share the joy,
doesn't that sound like a good idea?
A lot of people around uscould use a little happiness,
especially in this time of isolation.
Here are some ways that you can help
brighten someone else's day.
(ukulele strumming)(whooshes)
- One thing that a lot of people are doing
is using art to make people smile.
Use chalk on the sidewalk, draw pictures,
or give words of encouragement.
Then, when your neighborwalks past your house
they have something to brighten their day.
Here are some of thethings that you can see
around my neighborhood.
(ukulele strumming)
- Hi everybody, it's Abbyfrom The Superbook Show.
I hope you guys are stayingsafe and you're spending
lots of time with yourfamily and your pets.
I wanted to share withyou something that I found
at the store that's beenhelping me get through
a time like this.
I found these prayer cardsin the checkout line.
Everyday, I open a newone and in the morning
it gives me inspirationfor the day and reminds me
that God is always there.
For today, my Bible verse is 1 John 4:19.
"We love because He first loved us."
You can make these at home by writing down
Bible verses on pieces of paperand putting them in a jar.
You could pull out a new oneevery morning, every night,
or whenever you feel likeyou need inspiration.
Another good way toshare your prayer cards
is by taking a picture andsending them to your friends.
I do this and I textpictures of my Bible verses
to my friends and myfamily and it helps them
get through the day and reminds them
that God's love is always there.
I hope you guys have an awesome day
and you continue staying safe.
We'll see you soon!
- This is Dabney, my stuffed friend.
Just seeing her makes me happy.
You can make others in yourneighborhood happy, too,
by putting a stuffed animal in the window
for them to see when they go by.
Now Dabney can say helloto all my neighbors.
A lot of people are doingthis to cheer each other up.
Take a look at some of theanimals my neighbors have
in their windows.
(guitar music)
- The Bible says, "A cheerfulheart is good medicine."
I like to laugh and Ilike to make people laugh.
There may be people in your life
that could use a good laugh right now,
especially people that may be all alone.
Maybe someone from your family,your church, your school.
If you think of someone,reach out to them.
I am reaching out to mygrandma to make her laugh.
Say hi, Grandma.
- Hi Quinn!
- Every day, I tell her a new joke.
Okay, here's today's.
Two dogs were talking.
The first dog said, I'm a wreck.
I'm afraid when my masterleaves that he won't come back.
I'm afraid that we'll run out of food.
I'm afraid of the big Doberman next door.
The second dog says, whydon't you see a psychologist
about that?
I can't, says the first dog,I'm not allowed on the couch!
- Good one!
- Those are just someways to spread happiness.
How are you spreading the joy?
Let us know by sending pictures and videos
or an email to the
"We were filled withlaughter, we sang for joy
"and the other nationssaid, what amazing things
"the Lord has done for them."
His Word is forever alive.