Patricia harbored bitter anger at her mother, but ended up being just like her. Then one night, Patricia heard God’s voice, and everything began to change.
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- I wanted to make adifference for the people.
I hadn't even thought about making history
'til people brought it to my attention.
- [Narrator] In 2017,North Carolina native
Patricia Uzzell made history,
becoming the firstAfrican American elected
to her town's Board of Commissioners.
She says she wouldn't have made it there
without the support andprayers of her mom, Mamie.
- I have a love for her that I don't even,
I just love her.
I wouldn't trade her fornothing in the world.
- [Narrator] But for years,it was hate, not love,
that defined her feelings towards her mom.
Patricia grew up in the '70s, the oldest
of three sisters.
They spent more time with other family
than with their mother,who would often disappear,
sometimes for weeks at a time.
Meanwhile, Patricia was singled out
by a male relative, who emotionallyand sexually abused her.
- Being called fat,saying that I was ugly,
I was being fondled over,I was being talked down to,
I was beaten.
- [Narrator] Too afraid tospeak up, Patricia would cry
and beg her mom not to leave.
- I'm pretty sure she feltthat she was leaving us
in good hands, and my other sisters,
they was happy, but theyweren't going through
what I was going through.
- [Narrator] Though her familysometimes went to church,
Patricia rejected theidea of a loving God.
- Do you care about me?
Where is this God that would protect me,
'cause I feel so rejected?
And I was like, there has tobe somebody that loves me.
Has to be.
- [Narrator] By the time she was 12,
Patricia was able to avoidthe relative's abuse,
but it had alreadyshredded her self-esteem.
- You start beating upon yourself in your mind.
I mean, you gotta think that you're ugly
for somebody to touch you orfor somebody to mistreat you.
You feel like you donesomething to deserve this.
- [Narrator] She also blamed her mom.
- I felt that we wasjust left in the hands
of a predator.
I had so much hate, hate.
- [Narrator] But Patricia didn't realize
her mom was dealingwith demons of her own.
Mamie's father left when she was four.
- I remember that well,because it hurted me so bad.
And I said, well, if hewas here, things would've
been a lot better for me.
I used to just blame him for that.
I really did, and I hated him.
- [Narrator] Mamie was inher 30s when she found hope
and healing in Jesus Christ.
- I was just tired ofthe life I was living,
so I gave my life to the Lord.
And things began to looka whole lot better for me,
'cause I said, Lord, Idon't want my children
to go through what I've been through.
- [Narrator] Mamie startedtaking her daughters
to church regularly.
Now in her mid-teens,Patricia still couldn't accept
what she heard.
- I was told that if youwanna make it to heaven,
in order to accept JesusChrist in your heart,
you have to walk in love.
If I have to love people,
and I said, especially my mom,
I would rather go to hell and die.
- [Narrator] Even asPatricia carried that hatred
towards her mom, she wouldshare her same demons.
At 16, she was an unwed mother
who was rarely home.
At 19, she married thefather of her second baby,
who turned out to be aviolent, abusive man.
- I had 21 trips to the emergency room,
and I was in the court system 11 times.
- [Narrator] Hanging onto even the slightest hint
of being loved, shestayed for seven years,
despite her mother's pleas.
- I'd just be prayingand pouring out my heart
to the Lord and fall on my knees
and begin to cry sometimes.
Didn't even have words, you know?
- [Narrator] One night when he was away,
Patricia woke up in a panic.
It was then she heard a voice.
- Get up, get your children,and get of the house now.
I got my kids and I left.
Of course, I went to my mom's house.
- [Narrator] Shortly after,her husband came home in a rage
and ransacked the house.
Patricia felt the voiceshe had heard was God's.
- [Narrator] I believeit was You, okay, okay.
You might be real.
You may exist, because mylife was spared tonight.
- [Narrator] Patricia got a divorce,
but still harbored a lifetime of hatred.
Now living with her mom,
Patricia occasionally went to church.
One Sunday, something thepastor said got her attention.
- The preacher wastalking about how you had
to forgive in order to be forgiven
and all of that stuff.
I'm so busy trying to hate my mom
for what she's done,
but what about the things that I'd done?
I believe it was the Lord speaking to me.
He was letting me know,but you never stop to think
what maybe, what she'dgone through as a child.
And it's like, now I'm getting it.
We have to learn to forgive.
That day, I receivedJesus Christ in my heart.
- [Narrator] Having accepted God's love,
Patricia was able to let go of her hatred
and forgive her mom.
Today, she and Mamieshare an unbreakable bond.
- It's like a love forher that I cannot explain,
because if it was not for her prayers,
I would not be where I am today.
- [Narrator] The healing in their family
didn't stop there.
Mamie reconciled with her father
and cared for him during thelast two years of his life.
- God mended that between me and him.
God did that.
Nobody but Him.
- [Narrator] Today,Patricia is happily married,
and in addition to her work in government,
she and her husband pastor a church.
She strives to tell everyone
about the God who saved her from herself.
- I know the God that I hated,
the God that I didn't knowwhether or not He existed,
I know He exists, because He lives in me.
He's changed me.