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The 700 Club - April 29, 2020

A toddler slips out of her life jacket and falls right into a pool. Watch as a little girl is brought back from the dead. Plus, CBN’s Week of Prayer continues with Matthew Barnett on today’s 700 Club. Read Transcript

- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Wendy] Coming up.

- [Chris] We heard thegirls scream outside.

- [Wendy] A toddler slipsout of her life jacket.

- The scream that a parentnever wants to hear.

- [Wendy] And falls right into a pool.

- [Danielle] It was justlike everything froze.

- [Wendy] Watch as this girlis brought back from the dead.

- Her body just took breath.

- [Wendy] Our Week of Prayer continues.

- [Danielle] And then,just all of a sudden,

she goes, "Cheese!"

- [Wendy] Today, on "The 700 Club."

(air whooshes)

(triumphant orchestral music)

- Welcome to "The 700 Club."

The Interior Department put up a cross,

it said Act One, SceneOne, of the unfolding drama

that became the United States of America.

Cape Henry, April 29th, a day this nation

was dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ.

It was an amazing time,and when we were there,

we relived that landing at Cape Henry,

and then there was a cross, and we placed

in the cross some microfiche of some

of the partners of CBN,and then we prayed,

and in my life, I have never, ever

had such an anointing of God.

It was the power of God came upon me

in an extraordinary wayto say that blessing

that was on this nationhas been moved down to CBN.

And what we did, we took across and carried the cross

down here, and that crossis behind me right now,

we see the place where it was.

- It's right behind us.- And there it is.

That was the one that was from Cape Henry.

- That's the one that was--

- That is the one.

- When you felt that strong anointing.

- It was unbelievable.

It was April 29th wasthe time that they knelt

in prayer around a cross, and they said,

"We dedicate this land to the glory

"of God and the Lord Jesus Christ."

And the prophecy wasthat from these shores,

the gospel would go all around the world.

The prophecy of the earlysettlers, April 29th, 1607.

- I love it, and that'scertainly happening today.

- It is!

We're fulfilling that prophecy.

CBN is preaching to thenations of the world,

and have had hundreds ofmillions of people saved.

Well, in the news,keeping food on the table,

President Trump is takingdrastic action to ensure

meat processing plants remain open,

even though some haveturned into COVID hotspots.

What's the president'splan to keep them safe?

Caitlin Burke has that story.

(air whooshes)

- President Trump saysthat meat processing plants

are critical infrastructure.

And under a new executiveorder, they must remain open.

- There's plenty of supply.

- [Caitlin] This comes asmeat plants around the country

have turned into COVID-19 hotspots,

at least 21 facilities closed,

with thousands of workers sick.

The president says his administration

will ensure employees are provided

with protective gear, but that the plants

must continue operating to prevent

shortages of pork, chicken,and other products.

Major processors like Tyson Foods

warn that if the breakdown inthe supply chain continues,

millions of pounds of meatwill simply disappear.

- Keep in mind that thesupply chain has three things,

the manufacturing facilities, the workers,

and the communities.

All of 'em suffer if a facility is down.

- [Caitlin] Temporaryclosures of processing plants

already forcing farmersto slaughter livestock

they'll no longer be able to sell.

But industry analysts don'tforesee a long-term problem.

- I think in a couple ofweeks, we'll be in good shape

as far as the supplychain goes all the way

up and down the line, and I don't believe

there's gonna be a shortageunless people make a run

like they did on the toiletpaper, which was unnecessary.

- [Caitlin] As thegovernment works to keep

facilities open and operating safely,

millions of Americans can no longer

even afford to visit theirlocal grocery stores.

- Thousands are receivingfood from this Hampton,

Virginia, food bank, and it's a scene

that's played out acrossthe country as families

are struggling to putfood on their tables.

- [Caitlin] Charlene Aaron found that many

now needing assistance are first-timers.

- Of those that we haveseen in these drive-through

distributions, over 60% ofthem are new to the food bank,

so these are people who have been laid off

and never thought they'dbe in a food line,

and here they are.

- I get paid once a month.

My wife is out of work, 'cause she

works for Colonial Williamsburg.

It is really rough out here.

- [Caitlin] The Salvation Army is also

seeing a spike in requests for assistance.

- We've seen some places where the demand

has increased by two, three, four times.

Sacramento area, we've seen an increased

demand of maybe 400%.

- [Caitlin] CBN's Operation Blessing

is mobilizing to meet theneed, their Hunger Strike Force

distributing at least40,000 to 50,000 pounds

of food a week to local food pantries.

- As we look at theimpact, that children being

home from school andparents having hours cut

or actually losing their jobs completely,

we knew that we needed to get involved.

- Operation Blessing is also sending

nonperishable items toarea distribution centers.

Recipients say beingable to feed and supply

their families helps relieve the burden

in other areas, like paying utilities.

Caitlin Burke, CBN News.

- It breaks your heartto think there are people

in this nation whocannot afford to buy food

to put on the table, andwe at Operation Blessing

are doing everything we can.

We've got that Hunger Strike Force

and those big trucks going out.

We pick up supplies at thefarms and bring 'em in.

We go out all over thecountry to pick up supplies.

Millions and millionsof meals being served.

But we're just one of many.

We cannot allow, this great nation,

that people can starve to death.

It won't work.

Well, there's something else.

The coronavirus ishitting the economy hard.

From the Congressional Budget Office,

it says the GDP may godown as much as 40%.

But the lockdowns have delivered

a body blow to the economy,

and John Jessup has the latest

on one estimate on the shrinking GDP.

Here's John.(air whooshes)

- That's right, Pat.

The economy began shrinking rapidly

as the shutdowns took effect, falling

at an annual rate of nearly 5%,

at 4.8% in the first quarter.

That's according to today'sfirst government estimate.

But the real impact won'tshow up until we get

the numbers for the secondquarter, from April through June.

That's when lockdownswent into full force.

But the stock market,though, has been climbing,

anticipating an economic recovery.

Well, the disappearance of North Korean

leader Kim Jong-un is raising questions

about that country'sfuture, including the fate

of its Christians.

A new report by U.S. Commissionsays religious freedom

does not exist in the communist nation.

50,000 Christians there arelocked away in prison camps.

CBN News spoke with theFamily Research Council's

Tony Perkins, who serveson the commission.

He said Christian groupswill be ready to help

North Korea's people ifthe country opens up.

- We certainly pray that thedoors open to North Korea,

and I think, yes, the answer is yes.

I think we saw backwhen the wall came down

in the early '90s in Eastern Europe,

and Christians and other people of faith

moved into those regions to meet needs

and to share the faith.

And so, I think there'sgonna be opportunities

if that comes about in North Korea.

- Kim has been out of the public eye

since early April, and Pat, that's led

to speculation that he'seither dead or incapacitated.

- Oh, he's a short man, and he weighs

over 300 pounds, he'san inveterate smoker.

He has every indication of somebody

who could be incapacitated.

I think that he supposedly had

had some kind of cardiovascular procedure.

Did he die?

Is he infirm?

Did he have a stroke?

Nobody knows!

But he's not in the scene.

- If he did pass away,who would take his place?

- Well, his sister, andshe's meaner than he is.

- You're kidding!

She doesn't look like it.

- Oh, man, she is tough as nails!

(Wendy chuckles)She's already been sanctioned

by some of the internationalbodies on her failing.

But that place is just a charnel house,

and what's being done topeople, it's just horrible.

So we should pray constantlyfor the Christians

to be set free from that oppression,

because the oppressionhas been unbelievable.

And again, Kim Il-sung,who was the grandfather,

was a lieutenant colonelwho was put in place

by the Russians at thetime of the Korean War.

And they idolize him now as some

kind of a deity, but hewasn't a deity, he was

a lieutenant colonel put inby the Russians, Kim Il-sung.

But his family has takencontrol of that nation

and it is probably the most oppressive

on the face of the earth.

And it's one thing we cannot cover up,

it's something thatneeds to be, and if there

was ever something to beprayed for, it's to pray

for the liberation of theChristians in North Korea.


- Pat, back here at home, New York City

Mayor Bill de Blasio is taking heat

for his criticism of the Jewish community

after hundreds attended arabbi's Brooklyn funeral.

New York City police were dispatched

to the chaotic scene in thecity's Williamsburg area

to deal with the crowdof ultra-Orthodox Jews

filling the streets and violating

the city's social distancing guidelines.

Mayor de Blasio issued a series of tweets,

including one specificallycalling out the Jewish community.

It read, "My message tothe Jewish community,

"and all communities, is this simple:

"The time for warnings have passed."

That message caused backlash, though.

Jonathan Greenblatt, a former U.S.

special representative, tweeted,

"Generalizing against the whole population

"is outrageous, especially when so many

"are scapegoating Jews."

Texas Senator Ted Cruzand political commentator

Ben Shapiro questioned ifde Blasio would've made

the same comments aboutother religious communities.

This just one day afterAttorney General Bill Barr

issued an order to,quote, "be on the lookout

"for state and local governments violating

"constitutional rights by overly strict

"COVID-19 guidelines."

Well, after nearly a month,the U.S. naval ship Comfort

is preparing to leave New York City.

The crew showed its agility when its

original mission, to relieve pressure

from COVID-strainedhospitals, quickly changed.

CBN News national security correspondent

Eric Philips has the details.

(air whooshes)

- [Eric] This is a lookinside the intensive care

aboard the Comfort duringits mission in New York.

Workflow picked up whencrew members learned

they'd be treating coronavirus patients.

- The switching of that to all comers,

or both COVID-negative and COVID-positive,

was a little taxing for some at first.

Again, because of, we all watch the media,

we see what's going on on television,

and the concerns and the issues

that were going on around the country.

In the Navy, we're very adaptable,

and we're good at change, so we were able

to make a lot of thosenecessary adjustments

to what we were doing very quickly.

- [Eric] Including newprotocols for moving

patients on, off, and around the ship,

not to mention new standardsfor protecting the crew

against the spread of the disease.

Even still--

- We had a couple of our crew members

that also becameCOVID-positive aboard the ship,

so we were able to separatethem, care for them, get them

what they needed, and they'veactually returned to duty.

So that relieved a lot of that stress

and the anxiety that someof the crew may have had.

- [Eric] Of the ship's 180 patients,

70% to 80% were COVID-positive.

For some, like native New Yorker

Malcolm Burts, the job was personal.

- My grandmother's in Yonkers,which is highly affected.

I think about it often, justbeing so close, yet so far.

- [Eric] And though thestaff is built for combat,

fighting this invisible enemybecame overwhelming at times,

with as many as 25 patients on ventilators

and others on dialysis while needing

to perform surgeries on board.

- It happened all atonce, it's something new.

It challenged us from the sheer volume

and the realization thatwe don't have a good

treatment protocol for it yet.

It is frustrating, but it's aprivilege to care for people.

Even if you don't have toolsthat you know can fix them,

what they really need iscare, and we really feel

that we have made an impact to the city

and the people of New York and New Jersey.

- No one would argue with that, and now,

with all patients released,the Comfort is scheduled

to head back to Norfolkby the end of the week.

Eric Philips, CBN News.

- Thanks, Eric.

Pat, we certainlyappreciate their service,

and the service of all the people

serving on the front lines.

- It was so moving whenit took out from Norfolk

and went up to New York, andit's fulfilled its calling,

and it'll be back in the fleet,ready to serve in combat,

to help wounded soldiersand sailors and Marines

and so forth in somekind of combat situation.

But they wanna get it cleanedof all that COVID residue,

and I think it'll take quite a while

to make sure it's completely sanitized

before somebody else comes in there.

Wendy?- All right, well,

still ahead, a sunny dayby the pool turns tragic.

What happens after a dad hears a scream

that a parent never wants to hear?

Find out as our Week of Prayer continues.

But first,

(air whooshes)Matthew Barnett joins us.

How has his Dream Center in L.A.

responded to the COVID crisis?

And how on earth did hesurvive running seven marathons

on seven continents onseven consecutive days?

He'll tell us all aboutit when we come back.

(inspiring music)

- Well, as co-founder ofthe L.A. Dream Center,

Matthew Barnett has beenserving the homeless population

in Los Angeles for more than 26 years.

It's a community that has beenhit hard by the coronavirus.

Matthew is meeting the needsof those vulnerable people

by following the nudge of the Holy Spirit,

one small step at a time.

Take a look.(air whooshes)

- [Narrator] 26 years ago,Pastor Matthew Barnett's

dream became a reality, whenhe co-founded the Dream Center

in Los Angeles with hisfather, Tommy Barnett.

The center reaches morethan 30,000 people weekly

with its needs-basedministries and outreaches.

But Matthew says thisdream might have never

become a reality if hehad chosen to ignore

God's nudge to help those around him.

In his latest book, "One Small Step,"

Matthew encourages you to bring life

to a broken world by focusing on the needs

of others, even when itdoesn't always make sense.

- We're pleased to welcomeback to "The 700 Club"

the author of "One SmallStep," Matthew Barnett.

Matthew, your Dream Centeris working in Los Angeles,

where over half of the California deaths

of COVID-19 have occurred.

Why do you think L.A.'s been so hard hit?

- Well, I definitely thinkthe homeless population

has played a major role.

We're about a mile away from it,

and we're just seeing somuch need every single day.

Right here at the Dream Center,

we're feeding people sevendays a week, 11 hours a day.

Can you imagine?

Every day for 11 hours,we're feeding 14,000 people

that are driving by, thehomeless that are walking up.

To be honest with you, it almost looks

like a horror movie, wherepeople are so broken,

they've lost everything,they're coming through our line

to get food, walking up toget food from the streets.

I've never been in an eralike this in my entire life,

in 26 years of ministry,and to be honest with you,

we shut down a long time ago, California,

and when they decided that they were gonna

shut down services, I thought,

"This could be the end of theDream Center in the flesh,"

and then I thought, "You know what?

"We're gonna go out fighting.

"If it is the end, we'regonna go out fighting."

And so I put my desk on the sidewalk,

I said, "We're gonna feedas many people as we can,"

on Monday, three days afterthe announcement was made.

Well, to our surprise,God began to bless us,

and we've been able nowto go for 45 straight days

of feeding people everyday for 11 hours a day.

- In your book, you talk about following

the nudge of the Holy Spirit.

How did you get involved?

You didn't have any money, and here,

this big property is available.

How'd you get the money?

- Well, it started with justmoving my desk on the sidewalk.

As a pastor, that's all theministry I had, was a desk.

And then we had one little house.

I started taking in peoplethat had drug problems,

and ministering to them.

And then one day I was drivingdown the Hollywood Freeway,

I see this big old landmark hospital,

the icon of Los Angeles,called the Queen of Angels,

and I went in, I just talkedto the Catholic Church,

and I said, "We have adream to have a church

"that would never sleep, thatwould be open 24 hours a day.

"Would you sell us the building?"

And they agreed to sell us the building

for $3.9 million rather than $16 million

that Hollywood was gonna buy it for,

and I called my dad, I said,

"Dad, it's good to have a dadwho can do things, right?"

And I said, "Dad, I need you to help me

"come up with $3.9 million in 18 months.

"That's all I'm asking you."

Not a big deal, right?(Pat laughs)

He actually stepped up, andwe had started to preach

and go across the country,and I really feel like

the reason why that thisbuilding's happening

is because God has allowedme to be a pastor's son

of three great generations, and as a part

of that responsibilityof being a pastor's son,

is to get resource topeople in our community

who have no voice, and that's the purpose

of the influence Ibelieve God has given me.

- Well, your father Tommy's a dear friend,

and what he's done, I mean,he got started with buses,

and the next thing you know, he's got

more buses and more buses, and he's got

that huge church in Houston.

As I say, you see it andit looks like something

from outer space landed on the mountains.

It's a (chuckles) huge church.(Matthew laughs)

So you had a good background.

- I do have a very good background.

And I think it's causedus, during this time

that we're in right now,to really just respond

to the nudges of the Holy Spirit,

those little things in your heart

that don't make a lot of sense,

but you know that it requires faith.

And we're seeing it happen, I mean,

425,000 people we've been able to feed

during this time, 45days, again, in a row,

and I just can't even tell you,

but I think we were bornfor a moment like this,

though, the church.

We were born to step out.

Even our mayor andeveryone's coming together,

saying, "How in the world have you guys

"been able to be three days earlier than

"the public school systemthat started feeding meals?"

We were there three days before them,

that's making up theneed of these children

that don't have meals.

And so, growing up around Tommy Barnett's

taught you to understand that man's need

is God's call for the day,and to step up and to respond,

and it's enough to bewilling to take a chance

and take a risk on risky situations

when it comes to helping people and making

a difference, and we'reseeing that happening.

- In this book, "One Small Step,"

(taps book for emphasis)you talk about a man

who challenged you to run amarathon in seven different

continents, and you wereinjured, you kept doing it.

How did you do it?

- Well, I was running for thepeople at the Dream Center.

It was during a time wherewe were really struggling,

the ministry, 'causewe added 200 more beds

for the homeless people,and so I had to literally

empty my bank account tokeep the ministry going

for one more month, 'cause I think

we expanded a little too fast.

But a guy sent me a textmessage, and he said,

"Hey, why don't you run seven marathons

"on seven continents in sevendays, like these people are?"

And I said, "That's crazy!

"I've never done anythinglike that in my life!"

And he said, "I'll givethe Dream Center $100,000

"if you say yes to this," and suddenly,

I felt led by the HolySpirit to go do it, right?

And I trained for nine months,

I know the Dream Center had tons of need.

And we started in Antarcticaas continent number one,

we went to Chile, Miami, Madrid,

Morocco, Dubai, and Australia.

I tore my patella tendonon marathon number four,

and found a way to lock my left leg

and run like Frankensteinthe whole rest of the way,

all the way to my seventh marathon.

I finished all seven in seven days

on every continent of the world,

even negative 30 degrees,50-mile-an-hour headwinds

in Antarctica, and it wasjust all these things, man.

The Dream Center should notbe alive in this climate,

in this neighborhood, in this community,

for 26 years, it doesn't make sense.

But when your heart is into something,

when you're willing to giveyour entire life to something,

anything is possible when God knows

that you're not gonna give upon the people that you love.

- Well, I think the Lord, Hishand is on that whole thing.

This book, "One Small Step,"you've written at quite a time.

What's the main message you want

your readers to get out of it?

- Just not to be afraidto step out on ideas

that are maybe against what you think

you're capable of doing,and not being afraid

to minister to peoplein ways that might be

outside the ordinary, and not to negotiate

with these impressions of the Holy Spirit

that come into your lifethat tell you to do good,

it may be even against your nature

or the familiarity of your life,

and to get outside your comfort zone

and start to say yesto more things in life,

rather than justifying all the reasons

why you can't do something.

- Well, you've said yes to a lot of 'em.

The Dream Center is fantastic,ladies and gentlemen,

it's renowned all over the world,

and Matthew's book iscalled "One Small Step."

It's available wherever books are sold.

Matthew, God bless you, thankyou so much for being with us.

- And it's a joy to be with you.

And if people wanna bepart of the relief efforts,

they can go to,and it would really

help us go a long wayto feed a lot of people.

This could be going downuntil the fall in California,

so we're up against a big challenge.

- Well, they're there, and isn't

it wonderful that God blessed him?

What a good guy.

- What a great guy, whatan incredible ministry,

and I'm still trying to figure out

how he did the seven marathons

in seven days.- He had to lock his leg

in place and he's torn his patella tendon.

- Only the Lord could have helped him

to do that.- Oh, man, remarkable!

Okay, Wendy, what's next?

- Great interview.

Well, coming up, a toddlerslips out of her life jacket

and sinks underwater for several minutes.

She survives, but severebrain damage leaves her

blind and unable to speak or walk.

How does a wildfireprayer ignite a miracle?

Stay tuned to find out.

But first, the real story

(air whooshes)of America's first settlers,

and you won't read itin most history books.

We'll commemorate the CapeHenry landing after this.

(inspiring music)

- On April 29th, 1607,after a 144-day voyage,

a brave team of settlers landed in a place

called Cape Henry in Virginia Beach.

It's about 16 miles away fromwhere I'm currently sitting.

Well, shortly after arriving,they had squabbles on board,

and their chaplain, Robert Hunt, said,

"I'm not going to have communion

"until you guys get straight."(taps desk for emphasis)

And so they confessed their sins and they

asked to have love for one another.

And on April the 29th,they planted a wooden cross

on the shores, and theysaid, "We claim this land

(taps desk for emphasis)"for the glory of the Lord

"Jesus Christ."

This land was claimedby God as His country,

keep that in mind.

Now, let's look back at that historic day

and see why it's soimportant to all of us today.

- [Narrator] April 29th, 1607.

A nation was born.

Travel-weary Englishmenlanded at Cape Henry

on the shores of Virginia,and lay the foundation

for what would become the most powerful

country the world has ever seen.

(epic, percussive music)


Act one, scene one, of the drama

that was to be the UnitedStates unfolded that day

at Cape Henry, and sparked the legacy

of godliness on American shores.

- Almighty God, by Your great mercy,

we have reached thisland, which we now claim

and establish for Thy eternal purposes.

We ask Thee to open hearts and enlighten

the understanding of thepeoples of these shores

to comprehend the gloriousgospel of Jesus Christ.

- [Narrator] America's destiny and purpose

were sealed with that cross at Cape Henry.

All that would followin our nation's growth

hinged on the single proclamation

that this land belonged to Jesus Christ.

In the Mayflower Compact of 1620,

the Pilgrims reaffirmedthe mission set forth

by the original Virginia settlers.

- They said, "We havecome here, first of all,

"for the glory of God,secondly, for the advancement

"of the Christian faith."

We could say they were missionaries.

They weren't just runningfrom something. (laughs)

There was a vision pulling them forward

to advance the Christianfaith in this New World.

- [Narrator] Later, the Puritans carried

the Cape Henry legacy further.

On the deck of theArbella, halfway between

England and Cape Cod, leaderJohn Winthrop declared,

"We shall be as a city upon a hill.

"The eyes of all people are upon us,

"so that if we shalldeal falsely with our God

"in this work we haveundertaken and so cause Him

"to withdraw His presenthelp from us, we shall

"be made a story and abyword throughout the world."

- They were going to America to live out

a new kind of government and Christianity

where people governed themselves.

They don't depend onan outward government,

they would depend primarilyon governing themselves

according to Christian principles.

- We ask now that Yourkingdom come to earth,

and Your will be done, as it is in heaven.

And to that end, we claim this land

for that great purpose, amen.

- [All] Amen.

- [Narrator] More than 100 years later,

as America set off on her owncourse towards independence,

the godly foundations laid in Virginia

established the characterof our Revolution.

John Adams boldly proclaimed--

- [Man] Before God, Ibelieve the hour has come.

My judgment approves this measure

and my whole heart is in it.

All that I have, all thatI am, and all that I hope

in this life, I am nowready to stake upon it.

And I leave off as Ibegan, that live or die,

survive or perish, Iam for the Declaration.

It is my living sentiment,and by the blessing of God,

it shall be my dying sentiment.

Independence now and independence forever.

- [Narrator] George Washington'spure, Christian heart,

Benjamin Franklin's call to prayer,

and John Adams' reverencefor the will of God

symbolize the undying commitmentof our Founding Fathers

to the creation of a nationwhich would glorify God.

The American characterwas born in scripture

and nurtured by the Holy Spirit.

Yet today, our nationalheritage is under siege.

- [Man] The moment thatreligion, the pure,

undefiled religion, loses its influence

over our hearts, from that fatal moment,

farewell to public and private happiness.

Farewell, a long farewell, to virtue,

to patriotism, to liberty.

Bishop James Madison, 1795.

- [Narrator] More than400 years have passed

since America was firstconceived at Cape Henry,

and respect for our roots is growing cold.

Yet one undeniable fact still remains.

At its core, the United States of America

is a Christian nation.

- On this solemnanniversary, I want us all

around this country,around the world, to pray.

This land is now being torn with division.

There's hatred andanimosity, there's confusion,

and there's desperate, desperate problems

with this virus that's come upon us,

and we need to pray for the power of God,

the same God that led those settlers here

on April the 26th, actually, they got here

three days earlier, and then on the 29th,

they dedicated the country.

But we're going to join right now,

and I ask you to join with Wendy and me

as we pray, and we're gonnabelieve God right now.

Father, in Jesus' name, we join once again

in front of the crossthat came from Cape Henry,

and Lord, we ask thatYou would take this land

that is Yours, reclaimYour heritage, Lord,

and we declare, in thename of Jesus Christ,

that this land belongs to Him.

It was given to Him,and usurpers would try

to take it away, and over the years,

they have tried manyawful, terrible times.

But right now, we declare that this

land belongs to the Lord,and it was dedicated

to Him, for Him, by those who loved Him.

And so, once again, we claim a blessing

on April the 29th, this dayof the founding of America.

Lord, do it again, and may the anointing

of the Holy Spirit of Godcome and bring peace and joy

and righteousness to thisland that was supposed to be

a city set on a hill, the wonder

of all the nations on earth.

Restore unto us the powerof Your Holy Spirit.

In Jesus' name we ask it,

amen and amen.- Amen.

Wow, that's awesome.


(claps)All right, well,

turning now to this story.

A scream that a parentnever wants to hear.

That was the sound that sent a shocking

chill through Chris Love.

His 14-month-old daughterwas floating lifeless

in the family pool, andfor the next nine minutes,

his wife, Danielle, fought to bring

breath back into her baby's body.

- [Narrator] Danielle and Chris loved

sharing a meal on the patiowith their four daughters,

a weekly tradition attheir home in Florida.

So on August 7th, 2018, thecouple prepared dinner as usual,

while 14-month-old Isabella played outside

near her sisters, who had been swimming.

But the peace of a seeminglyperfect day was interrupted.

- We heard the girls scream outside.

The scream that a parentnever wants to hear.

- [Narrator] Somehow,the toddler slipped out

of her life jacket and wentinto the pool unnoticed.

She had been underwaterfor several minutes

without air when hersisters found her floating,

with no sign of life.

Danielle, a trained water safety

instructor, administered CPR.

- It was just like everythingfroze for a minute.

I would breathe and then Iwould scream, "God, I need you!"

I was doing CPR for over nine minutes

with nothing, and shefinally, it was like God

just put breath in her lungs.

She didn't wake up or anything like that,

but her body just tookbreath, and by that time,

the first responders were there.

- Her mom was doingCPR, but in most cases,

it's less than 25% thatthere's a survival rate.

Of course, we had to startan IV, and I intubated her

and then we flew her out.

- [Narrator] Isabella was life-flighted

to a Tampa hospital,where it was determined

she had gone through thefive stages of drowning.

Her heart was barely beating when

she was placed on life support.

Refusing to give up on their daughter,

Danielle and Chris calledon people from all over

the world to pray andbelieve for a miracle.

- "Pray, something happened to Isabella."

Just from that one little text,

it basically startedlike a wildfire prayer.

Within 15 or 20 minutes,we had people praying.

- So our first prayer was,"God, we will serve You

"regardless of what You do."

Our second prayer was just that the Lord

would give us strengthto get through each day.

And our third prayer wasfor complete wholeness.

- [Narrator] So they prayedand waited by her bedside.

Miraculously, Isabellamade it through the night.

Then, her heart stabilized,and on the third day,

she awakened from hercoma, three months sooner

than the typical timeline.

But doctors said shewould never be the same.

She was diagnosed with severebrain damage that caused

cortical blindness andthe loss of motor skills.

(Isabella coughs)

- Will she ever be the same baby again?

She lost her speech, shelost all her motor skills,

she couldn't walk, she couldn't see.

So that was a big fear.

- We had had so muchbad news from doctors.

They had three neurologists on the case,

and the first neurologist that came in

said brain damage to both sides

of the brain, full brain damage.

I told him that I wasn't gonna have,

if he could just say brain change for now,

that would be great,because I wasn't gonna

have him speaking brain damage over her.

And we knew that we served a God

that was able, and so we would just pray.

We would pray, "God,You did not bring back

"our daughter from thedead to halfway heal her."

We would not accept any halfway healing.

- [Narrator] The coupleprayed with anticipation.

Then, on the seventh day, a smartphone

recording captured a breakthrough.

- There were small glimpses of where

we thought she could seeus, and the doctor said,

"No, that's not possible."

- We kept trying to argue with the doctors

and just say, "No, she's seeing us,"

and this was kind ofjust to build our faith.

So we were holding up thecamera and recording her,

and she was just kind of oblivious,

she wasn't really looking at us.

And we were like, "Comeon, Isabella, hey."

And then, just all of asudden, she looks at us

and just locks eyes and she goes "Cheese!"

- Cheese!

- [Chris] Cheese!

- [Danielle] And we're like, "What?"

and we just started crying.

- That was probably the first thing

that she had done before the accident

that she was able to do again.

It was tears of happiness, 'cause we knew

that that was a big step.

God had healed the blind in that moment.

- [Narrator] From that day on, Isabella

astonished the medical staffwith her rapid rehabiliation,

accomplishing six months'worth of rehab in 31 days.

On September 6th, 2018, she returned home,

and just a couple months later,

she had made a full recovery.

- [Danielle] We always say that God

brought her back and she's even better.

She's completely healed, I mean, 100%.

Actually went to theneurologist and they said,

for her follow-up appointment,

that we didn't need them,because he was blown away.

- Just seeing theprogression that she's made,

where she's at now,just a complete miracle.

- That without God, my babywould not be here today.

She is just full ofpersonality, full of energy,

I mean, she's nonstop, she's a handful.

But I'm thankful.

- [Narrator] Today, theycontinue a family tradition

of gathering around thetable with their girls,

a precious answer to prayer.

- Our family would not bethe same without Isabella.

God knew that we needed to keep her.

To God be the glory,from beginning to end.

(hopeful piano music)

- Only God.

That story is trulyamazing, but it shows you

the power that we have asbelievers when we pray.

God can do miracles, and astound

the doctors and everyone else.

I love it.

- This is our Week ofPrayer, and we've got

thousands of prayerrequests that have come in

from all around the countryand around the world.

Somebody said, "I needhealing for stage three

deteriorating kidney disease."

Somebody has got Parkinson'sand asked for healing.

And somebody said, "My daughter

"and granddaughter both have COVID-19."

- Mm, here's some, "Safety for Israel

"and peace in Jerusalem," healing

from traumatic brain injury, and this one,

"Comfort and peace forthose mourning the loss

"of loved ones," and there'sa lot of that right now.

- Folks, we're gonna askGod, we're surrounded

by the prayers of thousands of people,

this is our Week of Prayer, and I have

in front of me just some of the thousands

of prayer requests that have come in.

And God knows your need.

He looks down on youand He knows your need,

and He is moved with thefeeling of compassion,

because He senses what your problems are.

Now, Wendy and I are gonna agree together,

and we're gonna believe God for miracles

all the way across this world,

we're gonna believe God for miracles.

So I'm asking you to agreewith us on this special day.

- [Wendy] Amen, thank you, God.

- Father, I join with my sister in Christ,

and we pray together,according to Your word.

You said, "If two ofyou would agree on earth

"as touching anything,that they would ask,

"it'll be done by My Father in heaven."

Thank you, Lord.- Thank you, Lord.

- Oh, thank you.

And Wendy, do you have something?

- Yeah, there's someone, you've been told

that your job will not come back

after the pandemic, but God is saying

it will come back, don't fear,

He's gonna provide foryou, you will be employed.

And she's--- Somebody, you're claiming

the Abrahamic covenant.

I don't quite understandwhat it is that's going on,

but you're claiming it, and God's gonna

give you the answer to that covenant,

the covenant of Abraham that He's made

over the centuries in the name of Jesus.

Thank you, Lord.

There's a neck muscle thatjust got healed in Jesus' name,

and somebody else hasa pulmonary embolism,

and God has just taken that embolism,

and it's dissolved in thename of Jesus, touch them!

Wendy, what else?

- There's someone, you're crying out

for a miracle right now.

You just saw the story on the little baby

who came back, and you, you're saying,

"God, I need that," and the Lord's hearing

your prayers right now, and it's something

that there's a medical emergency,

but God is touching and healing right now,

in Jesus' name, be encouraged.

- There's a knee problem,the patella thing

is loose and it's not sittingas it should in your kneecap.

All right, now, justplace your hand on it,

in Jesus' name, Charlie, it's yours.

Thank you, Father.

Now, Lord, all over thisnation and around the world,

people are crying out to You.

They're asking You forhealing for their loved ones,

they're asking for defenseagainst this COVID-19,

they're asking for help on jobs,

and they're hurting financially,and they're desperate,

and I ask for peace to come upon them,

and I ask for theirprayers to be answered.

Lord, You are almighty and there's nothing

impossible with You, sotoday, we affirm Your power.

In the name of Jesus, receive an answer!

- [Wendy] Yes.

- And may the glory of Godcome upon you, in Jesus' name,

amen and amen.- Amen.

I was so moved when they brought all

of these prayer requests over to us

just a few minutes ago, Pat,if we can show 'em again.

- Yeah.- Because like you said,

it's just a fraction, but everyone is precious to the Lord,

and we are lifting all these needs up.

- [Pat] Amen, amen.

- Well, guess what?

Our dear friend Sheila Walshis the featured speaker

at CBN's Week of Prayer chapel today.

We'll be live streaming theservice at noon Eastern.

To watch it, all you haveto do is go to,

or you can join us liveon Facebook or YouTube.

While you're there, you can check out

the full list of speakers for this week.

We've had amazing speakers.

Every day, we'll bepraying for the requests

that you, our partners andviewers, have sent to us.

If you haven't sent us your prayer

request yet, it's not too late.

Just give us a call at 1-800-700-7000,

or you can just go to

Well, still ahead, a Wednesday round

of "Your Questions, Honest Answers."

Michael says, "Why was it unlawful

"for Paul to discusshis encounter in heaven,

"but now everyone who goesthere writes a book about it?"

That's a great question.

Stay tuned for Pat's answerand much more, coming up.

(inspiring music)

(urgent music with air whooshes)

- Welcome back to Washingtonfor this CBN Newsbreak.

Hillary Clinton is the latestDemocratic heavy hitter

to endorse Joe Biden for president.

The former secretary of state

and 2016 Democratic presidential nominee

joined Vice President Biden in a women's

online town hall Tuesday.

Clinton's endorsementcomes as new testimony

has surfaced supporting an accusation

of sexual assault from a former aide

when Biden was in the Senate.

The campaign stronglydenies those allegations.

Well, Israel celebratesits 72nd anniversary

as a modern nation today, but without

barbecues and parties, because the country

is under strict coronavirus curfew.

Israelis are forbidden from traveling

more than 100 meters from their homes,

except for essential needs.

Today's anniversarycomes after the country

marked Memorial Day Tuesday, honoring

fallen soldiers and victims of attacks.

You can always get thelatest from CBN News

by going to our website at

Pat and Wendy will be back with more

of "The 700 Club" right after this.

(urgent music with air whooshes)

(inspiring music)

- Kent Allison is anaward-winning movie producer.

He's also a CBN partner.

Why did Kent decide tojoin "The 700 Club"?

Because he wanted to be part of something

bigger than himself.

Take a look.

(Kent speaks indistinctly)

- [Narrator] Kent Allison is a two-time

Emmy award-winning filmmaker whose work

has aired on MTV, NBC, and HBO.

But he especiallyappreciates the work that he

and his wife help tosupport as partners of CBN.

- One thing that CBN and "The 700 Club" do

immensely well is to mobilizepeople and resources.

We have Operation Blessing, wehave Helping the Home Front,

Orphan's Promise, the "Superbook."

So I know that when that money is directed

toward them, that they're gonna be

the most amazing stewards of that money.

- [Narrator] For Kent, supporting CBN

as a "700 Club" member is just one way

he likes to thank God for the success

he's seen in life and business.

- Having been in business for 23 years,

there's only one place that I can

attribute that to, and that's to God.

The blessings that I've received

have been too many to count.

- [Narrator] Kent says partnering with CBN

means he's part of something bigger.

- There are so many thingsthat CBN does that I know

I could not accomplish,that I can't get done.

It allows me to be a part ofsuch an amazing body of Christ.

I know that in some smallway, my directing His money

to CBN is absolutely thebest thing to do for me.

- Amen, we appreciate that testimony.

And so many people feel just like he does,

they wanna be a part ofsomething bigger than themselves.

If that sounds like you, then please go

to your phones right now and say,

"Yes, I wanna join 'The 700 Club.'"

It's just 65 cents a day.

$20 a month is all it takesto become a CBN partner

and to help so many hurtingpeople all over the world.

And as you know, this is a great time

to give and help hurting people.

When you do that, we havesomething special for you.

If you sign up for Pledge Express,

that's where your bank does all the work

and you don't have to lick a stamp

or write a check every month, it comes

right out of your checking account,

when you sign up for Pledge Express,

we're gonna send you this every

single month, it'scalled "Power for Life."

These are monthly teachingsfrom Pat and Gordon

that will really revolutionize your

walk with the Lord and build your faith,

so sign up for PledgeExpress when you call.


- Okay.- It's (claps) time for email.

- I think it's time forit, all right, let's go.

- Let's go.

Here's Michael, he says, "Hello, Pat.

"Why was it unlawful for Paul to discuss

"his encounter in heaven, but now everyone

"who goes there writes a book about it?"

- Oh, first of all, Iquestion whether some of these

who've written the bookshave actually gotten there.

(Pat and Wendy chuckle)

The Apostle Paul, "I was caught up into

"the third heaven, and I saw sights

"and sounds that it wasunlawful to talk about."

So that's what he said.

He got there, the other guyswho've written the books,

I just question some of them.

I don't have any idea, so.

You said, "if it was unlawful for Paul,"

if he really saw stuff, he said,

"It was so splendid Icouldn't talk about it."

Well, I think these oneswho've written the books

haven't seen quite anythingthat splendid, all right?

- All right, here's Stephen.

He says, "My older brother often watches

"fictional and true crime TV shows

"to the point where I'm very concerned

"about the effect they'rehaving on his spirit.

"Doesn't the Bible commandus to guard our hearts

"and protect our eyesfrom 'wicked things'?"

- It indeed says that in the Psalms,

it says, "I will put myeyes upon no evil thing,"

and I think that we canabsorb stuff like this.

You know, a lot of fictional books

are full of things, Imean, they've got incest,

they've got rape, they've got murder,

they've got plots, they've got all

this stuff, and it's part of fiction.

Well, I think our minds should be

on something else, all right?

- Stephen, I agree.

Roger says, "I've apastor, and I've worked

"with Christian college students

"at a university for about 13 years.

"Last year, I read yourbook 'The Secret Kingdom.'

"Recently, I ordered yourbook 'Ten Laws for Success,'

"and I'm waiting to receive it.

"Do you think either one or both

"of those books would be good books for me

"to recommend to Christiancollege students?"

- Well, they absolutelyshould be recommended,

because the Lord gave me that.

I mean, that whole ideaof "The Secret Kingdom,"

I was praying, "God, showme how Your kingdom works,"

and He showed me our laws thatJesus had said in the Bible,

and these are very practicalsteps for success in life,

for building a family, forliving happily with your spouse.

I mean, it's tremendous, everyone of 'em should be read.

Thanks for the endorsement.

(chuckles)- (laughs) Right?

They are great.

Well, Mario says, "WhenJesus told us to pray,

"He gave us the 'Our Father' prayer.

"I have visited manytypes of Spirit-filled

"churches with born-again believers,

"and I have never heard the'Our Father' being prayed.

"Saying this prayer isa command from Jesus.

"Why do these churchesnot obey this command?"

- Well, how should I know what these

churches are doing and not doing?

That's the model prayer.

It wasn't Jesus Himself,but it's what He said,

"Here's when you pray, 'Our Father,

"'which art in heaven,hallowed,'" but it's personal.

How could I say, "How comechurches don't do something?"

I don't know why they don't do it.

- I've been to plenty ofchurches that prayed this.

- Well, certainly.- But I think it's

more for us to pray.

I mean, you can pray it corporately, but--

- Yeah, well, it's your own prayer,

and you can break it downinto all these things,

it's a wonderful prayer.

- Kevin says, "Dear Pat, it's hard

"for a person to study God's word!

"Plus, I need some helpon how to listen to God.

"Any suggestions?"

I think he's distracted.- Absolutely.

I think what you needto do is take a verse,

take even a phrase in that verse,

and read it over andover again till it begins

to speak to you, and itbegins to be part of you.

And they taught us inseminary, you look over a book,

you read it fast, and thenyou take little parts of it

and you break it down.

I don't know, but that's the way

to make it part of you, let that word.

You know, He talked about eating the word,

and it becomes part of you, you absorb it.

"Unless you eat Myflesh," that's the idea,

it becomes part of you, and you savor it

over and over again.

- All right, good advice.

All right, Ritianne, Ibelieve is her name, gosh,

she says, "Hi, Pat, my sonneeds a healing miracle,

"and I keep praying every day.

"Am I not showing enough faith by praying

"every day for the same thing?

"Should I just leave it in God's timing?

- Well, the Bible, it'spresent tense in Greek,

"Keep on praying, keep onknocking, keep on seeking."

When God finally says, "I've done it,"

then start praising Him.

Until he says, "I've doneit," keep on praying.

So keep on praying.

You know, George Muller prayedfor somebody to get saved,

he prayed virtually all of his life.

Finally, after his death,the man came to the Lord.

- Wow.- So if you believe God,

but one of the things about praying,

we have to confess what we've done.

"If you confess with yourmouth," the Lord Jesus,

and He said, "you believe in your heart

"and you'll have the thing that you seek."

So make sure that you have in your heart,

and again, are you prayingfor the glory of God,

or are you praying foryour own satisfaction?

Make sure that when youpray, that you're praying

for the glory of God.

- All right, here's one from Sandy.

She says, "I'm bornagain, and the Bible says

"you will go to heavenif you're born again.

"I'm also a sexual abusesurvivor on two different levels,

"from a stepfather and from strangers.

"I'm from a very toxic family as well,

"and I struggle with this.

"I may die and not have forgiveness

"in my heart for this stuff, so does

"that mean I'm not going to heaven?"

- I don't know what'sin your heart for sure,

but I do know that beingborn again involves

being forgiven, and Jesussaid, "When you pray

"and you have hardenedyour heart against any,

"forgive, as your HeavenlyFather might forgive you."

So you've suffered terrible abuse,

and what you need to do is begin to pray

for those people.

If you say, "God, keep me, help me not

"to hate my father for what he did to me,"

all you're thinking aboutis hate over your father.

But if you say, "God, Iwant you to bless my father

"with the power of God,"then all of a sudden,

you've changed it into something

positive instead of negative, okay?

Try that.

Well, today's Power Minute is from

the book of Nahum.(air whooshes)

"The Lord is good, a strongholdin the day of trouble,

"and He knows those who trust in Him."

Well, for Wendy and all ofus, this is Pat Robertson.

Thank you for being with us.

It's always good to haveyou on "The 700 Club."

Another exciting showtomorrow, don't miss it.

(inspiring music)


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