Dana Goodrum tried everything to fill the void of wanting to be accepted by her alcoholic father, from alcohol and drugs to co-dependent relationships with abusive men.
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- [Gordon] Nurses battling COVID-19.
- You're putting your family at risk,
your putting your co-workers at risk.
You're putting your children at risk.
- [Gordon] And helpingfamilies find peace.
- And they said their goodbyes,and they prayed with her,
and then we all sang "Amazing Grace",
and I held her hand.- [Gordon] Plus.
- [Dana] I knew at thatmoment I was going to hell.
- [Gordon] A woman believesshe did something so terrible,
she had no chance at salvation.
- I think that people assumethat it is an easy decision,
and it is not.
- So, what did she do,
and how did she get a second chance?
Find out on today's 700 Club Interactive.
Well, welcome to the show.
For the thousands of COVID-19 patients
and everyone in hospitalstoday, nurses play a major role.
- And due to safety concernsthat limit physical contact
with family, friends, andeven other healthcare workers,
these hospital heroes
are now playing a bigger part than ever.
- When people go into hospital,they're by themselves.
Our patient that we just let out,
he was up there for 20days without seeing anyone.
- [Heather] Shelby Roberts COVID Unit
at her Alabama Hospital
is always full, a newnormal that she describes
as trial by fire and she's not alone.
In Virginia, Dr. JamieHolland, a nurse educator,
says she's getting callsfrom former students
at all hours about the strain.
- The words that I'mhearing are, "This is awful,
"this is very distressing,this isn't okay."
- [Heather] A major stress for nurses,
personal protective equipment, or PPE.
Protocols are constantly changing,
and they worry about getting it right.
- Now you're putting yourself,not just yourself at risk,
but you're putting your family at risk,
you're putting your coworkers at risk,
you're putting your children at risk.
- [Heather] For some,their isolating themselves,
living in campers and tentsto avoid contact with family.
On the job, they're trying tosupport patients emotionally,
who can't receive visitors.
Chelsey McLaughlin is afirst year nurse in Virginia.
- I feel that I should besure that they're okay,
talk to them as if theywere my own family member.
It's hard to get their real feelings out.
- [Heather] And part of thejob right now is being there
for patients who are dying without family.
For one patient, ShelbyRoberts put her own phone
in a plastic bag and got sixfamily members on the line.
- I just held it up to her ear,
and they said their goodbyes,
and they prayed with her,
and then we all sang "Amazing Grace",
and I held her hand, andwe put on the gospel music.
- [Heather] Roberts and other nurses say
these are painful yet rewarding moments,
and while it can providefamily members a final goodbye,
this COVID-19 separation canalso lead to lingering issues.
- We are not only robbed of a loved one,
but we're robbed of the ability
to gather together and honor them.
- [Heather] According to Regent professor
and licensed professionalcouncilor, Danny Holland,
this makes it harder tobring closure after death,
and can lead to guilt.
What can be important isunderstanding that a loved one
is just that, loved.
- Dying alone doesn't mean dying unloved.
It simply means the absenceof the loved one being with us
in that moment of death.
♪ You are my sunshine ♪
- [Heather] For many patients and nurses,
music is a huge comfort.
In Arkansas, a nurse, Michael Stramiello,
goes into patients' rooms
during work breaks to playworship music or other requests.
For McLaughlin, her personalfavorite is "Way Maker",
and she's playing it a lot these days.
And she has a message
for her patients' families, please call.
- We might not have timeto talk to you right then,
but we will call you back, wewill talk to you if we can,
we will take the phone in to the patient,
we will let you talk to them.
(placid music)
Please call.
(placid music)
- Nurses are trying to bring patients
and their families together.
It looks different rightnow and it's not easy,
but most would agree,it's worth fighting for.
Heather Sells, CBN News.
- It's absolutely worth fighting for,
and realize how muchthey're on the front lines,
and how much they're puttingtheir own families at risk
by being on the front lines,
and how they have toobserve quarantine protocols
when they just go homeat the end of the shift,
and try to get some sleep.
Let's honor them
because they absolutelydeserve to be honored.
- Well, we have some prayerrequests that have come in.
Judith writes, "Pleasepray for my love, Mike,
"who is a nurse.
"He just went to New Jersey to work.
"Please pray for protectionand safety for him."
And then, Stella says,"Please pray for both
"of my sister-in-law's.
"One is a nurse and theother is an anesthesiologist.
"Just want them both tostay healthy and safe."
- And then, Angelo says,
"Pray for my friend,Shannon, who is a nurse.
"She works in a hospital
"where they have some COVID patients.
"She has little ones athome and is concerned.
"Pray that the Lord willprotect her entire family."
So, let's do that, let's prayfor them and let's honor them,
and realize God wants to watch over them.
Let's just ask Him for whatHe's already willing to do.
Let's pray.
Lord, we lift all of those whoare treating patients today,
the doctors, the nurses,the support staff,
everyone involved, everyonewho is volunteering
to put themselves in harm's way.
And for Mike and these others, Shannon,
these two sisters-in-law,we just lift them to You
as representatives for the entire group.
All of those who are in healthcare,
all of those who are in ambulances,
all of those who are workingdiligently every day.
Be with them, Lord God.
Let Your peace guardtheir hearts and minds.
Let no contagion come near them.
Let no contagion come near their homes
and their families and their loved ones.
Be with them.
And now, for every patientand every hospital,
be the God of all comfort to them.
Let them know that they're not alone,
because in You, we live andmove and have our being.
Speak to Your precious children, Lord God,
for we ask it in Jesus's name, amen.
- Amen.- And amen,
if you need prayer, we're here for ya.
Just to remind ya, we'rehere for ya 24 hours a day,
seven days a week, it'sour honor, our privilege
to pray for you, and all youhave to do is pick up the phone
and give us a call, 1-800-700-7000.
Well, coming up, gas for yourcar or food on the table,
a choice one hardworkingfamily had to make.
(placid music)
- [Adam] There was a lot oftimes where I had to pick
either paying all the billsoff or getting food and gas,
it was really rough.
- What can you do about hunger in America?
We'll find out right after this.
(placid music)
Hunger in America,
COVID-19 is making thateven more of a reality
for families who already struggling
to put food on the table.
- Before the pandemic,
Adam and Sabrina faced an empty cupboard,
and they had hungry teenagers to feed.
So, where did they turn for help?
Well, take a look.
(placid music)
- [Narrator] Adam and SabrinaDuna are dedicated parents
who adore their three children.
- I live for my family,
I wake up and that's all I think about,
making sure they're happy and healthy.
- My dad and my mom,they're super parents.
We have a friendship bondwhere I can tell them anything.
I'm really luck.
- [Narrator] Several years ago,
a move from Nevada to Michigan
opened up a new work opportunity for Adam.
- So, we came out here and Iactually had a really good job,
and then they outsourced the work.
A smaller company came inand I took a big pay cut.
- [Sabrina] We're like,"Okay, we can push this bill
"back another week."
- There was a lotta timeswhere I had to pick,
either paying all the billsoff or getting food and gas.
We've got teenagers in the house,
and there's nothing toeat, it was really rough.
- [Narrator] Right whenthings were at their worst,
God brought the Dunas cartloads of food
from Operation Blessing partner
Buist Community Assistance Center.
- I was so surprise, when we go to Buist,
something there's not evenenough room for the food.
They have open arms and they're so nice,
and they pray for you, too.
Every time I left thatplace, I always said,
"Ah, God is looking out for us, for sure."
- I couldn't believe it, Icouldn't believe how much we got.
The people at Buist, they'redoing God's work for Him.
- [Narrator] The food theyreceived kept them going
until Adam got a new jobdriving a delivery truck.
- Everything is juststarting to look up now.
Everything, doing it all onour own now, and it feels good.
- [Narrator] They say they never
would have gotten back on their feet
without the support ofOperation Blessing partners.
- I don't know where Iwould have been right now
if it wasn't for them.
It's definitely helpingout a lot of people.
- The kids there, they are so thankful,
because I was so thankful.
- You guys are our angels,honestly, thank you very much.
(placid music)
- Well, that was a storyfrom before COVID-19
and now we're into a whole newdemand for food in America.
26,000,000 Americans unemployed.
We've done food outreachesacross the nation.
We're doing that successfully,
we're doing that with social isolation,
where people drive up and, literally,
they just pop the trunk, theydon't get out of the car,
and we fill that trunk with groceries,
where we've got multiple, over1,400 partner organizations
who do the leg work.
Our job is to do the procurement,
and then ship that food andthose supplies to people in need
across the country.
Here's the best news, youcan be a part of it, how?
By first joining the 700 Club.
A portion of every gift goes
into the work of Operation Blessing.
How much is it to join?
Well, it's just $20 a month,
that breaks out to 65 cents a day.
Some of you can join at a higher level.
We have 700 Club Gold at $40 a month.
We also have 1,000 Club,and that's $1,000 a year.
That breaks out to $48 a month.
And when you call and pledge,
I've got something foryou, our gift to you.
"Ten Laws For Success,Keys To Win And Work,
"Family And Finance", it's awonderful book by my father,
and if you want keys ofhow to do a turn around
in the middle of this crises,this book will give it to you.
"Ten Laws For Success",it's free when you join.
Now, when you call, make sureyou ask for a pledge express,
that's electronic monthly giving.
The bank is doing all the work,
there's no cheques to write,it's all done virus free,
electronically, so ask forpledge express when you call,
or you can go to cbn.com.
And if you wanna designate your gift
into the hunger strikeforce, you can do that
by giving to the OperationBlessing Disaster Relief Fund,
CBN Center, VirginiaBeach, Virginia, 23463.
And your gift will go intofeeding Americans right here,
and also helping people around the world.
Our international teams areall pivoting to COVID-19,
helping people with food,
helping people with emergency supplies.
You can be a part of all ofit when you join the 700 Club,
or you can give a designated gift
into the Operation BlessingDisaster Relief Fund.
If you want to do that electronically,
there's a place on cbn.com,
where you can designate your gift.
So, go to the givingpage, and there's a place
where you can do it, do it now.
Call us, 1-800-700-7000, Terry.
- Still to come, a womanendures years of drugs,
alcohol and toxic relationships.
(upbeat music)
- [Dana] I completelyjust shrunk into myself,
and I went right back into panic mode.
- So, how did she end her cycle
of addiction and pain overnight?
Find out when we come back.
(upbeat music)
Dana Goodrum cravedher father's attention,
until he showed up dead drunkat one of her softball games.
After that, Dana startedlooking for love elsewhere,
leading her to a toxic cycleof bad relationships and abuse.
(placid music)
- I had my Master's Degree,
I was exceptional whenit came to education.
(placid music)
I was fantastic when itcame to moving up the ranks
in any profession.
(placid music)
But when it came torelationships, I was a disaster.
(placid music)
- [Narrator] Dana Goodrum's life was torn
between two worlds.
Raised Catholic, sheunderstood what it meant
to be and do good.
But more than that,
there was a deep longingto be seen and affirmed,
especially by her alcoholic father.
(placid music)
- I constantly just tried to impress him.
I tried to get his approval.
I did well in school.
My sports were exceptional.
It wasn't enough.
(placid music)
- [Narrator] However, it was one
of her middle school softball games
that served as a turningpoint in her heart,
when she decided to lookelsewhere for acceptance.
(chattering)(placid music)
- [Dana] He showed up sowasted, and I was pitching.
(placid music)(chattering)
And he stood behind the backstop.
- [Dana's Father] Come on, now.
- [Dana] And he was rattling the cage.
- [Dana's Father] DanaJoe, throw the ball.
- [Dana] And he was like,
"Come on, Dana Joe, pitch the ball,"
and he was cursing.- Throw the ball in there.
- And I just thought about all the times
that I wished he wasthere, and now he's there,
and I wanted nothing butfor him to just leave.
(intense music)
Because of that, I rememberseeking approval elsewhere.
(intense music)
I was doing hard drugs at 14,
and the drinking group is unfortunately
where I found my relationships with men.
(intense music)
- [Narrator] From her early teens
until her sophomore year of college,
Dana struggled with drugs and alcohol,
but quit when she met a man
whom she eventually had herson with and then married.
Despite his verbal abuse and cheating,
she stayed with him for twoyears until they divorced.
(placid music)
- [Dana] This is the manwho's supposed to protect me,
protect my feeling, my confidence,
and I completely just shrunk into myself.
It was that feeling of rejection,
and I went right back into panic mode.
- [Narrator] Even thoughher world was shaken,
Dana went back to collegeand received her Master's,
which helped her land a good job.
She also landed in anotherabusive relationship
and had her daughter, sheleft him after two years,
and continued the cycle withyet another abusive man.
(placid music)
- I didn't care about anything.
I didn't think that lifeitself could get any worse.
(placid music)
- [Narrator] Unfortunately, it did.
Dana lost her job, thenshortly after ending
what would be her last toxic relationship,
she found out she was pregnant.
(placid music)
In desperation, she got an abortion.
- I knew at that moment,I was going to hell.
(placid music)
I think that people assumethat it is an easy decision,
and it is not, I was ina fog, I was terrified.
(placid music)
- [Narrator] Jobless and at rock bottom,
she and her children
were now living in a one bedroom apartment
in a bad neighborhood, just surviving.
- I had applied to 152 jobs,
and got rejected by every single one.
- [Narrator] Finally, Dana called her mom,
who shared how Jesus hadrecently changed her life.
Then she told Dana Hecould do the same for her,
and all she had to dowas lift up her hands
and give it all to God.
- I listened to my mom,I got down on my knees,
I lifted up my hands to the ceiling,
then I just said,
"God, I know you areprobably so mad at me.
"I cannot do this on my own anymore."
I said, "I just can't."
And I started crying,everything was just coming out.
I was crying about the abortion,
I was crying about the guys,
I was crying about my dad,I was crying about my kids.
The people let I let around them,
the situations that I had put them in.
And I just released it all.
I started to follow Him that night.
(placid music)
I woke up the next day,and I got two phone calls
with job offers.
The very next day.
But bigger than that, it was me knowing,
one, that God heard me, andtwo, that He wasn't mad at me,
that I hadn't exceeded His grace,
that I hadn't surpassed His mercy,
that I wasn't going to hell.
And that was bigger than any job offer.
And all of a sudden,
my entire perspective and outlook shifted,
and I started to understandHis reckless pursuit for me.
(placid music)
- [Narrator] Dana beganattending church, got baptized,
and now continually inspiresothers with her testimony.
Through giving her life to the Lord,
she's come to understandthe deep affirming love
of her Father in heaven,
and that there's no need tosearch for any other approval
than His.
- Even though my earthlydad may have failed me,
my Father in heaven waswith me the entire time.
I can stand here firm in my faith,
and be able to speak to otherwomen and speak to children
who are in that place,
and tell them confidently andboldly who their Father is,
even when their earthly parents fail them.
(placid music)
- God puts us in family
because it's supposed tobe a safe place for us.
It's supposed to be what we need to grow,
to be healthy, to be affirmed
in our value as individualcreations of God,
but we are children ofpeople who are themselves
seeking and searchingand sometimes failing
to do the things that we need.
And maybe that's why God givesus the name of Father for Him
because He's the one whosays, "I will never leave you
"or forsake you."
He's saying I'm gonna beresponsible for you, I'm the one,
I'm the one who's gonna standthere, who's gonna be there,
who sees you, who knowsyou, who loves you,
and it's true that He is.
But when we've been woundedin those inner places of need
in our lives, sometimeswe take very crooked roads
to get back on the path that leads us
to the only one who can really fix us,
the only one who can really fixand fill those empty places.
And in this situation for Dana,
add to that the fear
that she had done the unforgivable thing,
that God was so angry at herthat He couldn't forgive her.
That's a lie of the enemy.
The Bible says there's nothing you can do
to separate you from the love of God.
His love is always there.
The thing that changes, that moves,
that isn't on targetwhen it should be is us.
But we always, always havethe ability to come back,
to make a fresh decision,to make a new choice,
to come into therelationship with our Savior.
That's why Jesus died.
It wasn't just somethingthat God had planned
and He did it that day,
and it was something for some people,
it was for all people,
every single one of uswho sin and fall short.
Jesus is saying, cometo Me, let Me help you,
let Me fix you, let Meget you on that path
that you were created to beon, let Me be what you need.
And God is saying let Me beyour dad, I'm your Father,
I'm your Abba, your Daddy,
let me fix those thingsthat are broken in you.
You can do it today.
Maybe you're feeling like Dana did,
that God, I've just done so much,
how can you possibly havemercy and grace for me today?
Maybe you're someone who, like Dana,
didn't have the dad that you needed
to help you figure out whoyou were as a man or a woman,
to call forth that personhood in you
that God created in aspecial and intentional way.
You can come to the fatherheart of God right now
through the sacrifice of JesusChrist and be made whole.
It's that simple and it's that free.
You don't have to get goodenough, in fact, you can't.
The Bible says it hasnothing to do with us,
our good deeds are like filthy rags.
It's all about the blood of Jesus
that was shed for you and for me.
So, pray with me right nowand come into that place
of wholeness and blessing.
Let's pray together, just like Dana did.
Jesus, I need you, I am done,
I can't do this on my own anymore.
I've spent everything Ihave, I've emotionally,
psychologically, spiritually,I'm coming to You
just devoid of all of that saying please,
be the Savior of my soul.
Please be the Lord of my life.
Forgive my sins, giveme a fresh beginning.
Teach me Your ways.
Fill me with Your Holy Spirit.
I want You to breath life into me,
and I give You all thatI'm am and all that I have.
I surrender it to You, Lord.
I acknowledge that Yourdeath was to cover me.
I acknowledge that YourSpirit gives me new life.
In Jesus's name, I pray, amen.
If you've just prayed that prayer,
then you have begun a newlife, you have a new beginning.
And so, I just want to encourage you
to give our line a freecall, it's 1-800-700-7000,
because we have a littlebooklet we'd like to send to you
absolutely free, butit'll help you figure out
what do you do now thatyou've prayed this prayer,
how do you move forward in yourrelationship with the Lord?
So, please, call now.
Just say I just prayed thatprayer with the lady on TV.
I'd like the "New Day" packet.
They'll get it out to you, Gordon.
- We leave you with thiswonderful word from Psalm 46,
"God is our refuge and strength,
"a very present help in times of trouble."
In these times of trouble,realize there's no sin
that can't be forgiven.
If you think that you've gone too far,
realize that you haven't,you haven't gone too far
that God can't rescueyou, He can't save you.
His righteous right arm isstill ready to redeem you.
Let Him be your refuge, turn to Him today.
God bless you, we'll see you again.
(upbeat music)