- [Reporter] Great, great stuff.
All right, let's get tothose email questions.
Becky says, "I'm staying sixfeet apart from my 74-year-old
"mother who has a few health problems.
"She would like to go on a drive with me.
"If she and I both woremasks, would it be safe?"
- You know, I think probably so.
I think, you know, no one'stalkin' about just the isolation
is bad for your immune system.
So wearing masks, which will decrease
the viral load, if you're exposed to it,
will be helpful and thengetting out, getting distracted,
seeing beautiful things, Ithink that would be fine.
- [Reporter] Kathy wantsto know, "Are older people
"who have received theirpneumococcal vaccines
"protected against thepneumonia caused by COVID-19?"
- No.
Because COVID-19 willcause its own pneumonia,
and it's a really differentkind of pneumonia.
That will protect you againsta specific bacterial infection
not against COVID.
- [Reporter] Janet asks, "Arethere some people who never
"get sick but are indeed just carriers?"
- Almost half.
According to the studies,almost half of the people
who get infected withCOVID-19 never have symptoms.
And that's where the antibodytest will help people.
So I actually got theantibody test last week
and I'm negative, despite thefact my parents were positive.
And what it did for me isit's like, okay, you just have
to continue to be careful.
And I don't like theterm social distancing.
It's a bad term.
The accurate term shouldbe physical distancing.
We need to be sociallymore connected than ever.
So Zoom, Skype, FaceTime, allthe ways we can be connected
to our family and friends,absolutely critical.
But, you know, beingnegative for the antibody,
I'm washing my hands, I'mreally thoughtful when I go
to the store.
If I would've been infectedand didn't know about it,
then I would actually beless concerned about it
because then I can't get it,at least that's what we think.
I can't get it and I can't give it away.
- And Michael emailed us this question.
"What kind of healthy fats should we eat?"
This gets back to your question
about just staying generally healthy.
- Well, if you wannadecrease inflammation,
the inflammatory disorders
seem to put people at big risk for
trouble with COVID-19.
Low levels of Omega-3 fattyacids increase inflammation
in our bodies, and so Omega-3fatty acids from fish,
avocados, nuts and seeds,green leafy vegetables,
that can help us so much.
- Well, that's all thetime we have for now.
Our thanks to psychiatrist, Daniel Amen,
founder of the Amen Clinics.
For more information, go tohis website amenclinics.com.
Thanks, Dr. Amen.
- Thanks, Lori.