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Pompeo to CBN News: China Must Be Held Accountable for 'Nasty' Campaign to Deceive the World on COVID-19

Pompeo to CBN News: China Must Be Held Accountable for 'Nasty' Campaign to Deceive the World on COVID-19 Read Transcript

- With an invisiblevirus that has engulfed

the world Secretary of StateMike Pompeo has his hands full.

First and foremost gettinganswers from China,

are they telling the truthabout the origin of the virus?

And if not, what elsemight they be hiding.

That's where we started our conversation.

Do you believe the Chinese Communist Party

is lying the world right now?

- David, it's incrediblyimportant even as we sit

here today that we get tothe bottom of what transpired

and that the ChineseCOMmunist Party come clean

about how this all began.

Look, we know it started in Wuhan China.

That's the origination of the virus.

We need to figure out how it happened.

It's not just about politicalretribution or accountability.

It's important today.

We need to know this so wecan save lives going forward.

We need our scientists, ouracademics, our epidemiologists

all to have access to thedata, access to a sample

of the virus, access to theplaces it might have come to.

Those are a lot things thatmatter so that we can solve

this problem, get ourcountry back to work,

and save lives.

- Pompeo says it doesn'thelp with countries

like China, Russia, andIran all pushing bogus

theories about how the virus started,

like from U.S. troops,or an American bio-weapon

being used for political purposes.

Is this a coordinatedeffort by those countries.

- Boy, it's hard toknow the answer to that.

What you can say is they're observing

what the others are doing

and then they're responding in a group

that is they are takinginformation being provided

by one and others are promotingit online and elsewhere too.

This information, David,

this disinformation campaign matters.

The American people,people all across the world

go to sources to get information,

information for their safety,information for the health

and that of their family members.

It is nasty when a governmentruns a disinformation campaign

that puts those people's lives at risk

and their health at risk.

And these governmentsneed to stop and they need

to stop doing it in acoordinated way as well

if that's what's actually taking place.

- So you're not necessarily discounting

the fact that it couldbe a coordinated effort.

You say more investigationis needed on this then.

- We see very similar messages propagated

by very similar means.

It's difficult to knowthe level of coordination.

- What Pompeo does know isthe World Health Organization

botched it's role in protecting citizens.

That lead the President to temporarily

stop providing funding.

What would get the WHOback in good standing

with the United States at this point?

I mean, in other words,what needs to happen?

- David, it's hard to know.

It's important that yourviewers understand the

history of the World HealthOrganization as well.

This is not the firsttime that that institution

has failed to protect the world.

You may recall SARS, thesame kind of thing happened

where the WHO was unable todo it's primary function,

stopping a pandemic fromspreading across the world.

And this time they were unable to,

you can see it, they saiddon't close your borders.

President Trump madethe decision to do that

and keep American people safe.

They were too slow indeclaring this was something

that could transmit from human to human.

Those are the kind of things that the WHO

has failed in.

- [David] Democrats say it'sthe Trump administration

that failed to take earlyaction against the virus.

Recently the presumptive Democrat nominee

for president Joe Bidensaid he would have sent

health experts to China.

Pompeo strenuouslypushed back against that.

- This president and thisadministration worked

diligently to work to get Americans

on the ground there in China to help

the World Health Organizationtry to get in there as well.

We were rebuffed.

The Chinese governmentwouldn't let it happen.

- [David] And then he lowered the boom.

- The previous administrationallowed China to walk all over

us and gain trade grain opportunities,

create wealth and tradebenefits for China.

This president's takenfundamentally 180 degrees

different approach withrespect to how we respond

to the challenges that China presents

to American security.

- So you're suggesting thatthe previous administration

was soft on China, or dealing with them.

- Relative to this administrationthey were wildly soft.

- [David] This administrationhas been anything but

soft on the country of Iran.

This week the regimeprovocatively launched

a military satellite intoorbit and President Trump

ordered America's militaryto sink any Iranian boats

harassing U.S. ships.

You said that Iran needsto be held accountable

for what they've done.

How exactly might that happengoing forward Mr. Secretary?

- What we intend to do is to gather the

nations across the world.

The French put out a statement today.

They too know a dangerous anddestabilizing what Iran did.

I'm confident that there will now be more

countries understand what President Trump

has understood since hefirst came into office

that the Iran deal was a crazy bad deal,

that we all need to move away from it,

that the world needs todisassociate itself from Iran,

and that the communityof nations needs to come

together and convince theIranian regime to cease

their activity, whichhas led to them being

the world's largest statesponsor terror for so many years.

- [David] Given terrorthreats in key regions,

plus a hidden enemy threatening the world

this secretary faces a challengenot seen in generations.

David Brody CBN News Washington.

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