- Well, welcome back.
The US military is feeling the effects
of the coronavirus pandemic.
Troops and their familiesinfected with the disease
is only scratching the surface,only part of the story.
CBN News National SecurityCorrespondent Eric Philips
joins us with that; Eric.
- Well Jenna, you said it best.
We saw how quickly
this illness can spreadin tight confounds,
for example, aboard theUSS Theodore Roosevelt
during the saga there.
But one military experttells me that it's important
to take a look at really the big picture,
what happens beyond this current crisis,
and he says it's importantto do everything we can
to prevent the spread of what he calls
the slow erosion of ourmilitary superiority.
- We're gonna have a pivotalmoment when the United States
is gonna reclaim or relinquish
our military superiority inthe next two to five years.
- [Eric] Bradley Bowman studies
US defense strategy and policy.
He fears the Americanmilitary is in danger
of being replaced asthe world's superpower.
- There are areas where the Chinese
or Russian military have capabilities
that are more advanced than ours,
and it pains me to say that.
- [Eric] Bowman says foryears updating equipment
took a backseat to the War on Terror.
He says only in the past few years
has a focus been put towardresearch and development.
The results of that work
will be ready to implementin the next few years,
unless the COVID-19-strained economy
puts it on the back burner.
- And so what that means is
we'll have done all thisresearch and development efforts,
and got all these systems ready to field
to our troops who desperately need them,
and then we're not gonna beable to afford to ride them,
and I fear what that could mean.
I fear this gravely,
a historic kind of end, if you will,
to US military superiority.
- [Eric] Meanwhile, Bowmanwarns, our adversaries
are consistently looking for weakness.
He points to Russia, that evenin the middle of a pandemic,
is still sending nuclear-equipped bombers
to test our defenses in Alaska.
- Their assessment of our strength
is that we are getting, relativeto them, weaker and weaker,
and that's gonna invite the very thing
that we are designed to avoid.
- And while Bowman says thisis, indeed, an urgent situation
he wants to stress that right now
the US maintains sufficient combat power
to protect the American peopleand our interests abroad,
but he says we want to keep it that way,
and COVID-19 certainly presentsmore challenges to that.