Dr. Ian Smith discusses how to setting goals is the key to success in weight loss and good nutrition while people are home due to the coronavirus.
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(gentle music)
- Countless Americans havebeen sheltering in place
due to COVID-19, whether it's cabin fever
or simply being close to the kitchen 24/7
people are stress eating to cope.
How can we resist thoseunhealthy food cravings?
Doctor Ian Smith saysit's a matter of mind
over weight, take a look.
(air whooshing)
- [Announcer] Well known for as many books
on healthy dieting.
Doctor Ian Smith has approachedthe topic once again.
This time from a completely new angle.
The position and fitness enthusiast
believes that most diet plansleave out a critical factor,
the six inches between our ears.
- What diet issues orwhat program you want
in your mind right, then the plan works.
- [Announcer] Doctor Smith explains
the psychological aspectsof motivation, goal setting
and cravings in his newbook, Mind over Weight.
Readers will learn how to make wise plans
for a healthy weight loss.
(gentle music)
- Please welcome back to the 700 Club
Doctor Ian Smith joining us by Skype
and many of us, hi there Doctor Ian?
- Good to see you.
- You too, well, manyof us are home all day,
how can we resist reaching forthat bag of chips or cookies?
- Well, what people have tounderstand is that cravings
are actually temporary, they're transit.
They only last about 15 to 20 minutes .
They're actually mediatedby something called dopamine
which is a neurotransmitter in your brain
and when you see somethingor you taste something
that you like, your body floods your brain
with dopamine and thatmakes you wanna go answer
that craving by getting food.
So, the trick is andin the book I take you
through differentexercises about how you can
avoid giving in to thatcraving or if you are going
to give in to that craving,then you should try
to eat foods that are lessprocessed and have less calories.
- Yeah, I definitely have a sweet tooth.
Well, what are some healthy alternatives
for those sweet cravings?
- Well, I love chocolate,dark chocolate is amazing!
It has tons of antioxidantswhich fight those free radicals.
Also things like dates.
Dates are wonderful becausethey are full of fiber
and they actually loweryour inflammatory markers
in your body which is anindicator of lowering your risk
for certain types of diseasesand of course mixed berries.
I mean how could you argueagainst mixed berries?
You can actually cover them with chocolate
full of antioxidants and lots of fiber.
- I love chocolate and berries together
especially raspberries andthose dates look delicious,
great suggestion there.
What about salt cravings?
You know, a lot of peopledon't even crave sweets,
they want the salty snacks.
What's a great alternative for that?
- Yeah, you know the book talks about
hey you're craving salty?
Try something like sea salt crackers
with almond butter and peanut butter
full of protein and potassium by the way
which is very, very good for you.
Also I love this dicedwatermelon with feta cheese,
crumbled feta cheese andsome balsamic vinegar
full of vitamin A, vitamin C
and something called carotenoids
which helps build your vitamin A.
And lastly hey, try some dill pickles!
Yes, go fast on dill pickles!
They're full of vitaminK which helps your blood
to clot properly, good for your bones,
calcium and vitamin A.
- My sister was telling me yesterday
and I didn't know thisthat when she was pregnant,
she craved watermelon sobad, she had to have it
every single day.
So there's obviouslysomething good in there
that we all need andthat did look delicious.
The watermelon and the feta cheese
and the balsamic, all right.
When you talk aboutsavory cravings as well
what are savory cravings andwhat foods will satisfy them?
- Yeah, one of my favorites,you know I was in Japan
over the summer, edamameis absolutely fantastic!
Has tons of soy protein, lotsof fiber and antioxidants
and then there's a goodold-fashioned string cheese.
I like string cheese because guess what?
It's low on calories, ithas calcium, vitamin A
and it's a good source of protein.
And also hey, never forget the guac!
Guacamole with raw veggies and for dipping
it got folate which is vitamin B9
you got the vitamin C, vitamin K and fiber
and vitamins B5 and sixso, guacamole with lots of
raw veggies or hummus which is great also
great protein, great V vitamins!
- Yeah, I was just gonnabring up the hummus
but you did it, all right.
Well during this pandemic,
we've heard about people whohave strong immune systems
faring much better than those who do not.
Why is that?
And how can we boost our immune systems?
- Well, first of all lemme just say that
you know trying to boost yourimmune system during this time
is about what you eatand also how you exercise
believe it or not.
And so on my Instagram page, I give out
free exercise programs for people.
Go to @doctoriansmith,spell the doctor out
i-a-n smith and hit me up on Instagram
but, things like mushroomsby the way are phenomenal!
Full of B vitamins and polysaccharides
which are good for the immune system.
Acai berries are wonderful,they have something called
anthocyanins, which isanother name for antioxidants.
So we like those, oysters!
Good old-fashioned oysters vitamin C
vitamin A and zinc.
Zinc is great for your immune system.
Watermelon we already talkedabout vitamins A and C.
Also wheat germ vitamins B and E and zinc.
Even low-fat, yogurt by the way
those probiotics are great for your gut,
great for your immune systemand also have vitamins D
B12 and B2 and spinach, youknow my wife loves spinach.
So folate, vitamins A and Cand hey, don't forget tea!
Tea is full of antioxidantsthat are called polyphenols
and flavonoids, great,great, great antioxidants.
I love sweet potatoesespecially mashed sweet potatoes
with a little brown sugar,so that has believe it or not
vitamin A and vitamin C.
30% of your daily value ofvitamin C is sweet potatoes.
And then there's broccoli, right?
Believe it or not, wealways talk about oranges
and vitamin C, well one cup of broccoli
has as much vitamin C as anorange so that's really good.
And lastly don't forget the ginger
it's good in almostanything, particularly tea.
Full of antioxidants and also
it's a good anti-inflammatory agent.
- Doctor Ian, you'regonna be so proud of me.
In my green smoothie this morning,
I had all of that, I had the spinach
the broccoli, the ginger, big chunk
and an orange, a little cucumber
some collagen protein powderso, I wanna gold star!
So I want something.
- Yeah, that's how you do it, you know
and I tell people listen, if you get
a copy of Mind OverWeight, let's also exercise
and eat better so, youcan send me an email.
I answer my email myself,mindoverweightbook@gmail.com
and I'll send you some responses.
- All right, I'm gonnafollow you up with that.
Again one more time Doctor Ian's book
is called Mind Over Weight,
it's available wherever books are sold
and we appreciate the motivation
because we need it right now.
God bless you and stay healthy.