Israel battles COVID-19, plans to slowly reopen economy, protect health; and ancient plague of anti-Semitism infects Europe; plus Israel to remember Holocaust while under lockdown; and CBN Israel reaches out with hope, help to Israelis in distress.
Read Transcript
(horn blowing)
- [Narrator] This weekon Jerusalem Dateline,
Israel continues theBattle of the Coronavirus,
as it plans to slowly open up its economy
while protecting the public safety.
And the ancient plague of Antisemitism
still infecting parts of Europe.
Plus, Israel plans to commemorateHolocaust Remembrance Day,
while under lockdown.
And CBN Israel reachesout with hope and help
to Israelis under distress.
All this and more thisweek on Jerusalem Dateline.
- Hello, and welcome to thisedition of Jerusalem Dateline,
I'm Chris Mitchell.
In a political storythat never seems to end,
Israel is still looking for a government.
Israeli President Reuven Rivlin
has given Israel's Parliamentthe Knesset three weeks
to form the next government.
Rivlin's decision cameafter blue and white leader
Benny Gantz and Israeli PrimeMinister Benjamin Netanyahu
failed to reach an agreementon a unity government
If the Knesset fails to form a coalition
that Israelis will go back to the polls
for an unprecedented fourthelection on August 4.
While the political gridlock goes on,
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu
has approved a preliminary plan
to ease Israel out of its weekslong Coronavirus lockdown.
The issues Israel isfacing to open its economy
while maintaining publicsafety are the same issues
confronting nations around the world.
CBN's David Brody met withUS Vice President Mike Pence
to discuss how America ismeeting this historic challenge.
- Elbow bumps.
- You're perfect? You got tested right?
- I did.
- And with a COVID-19 elbow bump,
the interview with thevice president was on
but not before theWhite House medical unit
had given me a rapid test for the virus.
It came back negative, butthe more pressing issue
with America here'ssome positive news soon
about getting back to normal.
How confident are you that after April 30,
we may see some differencehere in the economy
and getting back to normal?
- David, we're seeing real progress.
We're gonna be followingthe data very carefully.
But if as some of the experts suggest,
if we are nearing thepeak of the Coronavirus,
and if Americans continue todo what they've been doing now,
for weeks across the country,
we believe we'd be ina very different place
come the end of April and we'll be able
to bring forward recommendations.
- [David] It's clear thefederal government lagged
on testing early, mainly dueto a bureaucratic process
full of red tape.
Pence says the model is now changing
because the administration is getting
the private sector more heavily involved.
- We've developed awhole new testing format.
Abbott Laboratories has a 15 minute test.
I think you just took itthat we're working to make
available all across the country.
And but the reality was therewas there were always many
test kits out there,
but the ability to process them
rapidly was what the President addressed.
When we brought the full power
of the private sector together,
we're gonna continue to scale and increase
the amount of testingduring this epidemic.
But also create a foundation for a new
modern rapid testing system
for Coronavirus and otherdiseases for years to come.
- [David] While thetesting is getting better,
people of faith stillmust follow guidelines
which means no in-person church services.
Most have obeyed and doors remain closed.
- Our churches and synagoguesand communities of faith
across America haverisen to the challenge.
But a handful of churches
are still worshiping in-person,
a fact that Pence addresses biblically.
What's your message tothose that are still
holding services in the pews?
- I would just remindas a brother in Christ,
that where two or more aregathered, there he is also.
We're all making do butwe can still worship,
we can still practice our faith
and practice the reallyimportant social distance.
That at this time in the life of our
nation is just so important.
- [David] Also important,he says giving to places
of worship during this critical time.
- Even if you're not in the pew on Sunday,
that ministry is still going on.
And so to the extent that you're able
to continue to contribute
to your local church,
your local synagogue, your ministry,
we encourage you to do that.
And because those communities of faith
are making such an immense difference.
- [David] Congress is tryingto make a difference too,
by spending lots of money.
So far, Pence likes what he sees.
- It really has been a testament
of Congress working at its best.
The average family of fourby this time next week
will receive a direct payment of $3400
to assist them during this time.
But for small businessesaround the country,
we've literally enrolledthousands upon thousands
of companies in thePaycheck Protection Program,
which will allow smallbusinesses to keep people
on the payroll for two months.
- [David] Still the squabbling continues.
- Look, they'll be issuesthat will be debated
in the days ahead.
- Especially on nationwidemail and balloting,
something Democrats arepushing to get funded.
Republicans say it's political.
Do you think the mail and balloting
in terms of the funding that Democrats
want to believe thatis political in nature?
Well, I believe that others
and that'll be an importantdebate in the days ahead.
Our objective right now is to put
the Coronavirus in the past.
- [David] And as leader ofthe Coronavirus Task Force,
he believes there willindeed be light at the end
of this very dark and tumultuous tunnel.
David Brody CBN News, Washington.
- America is sendingItaly medical supplies
and other help it needs,to fight the Coronavirus.
That's because Italy isn'tgetting the help it would like
from the European Union.
The pandemic is revealing rifts in the EU.
As nations seal off their borders
and leaders are slow to helptheir suffering neighbors.
Dale Hurd has the story.
- Whatever happened to allby preaching from Brussels
about the glories of open borders.
In Europe, that dirtyword called nationalism
has made a comeback.
At least judging from all thenations that have closed their
borders to protectthemselves from Coronavirus.
Belgium even used adumpster to block this route
from the Netherlands.
The Corona virus pandemichas shown the disunion
among the nations of the EU.
The European Union wassupposed to be one community,
but some of its nationsaren't acting like it.
When the EU gathered for anonline summit in Italy and Spain
begged for financial aid,
Germany and the Netherlandsbasically said drop dead.
EU leaders finally agreed on the systems
but not the economic bailout
Italy and Spain said they needed.
Some Italians took the burningthe EU flag on social media
with the hashtag, "Wewill save ourselves."
- I think it exposesthe union for what it is
which is something very superficial
and ultimately somethingthat is not working.
- [Dale] Italian freelancejournalist Alessandra Bocchi,
who has written forthe Wall Street Journal
told us the EU is so far failing,
perhaps its greatest testby being so slow footed
to help hard-hit nations like Italy.
- Not only did the European Union not do
anything at the beginning,
it actually aggravated the situation
from an economic point of view.
And there was no solidarity,
because other European countries
were just shutting down their borders.
There wasn't reallythat kind of assistance
that you would expect from a union.
- [Dale] As the world'ssecond largest economy,
the European Union was built on the free
movement of people in goods.
The 26 nations Schengen Area
is supposed to be one huge zonewithout any border controls.
Coronavirus has brought allthat to a screeching halt
with a 37 mile backup atthe German Polish border
and similar scenes oftraffic chaos across Europe.
Even the EU's top scientist is quit.
Saying there's been nocoordinated EU effort
to fight COVID-19.
It's basically beenevery nation for itself.
Dale Hurt CBN News.
(upbeat music)
- [Narrator] Up next,it's one of the oldest
plagues in the world, Antisemitism,
and it continues to grow in Europe.
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(upbeat music)
- While the world is focused on COVID-19
there's a much older plaguethat's spreading in Europe.
Just as the Coronaviruswas hitting France,
CBN News Middle Eastcorrespondent Julie Stahl,
visited Paris and talkedwith those who live there
about the future of the Jewish community.
- [Julie] This is thegrand synagogue of Paris.
- [Translator] At everyJewish institution,
we have very tight security,
very smart with very advanced technology.
Also, there's coordinationwith the French police.
- More than 450,000 Jewishpeople live in France,
making it one of thelargest Jewish communities
in the world.
But many of them are livingin fear as antisemitic
incidents in theircountry continue to arise.
- [Translator] There's nothing we can do.
We have to be careful.
Yes, we live here.
We don't walk here freely.
That means we know theyare bad intentions.
- [Julie] Moshe sebbag, the Chief Rabbi
of the 1500 member synagogue,
says the need for security hasbeen on the rise for decades.
- [Translator] There aredistricts where Jews feel safe.
But there are suburbs around Paris
where many migrantsarrived in the last years.
Unfortunately, in some of them,
there is tension due to hatred.
Maybe because there'seducation against Israel
or there are those thathave a view that Jews,
Judaism is from Satan.
Unfortunately, Europe contributes to this.
- [Julie] The city of Paris helped build
the Jewish Community Center,
naming the area Jerusalem Place.
Unfortunately, that hasn'thelped Jewish people
feel more comfortable.
- In Paris series only Jews,
they feel the problem,and the French people
don't see really the problem here.
They don't care about the Jews here.
- [Julie] CBN News spokewith Jews in this Paris park
where many feared repercussionsif they spoke on camera.
Others only gave their first names.
If you have a kippah on your head,
sometimes you have to fight with somebody.
We can leave it like that for the moment,
but we have to change our life.
For example, we place thechildren in the private school.
I can feel the Antisemitism--
- [Translator] In 1962, at the time
of Algeria's war of independence,
we had to leave Algeria.
It was not possible tolive with the Muslims,
so we came here.
Because we were French, itwas the easiest thing to do,
but some of my relatives went to Israel.
Looking back now 50 yearslater, we made a big mistake,
because now 70 years afterWorld War Two, we have to hide.
- [Julie] Corinne Lafitteis a Christian songwriter
who loves Israel and the Jewish people.
- As soon as there isa problem with money,
it is their fault.
They're accused, right away the Jews.
It's like a virus.
But it's muting right now.
Before it was the extreme right.
But now it is the extreme left.
They don't like Siones Smith,they don't like Israel.
- [Julie] Many wonder why French Jews
don't immigrate to Israel?
- [Translator] Tor Jews,there are two rationales,
to go to Israel or tosupport Israel where you are.
We love Israel, we dream of Israel.
We also stay very faithful
- [Julie] Sebbag who is Israeli,
explains that even ifimmigration is an option
for French Jews, it isn't so easy.
- [Translator] The Frenchare faced with many,
many absorption problems in the land.
- [Julie] An idea confirmedand are part conversations.
- It is difficult for me.Even I can speak Hebrew,
I prefer to continue herebecause I have a good job.
- [Translator] For all kinds of reasons
we came here to livein Marseilles or Paris.
But in my messianic view of things,
it is certain that our calling
is not to remain in the dispersion.
- [Julie] Lefitte wantsChristians to reach out
to the Jewish people.
- So first of all, of course prayer,
but I think that they can help.
So Christians has togo and speak with them
and show them love.
- [Julie] So what's the future
for the French Jewish community?
- [Translator] there willbe fewer and fewer Jews.
There will be small cities,
where a small communitieswill will disappear.
The big cities will always have Jews,
the majority of the young people
are immigrating to the land.
The majority of pensionersare immigrating to Israel,
those in the middle theyneed to earn a living,
- [Julie] Julie Stahl CBN News, Paris.
(upbeat music)
- [Announcer] Up next, CBS News takes you
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- Each spring is really supposedto remember the Holocaust,
the slaughter of 6 million Jews
by the Nazis and their collaborators.
But this year, the annualceremony at Yad Vashem
will be scaled downbecause of the Coronavirus.
So we thought it would be appropriate
to bring you this storyby CBN's Scott Ross.
As part of our CBN Newsvirtual tour of Israel
and also a poignant reminderof the lives, families,
hopes and dreams of the individuals
who perished in the Holocaust.
(soft music)
- [Narrator] My dear Rosie,
I am happy that youreceived our greetings.
What are you up to my darling?
Be well, many kisses
from your mother.
- [Translator] In everyletter at the beginning,
and at the end she wrote,
make sure to take care of your health.
- [Scott] That's the final letter
Rosi Joschowitz receivedfrom her mother Berta.
- Each story is unique inthose online exhibitions
by telling stories, firstto commemorate the victims,
to give them back theirnames, human dignity.
- [Scott] Yano Kobooversees the new exhibit
last letters from the Holocaust 1943.
- The letters were chosen,because they are very intimate,
very personal, very unique
because each handwriting is different
from one person to the other.
You can find stains of tearsof those who wrote the letters
and tears of those whoreceived the letter.
- When you read these lettersfrom mothers fathers children
what does that do to your heart?
- Sometimes it's tearing me apart.
Sometimes I'm crying.
- How were they delivered, was with post?
There was no Postal Service and--
- The post service work the entire work,
infinite in the camps.
- Censorship.
- Sometimes not, but I thinkthey censor themselves.
- [Scott] Kobo gave usan extremely rare look
at Yad Vashem's best archives,
where I saw some of the actual letters.
- What does this say?
- That was written by a child.
She was almost 12 years old.
Her name was Regina Folkenflik.
And she was living at East Poland.
She was hidden at a Christian family.
Her parents thought thatwas the best way to save her
by putting her in good family.
But the child was shot, therest of the family survived
and her brother and now at four years old,
donated the letter to Yad Vashem.
It's in Polish and she'swriting, "dear mother and father
"and dear Dalek half brother.
"Be well, mommy, don't be upset.
"Please forgive me mommyfor writing so little."
- What about your family?
- My mother who was born in Germany,
and she has been througha ghetto labor camp
and a very, very long death match.
She match 800 kilometers by foot.
My father survived Auschwitz,
and they met after the war was over.
- [Scott] This online exhibit
is just one of many at Yad Vashem.
The main collection of Holocaustdocumentation in the world.
- So one of the mainmissions of Yad Vashem
is to collect into oneplace all the documents,
all the evidence about the fate of Jews
during the Holocaust.
It was the first intentionof Holocaust survivors
the first day after the war was ended.
- [Scott] Dr. Haim Gertneris director of the Archives.
- We understood that theNazis not only planned
to murder the Jews, butalso understood or wanted
to annihilate to erase our ability
to know who were they andwhat happened to them.
- [Scott] The more than 200 million pages
of documentation includestestimony, survivors stories,
photos and other personal items.
- We launched seven yearsago and national campaign.
we call it gathering the fragments.
We met until now close to 11,000 people
who donated to us duringthe last seven years,
more than 124,000 items and collections.
- [Scott] The name YadVashem comes from the Bible.
It means a memorial and a name.
- The Yad Vashem duringthe last two decades
and more is struggling to tell the story
of individuals in the Holocaust.
They were human beings that used
to live in Europe and elsewhere.
And they had lives, theyhad kids, they had dreams
and it tells us alsosomething about their ability
to survive during those yearsin those inability times.
I am a son of a Holocaustsurvivor myself--
- I was gonna ask you that.
- I think that as an educator,
our mission here toeducate the next generation
is what gives us the strengthto think ahead what to do
with that story for generations to come.
- [Scott] Scott Ross forCBS, Yad Vashem in Jerusalem.
(upbeat music)
- [Announcer] Still ahead, CBnIsrael takes on the challenge
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- COVID-19 has had a devastatingimpact on Israeli families
just struggling to make endsmeet even in the best of times.
That's where CBN Israel came in to help.
Take a look.
- Hello everyone.
My name is Alice and I workfor the media department
in CBN Israel.
Today I'll be joining Arik
which is the head ofour family's department.
We will actually distributesome food coupons
and some humanitarian aid diapers
or baby food or stuff like that.
We're gonna visit some family of two.
They both are new immigrants.
They both lost their jobsdue to the corona virus.
And they have a two year olddaughter very cute, very sweet.
This is Arik everyone.
- Wow!
- [Alice] The man of the hour.
We are going to make some happy family.
(upbeat music)
(speaking in foreign language)
Thank you for supporting us.
Thank you for standingwith us in this ministry.
It is life changing for many people.
So we really appreciate yourhelp and support and prayer.
So God bless you andI hope you're all safe
and your families aresafe and wash your hands.
- Well, that's one wayCBN is helping Israelis
while they struggled throughthe Coronavirus pandemic.
One other ways to pray.
And if you need prayer,wherever you are in the world,
you can contact CBN.COM slash prayer
or call 1-800-700-7000.
You can also watch ourvirtual tour of the holy land
on our Jerusalem DatelineFacebook page and YouTube.
And join us on Facebook where we read
encouraging scriptures and pray.
Well please join me now to prayabout this global pandemic.
Father, we just come to youright now in Jesus name.
And Lord, I pray for eachand every person listening
and watching that you would comfort them
and provide for them duringthis time of distress.
And Lord, we pray for wisdomfor leaders around the world
to make wise and godly decisions
that they can lead theireconomies and their peoples
into both economicprosperity and public safety.
We ask that in Jesus name, amen.
And please reach out to thosein your neighborhood family
and friends that may needhelp during this time.
Well, that's all for thisedition of Jerusalem Dateline.
Thanks for joining us.
Remember, you can follow us on Facebook,
Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
I'm Chris Mitchell,
we'll see you next timeon Jerusalem Dateline.
(upbeat music)