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Ministries That Help Pregnant Women Are Targeted by COVID-19 Enforcers While Abortion Industry Protected

Ministries That Help Pregnant Women Are Targeted by COVID-19 Enforcers While Abortion Industry Protected Read Transcript

- During the COVID-19pandemic, most states

across the country say abortion clinics

and facilities like thisPlanned Parenthood one

here in Virginia Beachare considered essential,

they provide essential services.

Well what about those who arehere to minister to people

on the sidewalk outside these clinics?

They provide valuable servicesto women in a time of need.

Virginia Beach policeofficers recently issued

pro-life worker CheriBritt this court summons

for violating Governor RalphNortham's stay at home order.

- It was just me with theministry on the sidewalk

and he said you have to leaveor I'll give you a summons

and I said I don't understandwhy I'm gonna get a summons

'cause you know, we'reproviding essential services.

- [Gary] Britt's Hope forLife ministry operates

a mobile bus clinic,offering free pregnancy tests

and free ultrasounds forwomen as an alternative

to abortion services offered

at the Planned Parenthoodclinic next door.

The ministry also providesessentials like food,

clothing, and diapers among other items.

- The opinion right nowfrom our governor is that

Planned Parenthood is essential.

If Planned Parenthood isessential there is no question

that Hope for Life is not essential.

These women right now are struggling,

especially in this time right now.

So we give, I went for my little one,

couldn't even find wipes, zero wipes.

We have wipes to give out to women.

- [Gary] Britt isn't alonein her run in with the law.

The day before Palm Sunday police arrested

Christian entrepreneur DavidBenham and his 20-year-old son

outside the preferredwomen's abortion clinic

in Charlotte, North Carolina.

The co-host of theformer HGTV reality show

"Flip it Forward" says they were providing

essential charitablework outside the clinic.

Benham and his son were arrested

despite practicing social distancing,

keeping six feet away frompeople outside the clinic.

- We pared down our sidewalk counselors,

we only had three of them out there,

talking, not touching, hand sanitizer,

and they said, "Sir, you can't be here,

"no more than 10 people," andthey placed me under arrest,

first time ever.

- [Gary] Rick says PlannedParenthood officials

often call police members of her ministry

to remove them from the sidewalk.

- They like to consider us as protestors,

but we're not protestors.

We're not out here against women,

we're out here to servewomen and help women.

Last week we worked hard with clothes

and gave out 500 diapersand free baby hygiene

and food and we're makingdeliveries for women

who don't have vehicles and can't get out.

- [Gary] And Hope forLife's free ultrasounds

are making a difference.

They say 600 babies havebeen saved from abortion

in the past five years.

- We're not just tellinga mom, oh keep your baby,

it's truth, it's truth,we're here to help them

in the ways that we're able.

We're not able to take awayeverything from their struggles,

but the parts that we canand one being baby items.

These people need help, who's gonna do it?

If we don't, who will?

- We called the VirginiaBeach police department

asking for a response, wereceived no return phone call.

Also, we later learned thatthe woman who allowed us

to videotape her ultrasound procedure

is pregnant with twins.

She's decided to keep her babies.

Congratulations on your double blessings.

Gary Lane, CBN News.


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