Bishop Wellington Boone: 'The Coronavirus Hasn't Changed the Great Commission'
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- Bishop Wellington Booneis a major Christian leader,
author, and pastor and apersonal friend of mine.
Bishop Boone, it's great to see you,
welcome to Prayer Link.
- Thank you Wendy, I'm glad to be here.
- You look a little bit dark right now.
I think the lighting has disappeared,
at least in my monitor so maybe, I don't,
your lighting guy canput some light on you
even as we're doin' the interview.
But bishop, you have been called fearless
by many who know you,
how do we, as Christians, be fearless
in the face of a worldwide pandemic
like the coronavirus?
- We have to ask ourselves,
in terms of this matter of fearlessness,
is the pandemic the thingthat God is focused on?
As a matter of fact, all the words
that he gave to his disciplesare still in effect.
When he gave the great commission mandate
to go into all the worldsto preach the gospel,
he never changed it.
He also said that these signs
will follow them that believe,
one of 'em was, Wendy,
lay hands on the sickand they shall recover.
Not, lay hands on the sick
and you'll get what they have.
- That's true.- We gotta stand
on the veracity of the scripture.
This matter of being saved,it's not being saved,
it's being sanctified.
We carry an anointing and a power from God
that changes circumstances.
So I see we're praying about the problem
rather than praying about the assignment.
- That's good.- The assignment that God has
for us is huge and we can'tget off message with that.
- That is so good.
Well, can you share some of your favorite
scriptures that we can useright now to combat fear?
- I have a boat load of 'em.(laughing)
I've written a book called "Dare To Hope"
and it comes out of Lamentations Three
and this particular phrase was actually,
you know, Jeremiah was whining,
really, about his circumstances
and finally one of the things he said
in Lamentations Three, he says,
"I forgot prosperity," and then after he
came to his senses, he says in verse 21,
"Yet I still dare to hope,"
and I want people to take the hope dare
because there abides faith, hope and love,
but the greatest of these is love.
But, hope is an eternal value.
So I want to put hopeback into the culture
by saying that God is still at hand,
that he's not intimidatedby any of the problems.
He's looking for faith in the Earth,
when I return will I find faith?
- Well bishop, before this virus struck,
I just found out you weretraveling a lot to Germany.
I didn't know you spoke German
and that you used to live in Germany.
Anyway, I'm sure you'renot able to go right now,
but you've been seeing many people
to come to Christ in Germany,
how do you think this pandemic
will affect the spiritualhunger of nations
like Germany, and Europe in general?
- This is what God made, Wendy, was this,
the two places, the two continents
where there was no revival
are Europe and America.
They have some moves of God
but we're called to move like God.
As he is so are we in this world.
So look, this is a challenge.
No revival in Germany and Europe,
then there's no revival in America.
So I'm at Billy Graham'sdoing a devotional
for their staff and oneof the vice presidents
said to me, "Germany's in a freefall.
"If you go there and preachwhat you're preaching there
"I believe you'll slow down the freefall
"and help restore the nation back."
I'm thinkin', "Who is this guy,
"telling me something like that.
"What does he know about me
"and my connection with Germany?"
Well here it is, I finishedhigh school in Germany,
in Bryn Mawr, and I tookGerman while I was in school,
I've done meetings with ChristFor The Nations in Germany,
with YWAM in Germany andI met my wife in Germany.
So we said, "Oh my God,this must be God speaking."
My wife and I went over there,
ended up at Kleinwelkawhere Ludwig van Zinzendorf
sent his first missionaries off
and boom it was on.
So we have a building we're looking at
and then I was goingback and forth, Wendy,
you know, I'm stayin' a month,
coming back two months, raisin' the funds,
stayin' a month, goin' back
and going all overGermany and from Germany
going to Europe and other places
to put the gospel out,to put a heart back.
One heart meaning having acompassion for their state
and two, a crunch time mentality.
I believe that what thiscoronavirus is doing
is allowing us to havea crunch time mentality
to say what God is sayingis what's gonna happen.
What we're praying is what's making
things move in the Earth.
I believe revival is coming
as the heart of Christiansreally go for God.
So I was on my way there,
I was on my way to Zambia
and I said, to New Life Church in Florida,
I said, "If you guys giveme the money I'm goin',
"I'm going to Zambia,then I'm going Cape Town,
"then I'm going to Germany."
Pandemic hit, I'm tellin' you,
I couldn't go, I couldn'tfly into Johannesburg
Germany closed us outfrom coming into Germany
but I was on the way because look,
I was thinking, "What if I get shut out?
"What if I can't come back to my home?"
And then the Lord burdened me, he said,
"Is heaven your home oris America your home?"
- Wow.- I said, "Oh my.
"I'm so sorry, please forgive me."
And then when that happened.
I'm waiting right now so I'm,
so this is a redemptive value,
me talkin' to you, I'mdoing Facebook Live,
things I've never did that.
This week I'm startingout with You Tube Live,
I have a You Tube channel,
I'm gonna go forward this way.
And one of my son's, Isaiah Saldivar,
which you maybe have never had him.
You gotta get him on this show.
He's that millennial, he's 28 years old,
reachin' millions, go to Isaiah Saldivar,
look him up, Wendy, he'skilling it right now.
Why, because--- I will, well listen,
we've only got a couple more minutes.
We really want you to take a moment
and pray for our audience and encourage,
you just carry so much hope
and so much of Jesus.
So, please pray for our audience right now
and whatever God is justputting on your heart
and we'll bow our heads.
- My father, I thank you and bless you,
so much that men ponder their ways
but you are their steps.
That before the foundation of the world
you knew that the devil would issue out
a sickness that would tryto slow down your work.
But all it's doing,Lord, is reinvigorating
Christians with a greater resolve
to rise up large inyour name in this hour.
So I pray for revival and healing
to every person underthe sound of my voice
and those right now thatmay have the corona,
receive your healing now.
Himself took your infirmaries
and bore your sicknessesand with his stripes
I declare healing over your life.
And in the name of the Lord,
I pray for faith to come alive
into every believers heart.
May you rise now, may you reach out
like you've never reached out.
May you have compassion
like you've never had compassion.
Faithful is he who calls you
who also will do it.
I bless Wendy and I bless that program,
I bless Pat and the wholenation of CBN people.
May your will be done in their lives,
may your name be glorified.
Is my prayer in Jesus name, amen.
- Amen.
All right, raisin' my hands here,
receivin' that word, Bishop Boone,
God bless you, you aresuch a spiritual father
to so many and to me.
And, God bless you.(kisses)
Thank you so much.