Restrictions Rolled back in May? Trump Forms Second Task Force to Focus on Country's Economic Recovery
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- When and how to get thecountry up and running again.
That'll be focus of a secondcoronavirus task force.
CBN White House correspondent Ben Kennedy
joins us from the North Lawn.
Ben, this clearly is a toppriority or the president.
- Yeah, John, no doubt.
You're right, this new group'smain priority is the economy
which you were just talking about
which is weighing heavilyon both the American public
and the president himself.
He calls it the biggestdecision he's ever had to make,
when and how to reopen the country.
This becoming the latest battle
to take center stage in the West Wing.
President Trump hoping torollback restrictions by May.
- The President of the UnitedStates has the authority
to do what the president has the authority
to do which is very powerful.
The President of the UnitedStates calls the shots.
- [Ben] But some saythat's not so clear cut.
- I think generally the powerresides with the states,
and my guess is the court wouldbend in that direction also.
It's difficult to imagine the necessity
of national policy when it comes
to the reopening of theeconomy, for example.
- Several states from New York
to California are already talking
about ways to take this next step.
Steve, you're talking about
different states, different businesses.
Bottom line, what needs to bedone to reopen the economy?
- The president's gonna needto issue an executive order
saying that certain states can open
but ultimately the logistics of
this will be decided bythe nation's governors.
- [Ben] President Trump making one move
with an economic task force
he's calling the OpeningOur Country Council.
He plans to take a leading role
alongside new Chief of Staff Mark Meadows
who will play a supporting role.
The White House hasassembled an expert panel
of doctors and businessleaders to join the task force.
Trump predicts once doors are open again,
the economy will take off like a rocket.
Observers warn some workers and even
consumers will be hesitantto return to life as it was.
- I think if the government can focus
on consumer confidence withthe underlying principle
of the communications being truth
then I think demandwill start to come back
because ultimately this economicissue is a demand issue.
It's not a supply issue anddemand is gonna be a function
of how well consumerconfidence rebounds from
what's obviously a significantdecline from cyclical highs.
- How long do you think it'll take
before we're basically back to normal?
- (chuckles) When are wegonna get back to normal?
That is the question thatall of us want an answer to.
It's not going to be likean ignition switch of a car
that we can just reopen the economy
and everybody's gonna get back to work.
I wish that were the case.
It's gonna take, in my opinion,about three of four months
before we have the end of this recession
and it's gonna be a slow recovery.
- The CDC says the first step to
re-opening is widespread testingwhich is not yet available.
It'll also likely be a year
before a coronavirus vaccine that is.