- Welcome back to The 700 Club.
As millions of Americans applyfor unemployment benefits
the Trump administration is working
to open parts of theeconomy by next month.
Jennifer Wishon explains.
(air whooshing)
- In just three weeksnearly 17 million Americans
have filed for unemployment.
In California, these peoplewait in the rain for food.
- It's terrible.
- As States struggle to keep up
with the barrage of unemployment requests.
- How long it takes will vary by States.
- In Washington, Senate Republicans push
for another 250 billion tohelp small businesses Thursday
who desperately need it.
- We need more fundingand we need it fast.
- But Democrats blocked theaid demanding 250 billion more
for healthcare providers andstate and local governments.
- This was in fact designed to fail,
designed as a political stunt.
- There's now fear the unemploymentrate could hit 15% soon,
and White House officials eager
to stave off a severe recession,
say companies in certainparts of the country
free from outbreaks, could reopen in May,
but the decision to reopenthe economy is largely out
of the Federal Government's hands.
As many Governors have issued,
"stay at home orders" throughthe end of May or later.
- We're at the top ofthe hill, Pretty sure
we're at the top of the hilland now we're going downward.
In some cases, we've alreadystarted that process.
- Health officials say socialisolation methods are working.
Dr. Anthony Fauci nowpredicts the death toll
will be 60 thousand downfrom 100 to 240 thousand.
Meanwhile, a bipartisan groupof senators is calling on
China to immediately close all wet markets
where fresh meat is soldin unsanitary conditions.
This after the Directorof the Chinese CDC said,
the origin of the new Corona virus
is the wildlife sold illegallyin a Wuhan Seafood Market.
Jennifer Wishon CBN news.
- CBN news spoke exclusively
to the United States SurgeonGeneral, Dr. Jerome Adams.
As a member of the WhiteHouse Corona virus Task Force,
he highlighted how peopleof faith are playing a part
in fighting the outbreak.
Here's White Housecorrespondent, Ben Kennedy
(air whooshing)
- Thank you for that question,and I'm hanging in there
- On CBNs Faith Nation, DrJerome Adams talked about
how his faith has helpedguide him through this week
of increased COVID-19 cases
and the country's deadliest day Yet.
- I don't think it's a coincidence
that this is happening at this time.
During this week, we celebratethe ultimate sacrifice,
that was made for us, God senthis only son to die for us
and it was sad, initially,
but then we saw salvationat the end of it.
- Adam says, he understandshow families struggle
with social distancing.
- I would tell people to stay the course.
I would tell them to pray for each other.
I would tell them to lookout for their neighbors.
Social distancing doesn't haveto mean social disengagement.
- Adams continues to workaround the clock with the
Coronavirus Task Force tryingto contain the pandemic
and even preparing for apossible second outbreak.
- China has warned at aresurgence of the virus.
Has the US developed a planif in fact the second wave
of the virus doesn't (mumbles) country?
- Yes, yes we do.
I mean, one of the thingsthat obviously is parallel
with thinking about the possibility
as I mentioned a little while ago about,
mitigation allowing us to turn the corner,
very much on the front burner,is what happens when we do
because the risk of therebeing a resurgent is real.
- which is why testingnow is so important.
- There's Antibody testingwhich is looking backwards
and saying,
did you have the diseaseat sometime in the past?
That's important because it will allow us
to put healthcare workers,frontline workers back to work
and put people in a positionwhere they can be safe.
- Now, dr Adam says,if you had the disease,
there was a 99% chance that you are immune
and will not get it again.
Ben Kennedy, CBN news.
- On Monday 700 Club Willhave David Brody's interview
with Vice President MikePence on the road forward
on the Corona virus outbreakand its impact on the economy,
churches, and daily life.
You can also see a previewthis weekend at cbnnews.com
This year's Easter celebrationswill look very different
as churches remain closed dueto the Corona virus outbreak.
As Charlene Aaron shows us,
many are marking Holy weekin new and creative ways.
(air whooshing)
- According to LifeWay research,
half of the nation'schurches have known for weeks
they would not be holdingtraditional Easter services.
That's why pastors arepreparing to share the gospel
like never before.
(congregation singing)
In the age of COVID-9, Easterjust won't be the same.
(orchestra music)
In Fayetteville, North Carolina,
Snyder Memorial Baptist Church,
is taking a drive-throughapproach, featuring the stations
of the cross depicting theday of Jesus's crucifixion.
- It'll definitely be somethingthat will never forget.
- Susie Reeder says,people will receive a map
of the exhibits as wellas communion elements.
All while practicing social distancing
by staying inside their vehicles.
- And you would see Jesus walkingwith the cross on his back
and so carrying the cross andthen that would end at the end
of that parking lot wherewe have a big cross already,
and so that's where we're gonnasuggest they stop a second
and have communion therein front of the cross.
- Tate Springs Baptistchurch in Arlington, Texas,
is putting on a virtual Easter Egg Hunt
using the three D Minecraft video game.
- A lot of kids play that andit's a game my kids played
when they were younger,so I was familiar with it.
I thought, maybe we couldget kids together in there
and do all kinds of thingsincluding an Easter Egg Hunt.
- Churches are alsousing Holy week as a time
to serve their communities.
Some 100 churches are takingpart in a nationwide effort
to deliver Bibles viatheir church parking lots.
Each Bible will be markedwith the Easter story.
In the end, church leaders say,
while methods may have changed,
the message remains the same.
- What Easter means is,that we all have hope,
that there is hope for our lives,
that Christ gives us salvationand through his resurrection
we have the most wonderfulthing we could ever celebrate
and that is life everlasting with him.
Charlene Aaron, CBN news.
- Those are today's topstories from CBN News.
Gordon and Terry are right back,
with more of the 700 club, after this.