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Run to the Risen - The Superbook Show

Naomi and Joel talk about how we should be as excited as Mary, Peter, and John to run after Jesus the risen king. Read Transcript

- Welcome to the--(boy zooming)

Uh, okay.

Welcome to the--(boy zooming)

Right, welcome to the--

(boy zooming)Stop.

Joel, what are you doing?

- Running to the risen.

- Oh, okay.


(upbeat music)

Running to the what now?

- Running to the risen.

- Yeah, you're gonna haveto walk me through this one.

- Okay, so Easter's coming up, right,

and it got me thinkingabout Peter and John.

- Jesus' disciples.

- Yeah, so you know how Jesusdied on the cross, right?

- [Man] So you want me tonail your king to a cross?

- Yeah, that was rough.

- The disciples went into hiding

and they thought all was lost.

- But all wasn't lost because of Easter.

- That's right, so whilethey were in hiding,

Mary Magdalene came with the news.

- John, I've seen him!

He is alive.

- [Man] Alive, what are you talking about?

- How can that be?

Stay here.

- And Peter and John ran to the tomb.

And that is what I'm doing.

- You're running how they ran?

- I'm running to where they ran.

- Oh, the tomb.

- Try to keep up.

So the Bible says that whenJohn and Peter got there,

John stopped to see the linens,

but Peter didn't stop at all.

He ran straight into the tomb.

- What a powerful momentthat must have been,

to see the empty tomb,Jesus' burial clothes

wrapped neatly to the side.

So keep explaining.

- Well, it really starts with the others.

- The others?

- The other followers of Jesus.

Why didn't they run to the tomb?

- Well, maybe they wereafraid or not as curious.

Or maybe they simply didn't believe Mary.

- Peter and John couldn'tkeep themselves from going.

Yeah, maybe they were curious and trying

to figure out what was going on,

but maybe a part of them knew.

- Knew what?

- That what Jesus wassaying all along was right.

That he was alive again,that he conquered death.

- Mary, Mary!

Jesus is risen!

The tomb is empty.

For years we heard hismessage, now we see it.

God so loved the worldthat he gave his only son

so that whoever believesin him will not die,

but have everlasting life.

- It's possible they werejust running to the tomb,

but maybe at least a part of them knew

they were running to their risen savior.

- Oh, running to the risen.

- That's who I wanna be,so excited about Jesus

I have to run to him.

Come on!

- His word is forever alive.

(upbeat music)

Man, all that running is exhausting.

- While we catch ourbreath you should run over


- There's more in depthlooks at the stories

we've been talking aboutand you can download

the Superbook Bible app andread up on for yourself.

- And don't forget, run to the risen.

- Let's go!

- [Woman] You ready to do some running?

This is Joel, whoa.

- You know how Jesus was crucified.

Jesus died, I'm so sorry.

- [Woman] It's okay, he's still alive now.

- He got over it, took about three days,

but you know, he's good now.

Like he was alive again,this is a good thing!

Ah, Jesus!

- Oh, running to the risen.

Not that much?

And you can downloadthe Superbook Bible app

and read up on them yourself.

- I totally forgot my line, what was it?

- [Woman] Don't forget.

- Don't forget your lines.

Run to the risen, got it.

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