Daniel Kolenda, president of Christ For All Nations, discusses the death of Reinhard Bonnke, and how to slay the dragons of spiritual warfare.
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(upbeat music)
- Well the President hascalled the Coronavirus
an "invisible enemy."
But, there's another invisible enemy
that's been wrecking havoc onearth since the dawn of time,
and that's the subject of anew book by Daniel Kolenda.
Take a look.(wooshing)
- [Narrator] Daniel Kolenda
is the President of Christ of All Nations,
and the successor ofthe Ministry's founder,
Reinhard Bonnke.
For many years, beforeBonnke's death in late 2019,
Daniel preached thegospel to mass audiences
alongside his mentor.
When it comes to spiritual warfare,
he's dealt first handwith what many believers
have only heard described.
"Slaying Dragons" is his newest book,
which serves as a practical guide
to the spiritual warfareevery believer faces.
(inspiring music)
- Well it's a pleasure towelcome back to The 700 Club,
Daniel Kolenda.(wooshing)
Danny, I'm so glad to have you.
In December you lost your mentor,
and the world lost one ofthe greatest evangelists.
Have you been continuing his legacy?
- Yeah, and Pat, let me justsay at the very beginning here,
how much evangelist Bonnke loved you,
and he appreciated you
and your friendship over so many years.
I think he would wantme to say that to you.
We do miss him tremendously.
To me, he was more than amentor, more than a friend.
He was like a spiritual father,
but we are continuingon with the same vision
that God gave to him,
which was "from Cape Town toCairo, Africa shall be saved."
That vision continues,
and we're pressing forwardwith all our might.
- Well, what do you thinkGod is saying to the world
in the midst of all this crisis?
Have you got a message thatthe Lord is giving you?
- Well, you know,
I don't have a specificword from the Lord,
but one of the thingsthat I've really sensed
in my heart strongly during this season
is the scripture where Jesustold his disciples, he said,
"The night is coming,
and we must be working while it is day.
For the night is coming,and when no man can work."
And, I feel like one ofthe things that the Lord
has allowed us to seewith this whole pandemic
that we're in right now,this Coronavirus thing,
is just a taste of what it'slike when the night comes.
And, when there is a seasonwhere the work must stop,
and the sickle rusts.
And, we haven't come into a place yet,
I believe we're goingto recover from this,
and things are going toget back to normal soon.
However, there is a daycoming where the night
is gonna come for good, andwe're not gonna be able to work.
Look, I mean, even right now,
a few weeks ago, I wastraveling to Africa,
and I was complainingabout how tired I was
and how busy I was.
Today, there are no flights going there.
And, so, all the more important,
and what a lesson it is forus and for our generation,
that we need to work, weneed to press forward,
we need to reap thisharvest before Jesus comes.
- Talk to us about spiritual warfare.
The enemy is not just the virus,
he's been around for a long time.
How do you deal with it?
- Yeah, you know, it's veryinteresting in this season
that we're talking about spiritual warfare
and about invisible things.
Because, right now, the whole world
is concerned about an invisible enemy,
which is literally crippling the planet.
And, the scriptures havetold us this for a long time.
We read in Ephesians 6:12 that we
"wrestle not against flesh and blood,
against principalities, and powers,
and rulers of the darkness of this world."
In other words, the realbattle that we're facing,
especially as Christians,is an invisible battle.
It's a war that wecan't see with our eyes.
We can't feel it with our hands.
And, the scriptures giveus all kinds of tools
in order to be able to besuccessful in this battle.
One of the things thatI've personally felt
a bit burdened about, Pat,
is that seeing the waythe church has reacted,
even to this crisis,tells me that their minds
are very much on the natural
and very much in the carnal.
I believe that one of thethings God wants us to do
is to lift our vision up,
and to be able to seethings from his perspective.
The Bible says that "we'renot ignorant of his devices."
Because if we are ignorantof the enemy's devices,
he has an advantage over us.
And, one of those devicesthat the enemy has is fear.
Fear is a weapon of the enemy.
But, the Bible says that
"God has not given us a spirit of fear,
but of power, and of love,and of a sound mind."
And, I was so happy at thebeginning of this program
to hear you takingauthority over that thing,
and encouraging the bodyof Christ to rise up.
What you were reallydoing was encouraging them
to see this crisis from the perspective
of the eternal and of the spiritual.
We need to be the body of Christ.
We need to take authority over this thing.
And, we need to emerge victorious.
- Danny, when you goin a country in Africa,
do you bind the strong man?
Do you have special prayeragainst the demonic spirits?
- Yeah, in fact,
not only do I pray againstit in a general sense,
I get the local pastorsand the bishops together,
and we talk about theissues in their region.
And, they make a list for me.
They literally write out the names
of different demons, andcurses, and principalities
in their area that they live in fear of.
And, many times thepeople are in such fear
of these demonic spirits and these curses
that they won't even pronouncetheir names out loud.
Well, I get this list,
I stand up in front of that crowd with,
sometimes a millionpeople in the audience,
and I read those names out point by point,
and I break their powerin the name of Jesus.
And, when the people see
that I'm not afraid of these things,
when they see that I didn't drop dead
instantly on the platform,
they get courage, the wholeplace begins to rejoice,
and we see freedom spreadthrough entire regions.
- What kind of curses havethey tried to put on you,
by the way?
- Well, you know, sometimeswhen I'm preaching,
I've had witch doctors come
and try to kill me right on the platform.
And, there's, in fact, astory that I put in the book
about a witch doctorwho came to the meeting.
She tried to put a curse on me,
and the power of God hit her.
She fell on the ground, started screaming,
and writhing like a snake,and foaming at the mouth.
And, they cast all the demons out of her,
they brought her to me on the platform,
and this is what she saidabout it, I'll never forget it.
She said, "I came heretonight to kill you,
but instead, I havereceived Jesus as my savior.
Because, tonight, I realizethat Jesus is more powerful
than your witchcraft."
And, I think that is amessage for the world.
That Jesus has not onlymore power than witchcraft,
he is more powerful than diseases,
he is more powerful than viruses,
he is more powerful than COVID-19.
Jesus Christ is the name above every name.
- You know, why do youthink here in America,
in the so-called advanced nation,
they don't believe in demonic spirits?
I've encountered them,you've encountered them.
You know have to deal with these things.
Why don't we believe in them here
in the so-called advanced civilization?
- Well, the, you know,
whenever I come to the West,
people treat witchcraft and demonic stuff,
they treat it like somethingout of a Harry Potter novel.
They think it's a fantasy,they think it's pretend.
But, I'll tell you what,
I've seen in the Western worldtremendous demonic activity.
And, I've cast demons out herejust like we do in Africa.
In fact, I was preaching in Germany
a couple of years ago in a stadium,
and when I gave the alter call,
the young people came down
and I began to rebuke demon spirits.
And, hundreds of theseyoung people in Germany
began to manifest demons
to the extent that the paramedics came in
and hauled these young people out.
They thought they werehaving epileptic seizures.
And, when I left the venue that night,
there were dozens of kidslaid out on the grass
with paramedics working onthem, trying to revive them.
And, I told the paramedics, I said,
"You better get some ofthese pastors to help you,
because what these youngpeople are dealing with
is beyond your medicine to cure."
We have to come face toface with the reality
that not all of our problems are cerebral,
not all of them are chemical,
not all of them are biological.
There are real spiritualproblems not only in Africa,
but in the Western world as well.
- You know, I encountereda spirit of fear in India
that was just destroying the people.
They had to be set free.
And, they got so happy whenthat thing was rebuked.
Is there any particularcountry that you've seen
more demonic activity?
- Well, India's a big one.
Whenever I go to India,
I see a tremendous amountof demonic activity.
And, also, wherever I go in Africa,
we encounter these things,
and we see them in a very visceral way.
But, I don't believe that's because
there are more demons in India,
or there are more demons in Africa.
I really believe that, in our society,
what we've done is we'vejust diagnosed these things,
we've locked them away,
we've given them certain medical names.
We've refused to acknowledgethem for what they are.
But, I really believe theDevil is alive and well
not only in Africa andIndia and the third world,
but all over the world,including in the West.
And, we as the church,need to get wise to this.
We need to learn how to handle it.
And, it's the exact reasonthat I wrote this book,
to equip the body of Christ
to deal with spiritual warfarein their everyday lives.
- Are you able to get planesand to move around anymore?
Or are you kinda locked down?
- Right now, like probably everybody else,
we're locked down.
And, even if I could get somewhere,
the governments have basicallybanned all large gatherings.
So, we're in a season of waitingand praying and preparing.
But, I'll tell you what,Pat, I was tired before.
Now, I'm completely refreshed,
I'm ready to get backout there on the road.
And, I believe once we start again,
we're gonna demand a double portion.
We're gonna demand a double harvest
for this time that's been taken from us.
- Well, brother, we agree with you.
This, folk, you need tounderstand, "Slaying Dragons."
I have run into this, andDanny is a pass master.
He's seen millions ofpeople come to Jesus.
A great man of God.
A successor to one of my dearestfriends, Reinhard Bonnke.
And, Daniel Kolenda's bookis called "Slaying Dragons."
It's available nationwide,you oughta get a copy.
You need to understand spiritual warfare.
Daniel Kolenda, it'scalled "Slaying Dragons."
Okay.- Yeah.
- [Terry] Wonderful.- Thank you.
- How nice--- The good word for the hour.