'Most Rewarding Thing You Can Do': Homeschool Experts Offer Hope to Parents in COVID-19 School Shutdowns
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- States operating understay-at-home orders
have now interrupted educationfor at least 64,000 schools.
That means for millionsof public-school students,
they are now shifting to virtual learning.
And that means their parents must
oversee and even teach those lessons.
Erin Weidemann is a sought-afterhome-school consultant,
certified teacher, and nationally
recognized speaker from San Diego.
She says give yourself some grace
as you face this new adventure.
- As you start out, and, like I said,
you're trying to juggleall of these things,
is set some expectations.
Call a family meeting andinvite each individual
family member to speak about what
they would like this situation to be.
You can use this time toreview your family values
and really allow thosevalues and your faith
to steady how you're gonnamove forward in this season,
so it creates way less pushback,
it gets every student in your classroom
at home to buy in tothe overarching theme,
which is, "We're here to work together,
"we're here to be a family."
- [Heather] With theschool year in question,
Weidemann advises parents to take
this new virtual learning day by day.
- So, parents, Idefinitely want you to hold
your schedule with an open hand,
and think of it more likean ebbing and flowing
routine where you'regonna put some parameters
in place that you feel like will get you
in a good rhythm, but then you're gonna
assess those rhythms daily and see
what's not working andchange it if necessary.
- [Heather] Additionalresources are pouring out
from home-school experts and educators
across the country right now.
The Texas Homeschool Coalition
has created a free website with actress
and home-school momSam Sorbo as a partner.
She hopes it will provide encouragement.
- I'm personally hopefulthat this will convince
a number of parents that they are actually
adequate and equippedto teach their children.
The website offers, right now, we've got
K through five available forfree, it's absolutely free.
It's a full-on curriculum.
It will guide your day, it'show to schedule your day,
because I know there are alot of parents who need that.
- [Heather] Some school districts are now
considering summer schoolor starting the fall
semester early to makeup for lost learning.
For now, Sorbo says she wants parents
to know they are fully capable
of successfully teaching their children.
- We have to understand that God
calls us to educate our children,
but we are educated in a system
that teaches us that we are inadequate,
and that's why the number one pushback
that I've experienced from parents
is this idea, "I couldn't,I don't know how."
The reason that you feel that way
is because that's what you were taught.
You were taught that you can't do anything
that you haven't beenformally instructed on,
and I'm here to tellyou, not only can you,
it's the most rewardingthing that you will do
as a parent, is to educate your children.
And the relationship that you will be able
to have with your childrenas a result of that
is beyond your wildest dreams.
- [Heather] Heather Sells, CBN News.