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Conservative Commentator Todd Starnes Says NYC Mayor Is Violating Churches' Civil Liberties

Conservative Commentator Todd Starnes Says NYC Mayor Is Violating Churches' Civil Liberties Read Transcript

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- Todd, tell us why are you soconcerned about this warning

from New York City'sMayor, Bill de Blasio?

- Well, I've been sayingfor quite some time

that I believe the greaterthreat to the United States

is not necessarily the Covid-19 virus

but it is in fact the attackson our civil liberties.

And there's really noother way to say this

other than the fact thatAmericans, by and large,

have been willing to sacrificesome of their civil liberties

for the sake of their public safety.

And that's why I'm very concerned

with what's happening here,

especially in New York City,

but quite frankly, I believe we're looking

at a great government over-reach here.

- You say he's threatening churches

with permanent building closures

if they don't adhere

and you're evening callingthis situation a police state?

- Well it certainly does seem

more like a police statehere in New York City,

especially in light ofthe Mayor's announcement,

Mayor Bill de Blasio, just afew days ago put out a warning

to every church and synagogue,

and he was very clear toreference churches and synagogues

who are still meeting.

And that has been an issue.

There have been some churches,

there have been somesynagogues in New York City

that have still beholding corporate worship

and corporate gatheringsin their church buildings.

And so the Mayor came outand said that stops now.

He said any church that isworshiping in their building

will be shut down.

The Mayor went on to say

that he will use the police department,

the fire department,the health department,

and building inspectorsto enforce these closures.

Any church or synagoguethat refuses to comply

could be subjected to fines.

And the Mayor said if they continue,

the buildings will be permanently closed.

Those are his wordsnow, permanently closed.

- Do you think the Mayor'sconcern for public safety

is greater right now thanconstitutional rights?

I mean, you touched on thatearlier in the interview.

Do you think New Yorkers see it that way?

Break it down for us.

- Well, look I do believethat the Mayor is doing this

for the sake of public safety.

I don't believe he's out theretrying to shut down churches

for some other nefarious reason.

The Mayor, as a matter of factsaid in his press conference

that it brought him no joyto shut down the churches.

But the issue here is,

does the government have aconstitutional right to do that?

And I do not believe that's the case.

As a matter of fact,

we've talked to severalreligious liberty experts

and they tell us thatwould be an over-reach

by the government.

Now here is the big issue,

there are really two issues here.

Number one, the governmentis being heavy-handed,

they do not have a right to tell a church

what they can and cannot do.

That being said, andhere's the other issue,

churches have aresponsibility to take care

of their parishionersand their congregations.

And right now it seems tome to be fairly reasonable

to postpone your corporate gatherings

and move your services online

until this danger passes.

- How do we walk the fine line

between public safetyand constitutional rights

in the midst of fighting this virus?

Let's talk not just New York City

but the big picture.

- Well look, we've been hearing reports

from all over Americaof police departments

showing up at churches and telling them

that they will be shut down.

We talked to a pastor inthe state of Illinois.

The local Sheriff's Department showed up

and they were actually countingcars in the parking lot

and they were photographinglicense plates of people.

We had a report fromLouisiana where they were told

that if they did notshut down their services,

the National Guard would be come in,

the National Guard would be called in.

But it goes beyond just churches.

Again, we're talking aboutcivil liberties here.

That's why in many statesyou've got governors

that are trying to crackdown on gun ownership.

They want to shut down the gun stores.

That's a big problem.

So, the issue here is a power issue.

And it's important for all of us,

for every freedom loving patriot

to make sure that ourconstitutional rights

are not being violated forthe sake of public safety.

- All right, Todd Starnesof

Thanks for your time, sir.- Thanks.


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