Morgan and Miriam talk about how God gave us all different passions that can be used to help and bless others.
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- Welcome to the Superbook Show!
- Hello, people of Superbook!
- Hmm, that's new.
- Well, you know, but,you've gotta check this out.
So, I started a group thatserves at a homeless shelter.
And this kid Trevor was like, he said,
it wasn't that important.
- For real?
- Yeah, can you believe this guy?
(upbeat music)
- So, let me get this straight.
- Please do.
- This guy Trevor saidthat helping the homeless
wasn't important?
Like he used those exact words?
- Okay, well, not those exact words,
but he said that we should start a group
that visits the elderly.
- Oh, well, that's good too!
- More important than helping the poor?
I mean, come on!
- No, they're both equally important.
- I don't know.
- Think about it, everyonecares about something,
but not everyone cares aboutthe same thing the same amount.
- You're losing me.
- Okay, let's try this.
Everyone is passionate about something.
- Okay, you're finding me again.
- And when you'repassionate about something,
it's usually hard for you to understand
how someone else doesn'tcare about it like you do.
- Okay, that checks out.
I think that may be what's happening here.
- We all care about different things
because we all havedifferent roles to play
in the body of Christ.
- I heard my pastor say that before.
- Okay, what did you think about it?
- I didn't reallyunderstand it at the time.
- In First Corinthians,
it lays out how we are all different parts
of the body of Christ, andhave different roles to play.
- Oh, I never knew that.
- And no part can say, "Idon't need you!" to another.
Every part is differentand is equally important.
- Oh, so when I say that helping the poor
is more important thanhelping the elderly,
I'm doing this?
- Well, kind of.
- You know, now that I think about it,
I bet our passions arebased upon the things
you've experienced in our lives.
- What do you mean?
- Well, I probably care about the poor
because my family wentthrough a really hard time
a few years ago.
- Yeah, you're probably right.
- And, you know, nowthat I think about it,
Trevor said that his grandmahad to be sent to a home
because of her health.
- Really?
- Yeah, and he wasreally close to his Nana.
Oh man, now I feel bad.
- Well, now you understand.
Your perspective is different.
- Oh, and maybe another reasonwe have different passions
is to make sure that everything gets done.
- And that way, insteadof stressing yourself out
about something that you're not good at,
you can work together withsomeone who is good at it.
- Okay, so maybe one dayTrevor heads up a group
that visits the seniorhomes, and on another day,
I head up a group that feeds the homeless.
- Team work makes the dream work.
- And many hands make light work.
- And body parts make the body work.
- His Word is forever alive.
(upbeat music)
- Our Superbook Show app
is one of the things wedo in the body of Christ.
- And our site,
and Facebook are also available.
Work together for good!
- Are you sure?- My stomach
is making it's own renditionof whale sounds tonight.
Wonder how many we'll catch?
I'm not gonna mention them, and be like,
guys, did you hear that?
- [Woman] So when youstart looking at each other
- (laugh)
- [Woman] Remember youhad just said, okay,
you're finding me again.
- It's usually hard foryou to understand how
are you okay?
- Did you guys hear that?
- [Woman] What I'm passionateabout here, just like, yeah.
- It's like (inaudible) in the whales.
It's like, voom.
- No, I kind of, right here (laugh)
- Have you heard any of those noises,
like a (makes a growling noise)
And you have the front row seat!
Nothing brings you closer than this,
I mean, goodness gracious.