- [Jenna] Tonight from social distancing
to sheltering in place.
- We have not providedadditional instructions
to encourage states tohave statewide shutdowns.
- [Jenna] The latest from the White House
as the country wrestles withhow to respond to COVID-19.
Plus the Senate looks tostimulate the economy.
- That starts with helpingindividual Americans.
- What that could meanfor your bank account.
And how churches are getting creative
and serving their communitiesduring this crisis.
All this and more tonight on Faith Nation.
(upbeat music)
America on pause as wewait out the coronavirus.
Welcome to Faith Nation,I'm Jenna Browder.
Tonight the state ofCalifornia on virtual lockdown.
The first and likely not the last.
New York also takingextreme measures tonight.
Worldwide, COVID-19 deaths top 10,000
with more than a quarter ofa million reported cases.
CBN White House Correspondent Ben Kennedy
begins our coverage tonightfrom the north lawn.
- Today President Trump announced a ban
on non-essential travelwith Mexico and Canada.
Health experts say travelbans have been effective
in delaying the spread of the virus.
- Providing an update on what we are doing
to minimize the impacton the Chinese virus.
- [Ben] President Trump's latest effort
to contain the outbreak includesrestricting border travel.
- To prevent the transmission of the virus
coming through both the northernand the southern border.
So we're treating the borders equally.
- [Ben] This as theentire state of California
ordered to stay home.
New York is doing something similar
with non-essential workers.
- I watched what's beenhappening in California
with Governor Newsom and thismorning with Governor Cuomo
and I applaud them, they'retaking very strong, bold steps.
- New Yorkers shouldhave total confidence.
- [Ben] Governor AndrewCuomo also canceled
all statewide non-criticalelective surgeries
in an effort to free upbeds for COVID-19 patients.
Officials anticipate closeto 30% of state residents
will have the virus inthe next eight weeks.
That's more than 10 million people.
To prepare for demandand likely shortages,
Cuomo is asking retired doctors and nurses
to come back to work.
- PPE, gloves, gown, mask suppliers,
I am now asking all product providers,
all companies who are in this business,
we will pay a premium for these products.
- [Ben] Trump says he will invoke
the Defense Production Actto direct private companies
to speed up medical equipment production.
- [Woman] Thank you,you can just leave it.
- [Ben] As a result ofthe stay home orders,
more people are gettingdelivery and take out,
but amid worldwide callsto social distance,
not everyone is listening.
- I don't think that the young people,
they're taking serious the virus
because normally, I mean,they have less risk than us,
you know what I mean, I'm 64 and my wife,
she's in her 50s.
- [Ben] Popular beachesin Florida are now closed
after crowds were seengathering during spring break.
- I realize that all theseorders can overwhelm people,
but they are necessary.
- Now President Trumpsaid he doesn't think
he will find it necessary tohave a nationwide lockdown.
The White House also announcedtax day is pushed back
from April 15th to July 15th.
People expecting a refund can file now.
Lawmakers plan to workthroughout the weekend
on phase three reliefpackage, and we are hearing
it could include an optionfor people to withdraw
10% of their 401k withoutpenalties in an effort
to help people during the outbreak.
Ben Kennedy, CBN News, the White House.
- All right, thank you Ben.
And to Capitol Hill whereSenate Majority Leader
Mitch McConnell is pushingan ambitious timeline
for his economic stimulus plan.
He wants Republicansand Democrats to reach
an agreement tonight.
Capitol Hill CorrespondentAbigail Robertson
joins us with more on that, Abigail.
- That's right, Jenna.
The usually slow moving Senate is working
at warp speed to get thisphase three $1 trillion
economic stimulus packagepassed through the Senate,
and we might see that happen tonight.
They've been negotiating allday, but it's still unclear.
And the reason for thisexpediency in getting this bill,
this bill includes thosechecks to the American people
that the White House is saying this week
that they wanna get to Americansin the next three weeks
to get cash now.
And that's a part of this bill.
So there's definitely alot of urgency to get it
through the Senate, but procedurally,
there's still a lot ofhoops to go through.
So either McConnell wantsthe text of the legislation
to be finished tonight,there are a lot of committees
today working and drafting andmaking different amendments.
He wants this to be started on the Senate,
moving through the Senate floor tomorrow
so that the Senate can pass it on Monday
and then we come to the issueof having it pass the House.
Now, with two Housemembers testing positive
for coronavirus, thereare more calls for them
to go to remote voting, and we're seeing
some serious discussionsgoing on about that
instead of bringing allof those House lawmakers
back to Washington,D.C., where many of them
would be traveling, they'retrying to find a way
to be able to get House membersto vote on this remotely
so that it can go to the president's desk
and the top priorities in this legislation
are getting those small businesses loans
so that they can stay openduring these tumultuous times
when they have to close.
They're hoping that this will help them
not have to lay off their employees,
they wanna get aid to the airline,
aid to the hospitality industry,
and aid to the American workers.
So we'll see what happens and we'll see
if they can get this donesooner rather than later.
- Yeah, Abigail, are Democrats on board
with McConnell's proposal?
- Well, immediately when thetext was released last night
Speaker Pelosi and MinorityLeader Chuck Schumer
were quick to criticize itsaying that it doesn't do
as much for the American workers
as it does for big corporations,
but Democrats and Republicanshave been negotiating
on this all day, they'retrying to finalize details.
Minority Leader Chuck Schumerdid call the bill inadequate
today, so it's unclear if anydeal will be reached tonight
in order to start moving thebill forward in the Senate
by tomorrow so we cansee that Monday vote.
But we know that talks aregoing on right now as we speak,
and hopefully they will cometo some kind of agreement
because McConnell is notletting the Senate go anywhere
until this bill is done andcleared through the Senate.
- All right, Abigail Robertson,Capitol Hill correspondent,
thank you very much.
Meanwhile PresidentTrump's approval rating
and his handling of this crisis
appears to be on the upswing.
A new ABC News IPSOS pollfinds 55% of Americans
now approve of his response to the crisis,
just one week ago thatsame poll found only 43%
felt that way.
The new number comesafter increased action
on the part of theadministration, including
the president's coronavirus guidelines
to slow the spread of the disease
and his national emergency declaration.
And here now to discuss,
CBN's Chief Political Analyst David Brody.
David what do you thinkof about the president's
new poll numbers and hishandling of this crisis?
- You know Jenna, it reallyisn't much of a surprise.
I mean, 43% at the beginning,it got of to a rocky start
and you know why?
Because we've neverseen anything like this
in the history of theworld, or at least in terms
of the way we're living,what we're living through
in our lifetime specifically.
And so obviously it's gonnabe a bit of a rocky start,
but then we see thenumbers tick up and why,
because it seems, slowly but surely,
not only is the president andhis team getting their act
together, but I thinkAmericans are realizing
this is a huge deal.
It's impacting all oftheir lives and therefore
we're all trying to somehow,some way come together
and I think that's showing
a little bit in those poll numbers.
- Yeah, what did you make ofthe president's tone today
at the White House news conference?
- Well you know, the onething he doesn't wanna do
is get to be rollicking and a frenzy
and it was a bit rollickingand frenzy-like today
with Peter Alexander fromNBC News and quite frankly,
a few other journalistspiling on after that.
The president getting intoit with Peter Alexander
from NBC News specificallybecause what the president
doesn't like from that reporterand many other reporters
is this figment of negativity.
That everything is doom and gloom.
And you know, the presidentand his team are working hard
and tireless hours, hourafter hour on this crisis
and he doesn't wanna hearall of the skeptical,
negative criticism whenright now is a time
to pull together.
And you know, I think thatresonates with a lot of folks.
I think right now, you know,let's save the Monday morning
quarterbacking foranother month, two months,
six months down the road, but right now
let's get the information out
to the people that need it most.
- The president's takinga lot of criticism
for calling it the Chinesevirus from journalists
and from a lot of people.
David, what are theimplications of him doing that?
- Well let's just start with the facts.
The virus came from China, that's right,
I've read about it on Google, it's true.
And you know, I talked to Kevin McCarthy,
the house minority leaderabout a week ago or so,
he also called it the Chinese virus
and they said that was abunch of racial overtones
that he was emanating from his office
and he said to me, hegoes, "You know what,
"you know where Lyme disease came from?
"Lyme, Connecticut.
"You know where the Zika virus came from,
"from the Zika River in the Zika Forest."
So look, the point simply is is that
he's being factually accurateand it's just interesting
to watch a lot of folks inthe media and quite frankly
a lot of liberals gettingon president's case
when you know, they justcan't let politics go
and they just can't let their frustration
with this president go evenin a time of huge, huge crisis
in this country.
- Well David, we have to leave it there,
but it's good to see you.
Stay healthy and thankyou for your analysis.
- Jenna, hold down thefort back there, thanks.
- Doing my best.
All right, well turningoverseas, today Italy
saw it's biggest day to dayjump in coronavirus related
deaths since the outbreak began there.
The Italian governmentreporting 627 new deaths today,
driving the country's total death count
to more than 4000.
The total number of COVID-19cases tops 47,000 in Italy.
Well Samaritan's Purse hasdispatched a mobile hospital
to northern Italy.
Edward Graham joins usnow to discuss their work.
Edward, good to have you,
thank you for joining us this evening.
Italy, now the epicenter of the outbreak.
Describe to us the situationthere and the needs.
- Italy's in dire needs rightnow and just unbelievable
decimated by this virus.
This is a world epidemic, but right now,
it hit northern Italy hard,
especially around the Milan area.
And just the medical systemsthere are overwhelmed
with the needs for respiratoryand ICU capabilities.
So that's why Samaritan'sPurse has responded
with our field hospital.
- [Jenna] And tell us aboutthe work Samaritan's Purse
is doing there and the team you've sent.
- Yeah, the team we've sentis what we call the Dart
here at Samaritan's Purse,but it's a group of volunteers
and staff that are highlytrained and we can tailor
these field hospitals specificfor the challenge they have.
And this one is tailored for respiratory
and infectious diseaseissues and ICU capability.
So again, this is a welltrained team that has gone over
and setup this fieldhospital and it's changed
a little bit of the dynamiconce we got on the ground.
They've asked us toincrease the ICU capability.
No one that has entered this hospital that
we're partnering withhas gone into the ICU
with the virus and survived.
And again, like I said,they're just on fire right now
with this virus, they'restruggling to make ends meet
right there medically and thestaff has been overwhelmed.
So they asked for help,when we reached out
and so that's why we're setting up.
And it's just an unbelievable capability
that the Lord's entrusted us with.
And we're just there, fortunateto be serving in Jesus name.
- Edward, how did theItalian government respond
when Samaritan's Purse offered to help?
- Yeah, just over a weekago we floated this idea
amongst our staff whenwe're looking at the numbers
and where Italy was headed.
So we reached out totheir minister of health
and some other officials and it came back
pretty quickly yes, we need help, send it.
And since we've beenthere the hospital staff,
the community, the governmentleaders, they have just been
so welcoming and so loving.
I mean, Italian people are always loving,
but they have just been so hospitable,
making us having the military there,
the Italian military and a volunteer force
have come out to help us, receive us,
to setup our hospital quickly.
They are energized, theywanna defeat this virus
and they're just gladto have a partner there
to share in this burden with them.
- Yeah, and Edward, while so many people,
Americans and people across the world
are really turning inand avoiding the rest
of the world, talk about why this team,
Samaritan's Purse team, is choosing to run
to the center of thisoutbreak, to this hotspot.
- That's a great point, Jenna.
The world, this is aworld epidemic so everyone
is kind of hunkering downand going to defense mode
and we understand that,but at Samaritan's Purse
we're called to be the good Samaritan's
to go out and help thosethat don't have help
or that other people are walking past.
And my father's alwayssaid, this is what we do.
In a time of crisis we run to the fire.
Now we're gonna be careful,we exercise caution,
we have a well trainedteam, they've done this
with Ebola and other veryhighly infectious diseases.
They have the experience,and we will follow
the guidance of theWorld Health Organization
and the CDC here in the US for quarantines
and with our staff,but this is what we do.
These people need help, they need hope.
We have highly traineddoctors that wanna go out
and serve in the name of Jesus, to meet
their medical needs first,just like the good Samaritan,
to meet their immediateneeds but then to share
the hope of Jesus Christ with them.
That's why we go.
- Yeah, Samaritan's Purseis an amazing organization
and the work that yourfamily does, it's tremendous.
So Edward Graham, thankyou so much for joining us
and thank you for the workthat you're all doing.
- Well thank you Jenna,and please be praying
for the safety of our staff
and the team that's there working.
Just pray for the countryof Italy that needs it.
Thank you.
- Absolutely, all right Edward, thank you.
Coming up, a call to prayduring this time of crisis.
Details next.
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- In the age of socialdistancing, many of us
are connecting with familyand friends on social media.
And now one group iscalling on Christians across
the country to usetheir platforms to share
their prayers with people in their lives.
Jason Yates, the CEO of My Faith Votes
is with us now to explain.
Jason, good to have you,thank you for being with us.
- Thanks Jenna, thanks for having me.
And prayer at this timeis so incredibly important
it's what this nation needs.
- So this call to share prayers
is part of a bigger movement of prayer.
Tell us about the 30 day call for prayer.
- Well, let's start withwhat the president did
and he called for a nationalday of prayer on March 15th.
It was a reminder that we, as a nation,
have continually in timesof crisis turned to God
for protection and for strength.
But it's not just about one day,
it needs to be about every day.
And we just want to encouragepeople and motivate them
to engage and engage withothers, not just individually
in prayer, but to share those prayers.
And so we're calling fora 30 day focus of prayer
in our nation, for ournation and for the citizens
and our fellow believersthroughout the nation.
And so we're encouragingpeople to use social media.
Now, technology, sometimeswe think that technology
and social media becomes inwardly focused
and drives some behaviorsmaybe we don't like,
but I would say to you,social media is agnostic
to our values and we want touse it for what it can do.
And so by encouraging peopleto write out some prayers,
share those with theirfollowers, encourage others
to do that, I think wecan create a movement
that replaces fear withfaith during this time.
- And My Faith Votes isoffering a place for people
to share their prayers.
Jason, can you tell us where people can go
for more information onthat if they're interested?
- Yeah, well a couple resources.
First I would encourage people,
just on our Facebookpage, just go to Facebook,
look up My Faith Votes, be able to share
your prayers that way.
But some people aren't on Facebook.
So do it via text message,do it via an email,
just to those in your networkto share those prayers
with others and read prayers from others
on social media, on Facebook.
But I would also say, go to our website,
myfaithvotes.org, we'veprovided some resources.
A prayer guide around this coronavirus.
We also have an e-bookthat we call America,
It's Time to Pray, and inthat e-book, we're sharing
some stories about howthe Bible has influenced
our nation in times of crisis.
I really encourage you,Pastor Robert Morgan wrote
that e-book, it's a fabulous resource.
And then, last weekendon Sunday, we shared
a national stream of something we called
America, It's Time to Praythrough World Outreach Church
with Pastor Allan Jackson.
And it's just an uplifting, great resource
for people to go and beencouraged by prayer.
- Well Jason, we appreciatewhat you're doing
and the power of prayer,
it is so needed in a time like this.
So thank you so much.
Jason Yates with My Faith Votes.
- Thanks, Jenna.
- Social distancing isn'tstopping the work of the church.
We'll explain on theother side of the break.
You're watching CBN's Faith Nation.
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- Well the need for social distancing
is forcing churches tothink outside their walls.
Here's Charlene Aaron.
- [Charlene] When healthofficials took actions
to further limiting publicgatherings down to 10 people,
Virginia Beach pastor Steve Swisher knew
that meant closing the doors.
- Initially it was a harddecision just to think about it.
And so we made the decision,like many churches have,
to suspend all publicgatherings as we join together
with social distancing.
- [Charlene] Also like manychurches, Swisher is streaming
his messages online.
- Our worship team has begun to do worship
in their living room to beable to send those feeds out,
we have video taped some devotional feeds,
and then, of course, we do online church.
- [Charlene] Wanting toserve even more people
in its community, Essential Church created
a COVID-19 need list on social media.
- We put out a Facebookthread that simply encouraged
our church to be thechurch during this season
and it just says if youhave a need, post a need.
If you can meet a need,then answer the need.
And this is in just two and a half days
this has had over 100 comments on it.
- [Charlene] Swisher saysmost requests came from people
outside his congregation.
- We had a lady who'sgot an autoimmune issue
and she can't go stock up on supplies
and so we brought her someover the counter medicine,
we brought her somefood, and somebody else
who is in a hotel so theyhad very limited ability
to store things and so we broughther some supplies as well.
- [Charlene] The helphasn't stopped there.
Given empty store shelves,the church came up
with a creative outreach, amuch needed toilet paper drive.
- We could begin to see the stock supply
at local grocery stores was going down,
toilet paper was alreadygone from the shelves.
- [Charlene] Many grateful for the help.
- This means so much,especially with what's going on
right now to have a resource.
Definitely shows the love of Jesus Christ.
- We're so blessed to beable to actually go through
the drive thru twice and be able to get
additional toilet paper to be able to help
some family members whoare having difficulty
locating toilet paper, even online.
- [Charlene] Meanwhile, Swisher believes
these uncertain times are an opportunity
for the church's light to shine bright.
- I really just have theopportunity for the church
to truly be the hands and feet of Christ
during this season.
- [Charlene] Charlene Aaron, CBN News.
- [Man] God bless you.
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- [Narrator] From Washington,D.C., uncompromising stories,
interviews, and analysisfrom veteran journalists.
David Brody.
- Escalating fight.
- [Narrator] Jenna Browder.
- Chose his words carefully.
- [Narrator] Ben Kennedy.
- Plan to join him.
- [Narrator] And Amber Strong.
- For impeachment growsa little bit louder.
- [Narrator] Bringing you thepolitical news that matters.
- We get out and tellthe story of progress
that we're making in this country.
- [Narrator] Watch Faith Nation,
weeknights at six on the CBN News Channel.
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and get To Life.
- [Woman] This is our nature as a country.
- [Narrator] Discover theuntold story of how Israeli
volunteers are changing the world.
- [Man] We consider itour duty to reach out
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- [Woman] And I wish that otherpeople throughout the world
could see this side of Israel.
- Finally tonight, withschools across the country
shut down, thousands ofstudents aren't receiving meals
they would normally get during the day.
So one school bus driver in Georgia
is taking matters into her own hands,
delivering food to kids in need.
- If you are 18 yearsand younger and you come
to the bus, you are given a meal.
When I pull up, they come out,
"Miss Charlene, Miss Charlene."
They're excited to see me, I'mexcited to see them as well.
And just knowing thatthey're getting a hot meal
that maybe otherwise theymay not, is very gratifying.
- And Charlene Stricklandsays it's important for kids
to stay nourished evenwhen classes are canceled
so she's driving her typicalroute dropping off food
to her usual passengers.
And that is going to do itfor Faith Nation tonight,
we'll leave it on that note.
Have a great weekend.
(upbeat music)