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Trump Touts Possible 'Game-Changer' Treatment for Coronavirus, Congress Aid Could Put $1,200 in Your Pocket

Trump Touts Possible 'Game-Changer' Treatment for Coronavirus, Congress Aid Could Put $1,200 in Your Pocket Read Transcript

- California's governorordered his state's

40 million residents tostay home indefinitely

and go outside only for essential jobs,

errands, or some exercise.

He's concerned thecoronavirus could be too much

for the state's medical system to handle.

- There's a recognitionof our inter-dependence

that requires of this moment

that we direct a state-wide order

for people to stay at home.

- [Mark] And California's economy,

which is the world's fifthbiggest, has also taken a hit.

Only essential criticalinfrastructure workers

are permitted to continue working.

On the East Coast, in New York City,

Mayor Bill de Blasio says the city

has only two to three weeks

before area hospitals run out of supplies,

as the number of UScases climbs over 13,000,

and with the economy taking a severe hit

from all the business closings,

and an expected rising in unemployment.

In Washington, SenateRepublicans and the White House

introduced their trillion-dollarplan to boost the economy.

That includes sendingAmericans checks for $1200.

- It is critical that wemove swiftly and boldly

to begin to stabilize our economy,

preserve Americans' jobs, getmoney to workers and families,

and keep up our fight on the health front.

- We are ready and eager to look

at what Republicans have put together,

and to work with them.

But, we believe thatwhatever proposal emerges,

and it will be bipartisan,

that it must be a workers-first proposal.

- [Mark] Schumer went on to say

that their goal is to makesure no one loses a paycheck

or goes into financial ruin asa result of the coronavirus.

On Wall Street, investors arehoping for a sustainable rally

after the recent collapse in prices.

And on the medical front,Vice President Mike Pence

says a company that makesthe important N95 masks

is accelerating productionto 35 million per month.

Pence also says the government has found

tens of thousands of ventilators,

and President Trump is talking

about possible treatmentsfor the coronavirus,

including a drug normallyprescribed to treat malaria

known as chloroquineor hydroxy chloroquine

which is showing some promise.

Doctors say it hadpromising outcomes in China.

- And I think it's gonna be very exciting.

I think it could be agame-changer, and maybe not.

And maybe not.

But I think it couldbe, based on what I see,

it could be a game-changer.

Very powerful, they're very powerful,

so I want every American to know

that we're doing everything we can,

and these actions areimportant next steps.

- But Reuters reports the malaria drug

is already in short supplyas demand is surging.

Chloroquine and another drug, remdesivir,

are among severalpossibilities now being tested

as potential therapies for the disease.

Mark Martin, CBN News.

- Well, as we look atthese potential therapies,

and we need to keep in mind all of that

which is currentlycirculating through the news,

all of these various treatments,

whether is something for HIVthat could be used in this,

or something against malariathat could be used in this,

none of this is peer-reviewed,

none of it has gone throughthe rigorous testing

it needs to go through,

and so we need to keep that in mind.

As we look for solutions,

as we look to medicine for solutions,

keep this one in mind, andI think it's significant

what our government has already published,

which is they expect this pandemic

not to last two weeks,not to last two months,

not to last six months, 12 months.

Here's how long they expectthis to affect us: 18 months.

And that is a very long period of time.

You may not get the coronavirus,

but you will get theeconomic impact of that,

and start thinking of what does it mean

for every single school to beshut for that period of time,

and every restaurant.

Anything involved in service industry

where you congregate people.

What does it mean for churches?

All of these impacts will hit us all,

and that is somethingyou need to prepare for.

Now, in the middle of allof that, where's our hope?

Is our hope in science?

Is our hope in our economy?

Is our hope in our government?

Well, when you get intoan 18-month long pandemic,

we need God.

So here's something to encourage you.

It's from Psalm 121.

I will lift up my eyes to the hills

from whence comes my help?

My help comes from the Lord

who made Heaven and Earth.

So when you're looking at these things,

you're looking at these headlines,

these news reports, all of this,

lift up your eyes.

Our help has to come from Him.

So right now, let'sjust pause, and do that.

That's what the scripturesays we should do.

Let's lift up our eyes, let's look to Him,

and let's ask Him for the help

that only He can provide for you and me.

Let's pray.

Lord Jesus Christ, we come to you,

and we just declare thatby you and through you,

all things that we see were made,

that you were there at the very beginning,

and you will be there at the very end.

And right now we ask that you would come

and be with us right now,

and uphold us with yourrighteous right hand.

We look to you, the authorand the finisher of our faith,

we look to you for the answers.

So Lord God Almighty, stretchforth your hand to help us,

to help us in our need.

We don't know where to turn,we don't know what to do,

so be with us now and give us your peace

for we ask it in Jesus'name, amen and amen.


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