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Faith Nation: March 18, 2020


- [Jenna] Tonight...

- I view it as a,

in a sense, a wartime President.

- [Jenna] The U.S. shiftingto a wartime footing...

- It'll be a total victory.

- [Jenna] As Americabands together against

an invisible enemy.

- [Eric] Cities and towns shut down.

The U.S. and Canada closingtheir northern border

to non-essential traffic.

- [Jenna] In Congress, a onetrillion dollar stimulus plan.

- This a moment for boldand bipartisan action.

- [Eric] On the trail,another Joe Biden landslide.

- This pandemic has impactedevery aspect of our lives.

- [Jenna] As theCoronavirus infects politics

and the race for the White House.

- [Eric] Plus the power of prayer...

- The faith experience doesn'thave to happen in a building.

It can actually happen wherever you are.

- [Eric] Goes viral asbelievers come together online.

- All this and moretonight on "Faith Nation."

(upbeat theme music)

America at war with an invisible enemy.

Welcome to "Faith Nation,"I'm Jenna Browder.

- And I'm Eric Philips.

President Trump says theU.S. is on a wartime footing

in the fight against Coronavirus.

Today he announced he's invokingthe Defense Production Act,

which will ramp up outputof essential equipment.

- And the rollercoaster economytaking another major hit

once again triggering a halt in trading.

- But we begin with the decision to close

the U.S.-Canadian border toall non-essential traffic.

- This does not includeessential travel or

the transit of goods but itwas through mutual discussion

that took place this morningbetween the President

and Prime Minister Trudeau

and the Department ofHomeland Security will be

effectuating that decision.

- [Eric] Latest numbers show76 hundred confirmed cases

of COVID-19 in the U.S.compared to 600 in Canada.

The leaders of both countriessaying this decision

to close the border is a necessary one.

- Travelers will no longer bepermitted to cross the border

for recreation and tourism.

- [Eric] During Wednesday'sTask Force briefing,

new information about thepotential effect of this disease

on young people who had been thought to be

at a lower risk.

- There are concerningreports coming out of France

and Italy about some youngpeople getting seriously ill

and very seriously ill in the ICUs.

There may be disproportionalnumber of infections

among that group and so evenif it's a rare occurrence,

it may be seen morefrequently in that group

and may be evident now.

- [Eric] The President also invoking

the Defense ProductionAct, which allows him

to require productionfrom certain industries

in response to a national emergency,

such as much needed ventilators.

And FEMA, known for respondingto natural disasters

now operating at a levelone, its highest level

to help fight the virus.

- This is a very differentkind of a work for

FEMA but they will come through

as they always do.

- [Eric] The Navy is preparingto send two hospital ships

to New York and Seattleto handle overflow.

Each ship can treat upto one thousand patients.

Meanwhile, flight operationsat Chicago's Midway Airport

are limited, hundreds of flights canceled

after at least three techniciansin Air Traffic Control

tested positive for COVID-19, as did

four Brooklyn Nets players,including Kevin Durant,

a disease the presidentreferred to this way.

- The Chinese virus.

It's not racist at all, no.

Not at all.

It comes from China, that's why.

It comes from China.

- Because of the pandemic,the Department of Housing

and Urban Development issuspending all foreclosures

and evictions until the end of April.

Officials are asking doctors and dentists

to postpone all electivesurgeries for the time being

so all medical resources can be used

to fight the pandemic.

And tomorrow, the Presidentwill hold a teleconference

with the nation'sgovernors to help solidify

the federal government'spartnership with the states.

- Extreme measures for extreme times.

Well in the midst of so much uncertainty,

faith leaders are encouragingpeople to turn to God.

In an op-ed for USA Today, Tony Perkins,

an ordained SouthernBaptist pastor and President

of the Family Research Counciltalks about the onslaught

of Coronavirus coverage and the anxiety

that can take hold.

But Perkins points to aGod who answers prayers.

In this scripture, James 5:16,

"The prayer of a righteous person

"is powerful and effective."

- Tony Perkins joins us nowlive for more on all of this

and Tony, with so much goingon right now and being said,

what role does prayer playin stopping this virus?

- Well for believers,it's an essential role.

And Paul to the Philippianssays that we're to be

anxious for nothing.

It's kind of hard notto be anxious right now.

Anytime you turn on thenews or pick up a newspaper,

the headlines scream out at you, "Crisis."

But the scripture says thatwe're to be anxious for nothing

but by prayer, supplicationwith thanksgiving,

let our requests be made known unto God.

And I think, I'm hearingit as I talk to pastors

across the country, thereis a move back to prayer.

Especially as many churchesare not able to meet

and we're kinda workingwith the White House and

working with the officials to try to,

to come up with creativeideas for churches

to be able to meet.

But this is a time whereno matter where you are,

whether you're by yourself or with a group

under the size of 10, you can pray.

And pray and ask that Godwould intervene in this virus,

in this plague that'smoving around the globe.

- Tony, Vice President Pence,he was criticized a while back

for you know, prayingabout the Coronavirus

with the people around him.

And there was a photothat was going around.

What did you make of those criticisms.

- Well look, there's alwaysbeen those who mock prayer,

who mock religion.

But let the mockers mock,but let the people pray.

This is a serious time.

In fact, I sent a letterlast week to the President,

last Wednesday night asking that he call

a National Day of Prayeralong with some other

Evangelical leaders and thePresident immediately said,

"Yes, we need to do that."

And of course, this past Sunday,

he called the nation to pray.

And so this is a time forprayer, prayer for our leaders.

I was talking with

some members of the President's team today

in the White House, just encouraging them.

Letting them know thatwe were praying for them

and the President and that encourages them

to know that we are prayingfor them because these issues,

these challenges are biggerthan what we can handle

ourselves and we need divine direction

and we need divine intervention.

- Yeah, divine intervention is definitely

the call of order here.

In your op-ed, you talk about tracking

the casualty numbers andconfirmed cases in real time

and how that is creating anxiety.

Now you talked just afew moments ago about

being anxious for nothing, howcan we calm all those fears?

- Well again, it's prayer.

And the scripture, Paulwrites to Timothy, saying that

we've not been given aspirit of fear but of power

and of a sound mind and of love.

And the way we arrive atthat is through prayer.

Because if we're anxious,we can't have a sound mind.

And we don't need to be fearful.

Yes, there are uncertain times here.

We don't know wherethis is going, in fact,

that's a big challenge here.

This is an unknown.

We don't know how thisvirus is going to mutate,

what it might become next.

But we don't have to beoverwhelmed with anxiety.

Especially for believers.

Right now, this is anopportunity for us to trust God.

Yes, it's going to be difficult.

No one said it was not.

But we know that God is--

and I don't like to use thisphrase because sometimes

it's used flippantly but

God is ultimately incontrol and for believers

who know Jesus Christ astheir Lord and Savior,

look, what awaits us in eternityin the presence of the Lord

far exceeds what wehave here on this earth.

And now, we wanna solve this problem,

we wanna make sure thatpeople get the healthcare

that we need, but we can only do that

if we think rationally, weoperate with a sound mind.

The only way we do thatis we trust the Lord

and we do that by prayer.

- Tony, we would love it if you

could offer a prayer forour audience tonight.

But first before we get to that,

if there's just somethingthat you might offer

to our audience, adviceon handling all of this

and all of the uncertaintythat they're facing,

what would that piece of advice be?

- Well one would belisten to the instructions

coming down from theWhite House, from the CDC.

They're on top of this tryingto do the very best they can.

We need to work with them.

I trust what this administration is doing

but we need to, especially parents,

I'm gonna say this as aparent of five children,

your children are looking toyou and if you're anxious,

if you're spending too muchtime watching the headlines,

you know, turn the TVoff, turn the radio off,

open the Bible, pray, sharethat with your children.

Your calming presencewill have a huge impact

upon your children.

- Tony, we've got about 30 seconds left.

Would you be so kind as tooffer a prayer for us right now?

- I'd be happy to.

Father, we thank youthat you hear our prayers

and we lift up thisnation to you right now,

beginning with our President and his team.

Give them great wisdom inthe decisions they must make.

Lord, the weight that they carry

for the American people, help them.

And Father, I pray for the sick.

Touch their bodies,raise them up and Lord,

we do ask that you wouldintervene and stop this virus.

Spare this nation.

Lord, we look to you,we're calling upon you

in Jesus's name, amen.

- Amen.- Amen.

- All right, Tony Perkins, President

of the Family Research Council.

It's always good to see you.

Thank you so much for being with us.

- Thank you.

Amen and amen.

Well coming up, where thingsstand as Congress scrambles

to bail out Americans suffering

amid the Coronavirus crisis.

We'll be right back.

(theme music)

(rock music)


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- That just depends on your definition of

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- [Announcer] Watch Dan andDale tackle trending topics

that test your faith onthe next "Faithwire."

Monday night at 9:30.

(rock music)

- [Announcer] "The Global Lane"takes you around the world

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- [Announcer] Watch "The Global Lane,"

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(upbeat music)

♪ And when there's joy there's action ♪

♪ It's like a great attraction ♪

♪ That starts a chain reaction ♪

♪ Moving on moresatisfaction I love the way ♪

♪ This joy makes me move ♪

♪ I got the joy ♪

♪ I dance around because I know it joy ♪

♪ I move around because I got it joy ♪

♪ Joy to the whole heart ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ I dance around because I know it joy ♪

♪ I move around because I got it joy ♪

♪ Joy to the whole heart ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ Joy to the whole heart ♪

♪ Joy ♪

- Welcome back.

Well the Coronavirus,of course top of mind

for all of us right nowbut the Democratic primary

is still underway.

Last night, voters inIllinois, Florida, and Arizona

all went to the polls.

- Our CBN News Capitol Hill Correspondent

Abigail Robertson joins us now for a recap

on the results.

Abigail, good evening.

- Good evening.

Well as you said, threestates held contests yesterday

despite fears of theCoronavirus and Joe Biden

swept all three, which going forward

is going to make it very hardfor Senator Bernie Sanders

to stay in this race and catch Joe Biden

in the delegate count.

Especially because forthe foreseeable future,

neither campaign canhave the massive rallies

that we were seeing justabout two weeks ago.

So Sanders is in a reallytough spot right now

because Joe Biden needsjust over 800 delegates

until he officially securesthe Democratic nomination.

And even though it wasobviously a big night

for Biden yesterday, in hisvictory speech last night

he really kept it focusedon the crisis at hand.

Take a look.

- We're all in this together.

This is a moment for eachof us to see and believe

the best in every one of us.

To look out for our neighbor.

To understand the fear andstress that so many are feeling.

To care for the elderly, theelderly couple down the street.

To thank the healthcareworker, the doctors,

the nurses, the pharmacists.

The grocery store cashier and the people

restocking the shelves.

To believe in one another.

- Sanders's campaignannounced this morning

they'll be talking withsupporters to assess

the future of their campaign.

And we have three weeks untilvoters head to the polls again

and I know that on theHill, of the reporters

who are actually onthe Hill, a few of them

have caught up with Senator Sanders today

but he is not interested in talking about

his campaign right now.

He said he is focusedon working on getting

legislation passed toaddress the Coronavirus

that is sweeping our nation right now.

- Yeah, Abigail, I knowyou've been following

the Coronavirus relief billsthat the Senate's working on

and the Senate did justpass a multi-billion dollar

aid package for Coronavirus.

What can you tell us aboutall of the efforts right now?

- Well today, as yousaid, the Senate passed

the Coronavirus Relief Billthat the House passed last week

and sent over to theSenate earlier this week.

President Trump isexpected to sign this bill.

This bill is known as phase two.

It's the second phase inaddition to the relief bill

passed a few weeks ago by both chambers.

But Leader McConnell says heis not adjourning the Senate

until they also pass a one trillion dollar

economic stimulus package tohelp prevent bankruptcies,

layoffs, and try to help the economy

during these very tumultuous times.

Here's what McConnell had to say

about this legislation earlier today.

- I cannot predict howlong we will be here

but we'll be here aslong as it takes to pass

yet another measure beyondthe one that came over

from the House.

- Now it's unclear whenthis bill might be ready

but many Republican Senators are hoping

that they can vote onit by early next week.

The Senate normally moves pretty slow

but we know that they areworking unusually fast

to draft this legislationto bring it forth

for a vote and then they're hoping

that the House can come back in session

and take it up as well.

But in order for Speaker Pelosi to agree

to bring it to thefloor, they're gonna need

Democrat support forthis if they wanna see it

signed into law by President Trump.

- CBN News Capitol HillCorrespondent, Abigail Robertson.

Thank you very much.

- And joining the discussion,

CBN's Chief Political Analyst David Brody.

David, are we about to see unprecedented

bipartisanship here on the Hill?

- Yes, Jenna, we are.

It's gonna go grudgingly

and both sides will kick and scream

but they will kick andscream pretty quickly.

Look, the last time we hadany sort of massive bailout

like this, now Abby talkedabout phase and phase two,

this is phase three as Abby mentioned.

One trillion dollars andmay be climbing after that.

The last time we had anything like this

was the Bank Bailout Bill in 2008.

It took Congress 13 daysto get their act together.

There was partisanship backthen, less of it though,

than today so expect it toprobably be within a week or two

but roughly around that same time.

They're gonna get it done.

Look, this is too bigto fail, if you will.

There's no way any of these Congressmen,

Democrat or Republican, wannago home with egg on their face

and get nothing done forthe American people here.

- Yeah David, let's talk aboutthe politics of all of this.

How could this crisis benefitPresident Trump politically?

- Well first of all, I think it depends

on what President Trump does from here

until November obviously.

There's a lot of potentialpotholes and missteps

in terms of how he mansall of the resources

of the federal government.

There has been some slowness,clearly, at the beginning.

But you know, this justin, the Coronavirus

has really never been seenbefore in modern history.

Yes, the Spanish Flu but you know,

I'll have to Google thatand look to see how they,

they basically dealt with it at that time.

Look, the federal government is massive

compared to 1918, a muchdifferent situation.

So the President has hishands full and I think

there are a lot of challenges in that.

Having said that, look,this is a chance for

the President to showleadership, to get away from the


taunts on Twitter, and to hunker down

and do something productive and positive

for the American people that all people,

Republicans and Democratscan rally around.

So there is an opportunity torally around this president

come election time.

- David, the President and hisCoronavirus Task Force today

held another news conference.

They've been doing thiseveryday to kind of

stay on top of this and getthe American people informed.

And you can kinda takeyour pick of the headlines

that were made justabout everyday and today.

What though today, did youmake of the President's tone

and tenor as he stood up there

and fielded questions from reporters?

- Well he seems to behitting his stride more.

In other words,

there's a big questionabout the percentage of time

that he delegates to others in charge.

And I think it's an importantattribute of a leader

is to know how to delegateand who to delegate to

and have the right team around you.

Clearly, you can startto see that he's feeling

very comfortable withthese folks behind him.

But more than that, this is not the time--

this is not time forreality TV and Donald Trump

to be the star.

You know, sometimes aleader has to shrink back.

And I think what we'restarting to see Donald Trump,

as much as Donald Trump can, shrink back.

I'm not suggesting he'sgonna be a wallflower.

I'm not suggesting that all of a sudden,

he's going to cede the mic to everyone.

He'll be the one in charge for sure but

there seems to be adifference as we see in

these daily Coronavirus updates go on

where he's deferring moreand more to the experts.

He'll need to do more ofthat as the days and weeks

and probably months continue.

- About 15 seconds left.

The President callinghimself a wartime president.

- Do you agree with that, David?

- 100%.

I mean, not only, it'sa wartime on steroids

president for sure.


Look, with all due respectto 9/11, a huge deal,

this is so much more massive than that.

We've never seen anything like this.

You can't even go to a restaurant.

- Yeah.

All right, David Brody, thank you so much.

Stay safe.

- Thanks, guys.

- [Jenna] Well coming up, coming together

in the age of Coronavirus.

How it's opening up new worshipopportunities for believers.

(theme music)

♪ I got the joy ♪

♪ I dance around because I know it joy ♪

♪ I move around because I got it joy ♪

♪ Joy to the whole heart ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ I dance around because I know it joy ♪

♪ I move around because I got it joy ♪

♪ Joy to the whole heart ♪

- [Announcer] "On the Homefront."

- Thanks for joining us forCBN's "On the Homefront,"

where we highlight what the men and women

of America's military doto defend our country.

CBN honors the men andwomen in our military

with an initiative calledHelping the Homefront.

It partners with churchesacross the country

to meet the needs of the military families

from repairing homes towiping out medical bills

for wounded veterans.

- [Announcer] "On the Homefront."

Tuesday morning at 10:30.

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- The latest Coronavirusguidance from the CDC

recommends avoidinggatherings of more than

10 people, including church.

- And it's forcingpastors to get creative.

Here's CBN's George Thomas.

- [Charlene] Growing concernof this global pandemic

is taking a major tollon houses of worship.

Many have closed theirdoors, taking the message

of Christ and hope online.

From Rick Warren's Saddleback Church...

- Historically, Christianshave always moved in

to the pain when everybody else moved out.

- [Charlene] To the Potter'sHouse with Bishop T.D. Jakes.

- During these COVID-19 developments,

we aim to be a comfortin the middle of chaos.

- [Charlene] Millionsattended church last Sunday

in front of a screen from their smart TV,

laptop, or cell phone.

It's the new normal aschurches close their doors

to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Nona Jones leads Facebook'sfaith-based partnerships.

She told CBN News about thegrowing number of ministries

utilizing the platform asa way to keep spreading

the good news.

- There's been a pretty significant surge

in the number of not only live streams

but also people viewing worship online.

And I think one of the thingsthat's really important

is for everyone to know,you know, Facebook is free.

- [Charlene] Jones alsobelieves the crisis

can be used as anopportunity for the church

to use technology to its advantage.

- I think the faith experience has been

so narrowly defined to bea building, when in fact,

we're discovering throughthis situation that

the faith experiencedoesn't have to happen

in a building.

It can actually happen wherever you are.

- [Charlene] For example,thousands recently attended

an online prayer meeting,hosted by several

ministry leaders, including Jones.

- We had over 200,000 people

from all over the world

tune in and that numberhas continued to climb

as people are finding thatarchived video even today.

- [Charlene] Autumn Milesis taking her ministry

to Facebook, urging hermore than 130,000 followers

to join her in a day of prayer and fasting

on March 20th.

- Fasting is a supernatural secret weapon.

When we as believers

start engaging in sacrificingthings that we normally

don't have to sacrifice,

the Lord seems to showup in a supernatural way.

- [Charlene] She hopes that includes

a supernatural end to the deadly virus.

- I'm calling for usto deny ourselves food,

except for medical reasons, of course.

But to deny ourselvesand focus on the Lord.

God is more powerful than this COVID-19.

- [Charlene] Meanwhile, a new website

sponsored by the Billy Graham

and Humanitarian DisasterInstitute at Wheaton College

is helping churchesengage in online ministry.

Charlene Aaron, CBN News.

- That again, if George'svoice sounded high to you,

that in fact, was CBN's Charlene Aaron.

We'll be right back.

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Watch Healthy Living.

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(upbeat music)

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- Well finally tonight,in the age of Coronavirus,

most of our world seemsto be going online.

- And that includes church life.

A lot of pastors have beenposting videos and updates

and streaming services too.

They're getting creative withhow they reach their flocks.

Pastor Darren Stott ofthe Seattle Revival Center

is making it all very family-oriented.

- My school got shut down,my church got shut down

and now they're makingus, they're making us

watch on the worldwide webwhen I wanna be at my church

worshiping Jesus with my friends.

- Gotta love it.

Puppet shows are just one waythe Seattle Revival Center

is showing the church how to engage online

will still social distancing.

Pastor Stott reminded thecongregation that church

is ultimately not about what we want,

but about how we can bestserve God and other people.

Kinda metaphorical becausearen't we all supposed to be

puppets of God?

- Definitely.- Being used by him.

- And I was gonna say also

laughter is a form of medicine.

- It is.

Have a great one.


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