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New Well Frees Community from Sickness

Dangerous water from a muddy creek was Ricci’s only source of water. It made people sick until Operation Blessing stepped in to provide a new, safer source of water. Read Transcript

- [Narrator] Rixi andMiley are best friends.

They go to school togetherin this mountain community

in Honduras.

- We love each other.

That's why we're always together.

- [Narrator] But Rixi andMiley's families faced a crisis.

Their only source of waterhad been this old tank,

which rusted and then began to leak.

Everyone was forced to lookfor alternative sources

of water.

The only place Rixi and her mom could find

was a muddy creek.

It turns out, the water contained E. coli.

- One day, I drank water from there.

My stomach hurt.

I had a lot of diarrhea and vomiting.

I couldn't attend school for 15 days

because I was so sick.

- [Narrator] Of course, Miley wondered why

her best friend was missing from class.

Over the next few weeks,she became Rixi's teacher

at home.

- She taught me how to do the schoolwork.

I was very happy because Iwas not left behind in school.

- [Narrator] Then, Operation Blessing came

to visit the community.

Working with volunteers,we began to build them

a new water system,

including this new tankwhich is now filled

with purified water for everyone to drink.

Rixi is now back to school with her friend

and she's happy to learnthat the new system

also provides fresh waterfor her school as well.

- I love you so much.

You brought me clean waterand it's really close

to my house.

My brother and I don't get sick anymore

because we have cleanwater at home and school.

Thank you.

(happy music)


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