Read Transcript
- You ready for some questions?
- I'll let you know after you ask them.
- (laughing) Chomping at the bit.
- Here we go, all right.- This is Eddie, who says,
"My mother attends achurch where they take
"the Lord's Supper withone cup and one loaf.
"Is this sanitary, is my concernfor my mother's well-being
"showing a lack of my faith?"
- I don't really think so.
I know that people do that,but I think, you know,
for example, in theCatholic church, they have
sort of a common cup they pass around
and then they wipe it off, butgiven this coronavirus thing,
I really think that isa terrible thing to do.
- [Terry] I wonder if that'll change
during this window of time?
- Well, they won't change,no, but in the Baptist church,
for instance, they havelittle communion cups
and they have little stuffyou break off, pieces of it.
But, you know, who am I to criticize?
I'm just, you know, you'reasking the Lord to do something,
but in any event, yeah, okay.
- This is Laura, who says,
"I recently gave birthto a beautiful baby,
"but I sinned and hadsex outside marriage.
"I feel guilty and worthless,will God ever forgive me?"
- Well, I tell you what, He forgave David.
David not only was married andhad sex with another woman,
but she gave birth, andthen to cover it up,
he had her husband killedin battle, so he did it all.
And you read the Psalms,and David is praying,
"Lord, restore unto methe joy of your salvation,
"and, quote, take notyour Holy Spirit from me."
So the Holy Spirit was with him.
So you had sex before you were married.
So, of course, the Lord forgives you
if you ask for His forgiveness.
All manner of sins andblasphemies will be forgiven
under the Son of Man.
That's what the Bible says.
Now take it, I mean, live with that,
and receive it, don't carrythat guilt of one transgression
with you the rest of your life,that is not wise, all right?
- This is Amy, who says,"Hi Pat, I'm a virgin,
"but sometimes temptationfills my every waking thought.
"I want to follow theexample set out by God
"and wait until marriage,but it's hard, any advice?"
- Well, the advice is notbe thinking about this
all the time, you'reobviously obsessing about it,
and I really believe ifyou spent time in the Word,
but you know what Paul said, he said,
"It's better to marrythan to burn with lust,"
and I think that somewhere theLord's got a husband for you,
and you don't have tobe constantly tormented
with these things.
And it's usually the manthat's got the problem,
and he's lusting more than the woman,
but more and more womenare having these thoughts,
but what I tell you, stayin the Word, stay in prayer,
and you know, the more youthink about this stuff,
even if you think, "I'mtrying to resist this,"
and if you think about it,
it's gonna take possession of you.
Start thinking beautiful thoughts.
Think about the sky, thinkabout, get out and run.
Think about riding a bicycle,
think about walking in thewoods, think about a painting,
think about anything beautiful,
and stop obsessing about this other stuff,
I mean, because, if you obsess about it
and you're waking up and you say,
"Oh, I wish I could have sex and I can't,"
you know, of courseyou're gonna be obsessed,
and once you do, it'sgonna take control of you.
So get your mind on somethingelse, all right, go ahead.
- In Luke 24:44-49 and Acts1:6-8, the words of Jesus
in Luke sound quite a bitdifferent from His words in Acts.
How do we know which wordsJesus actually spoke?
- Well, I don't thinkit's all that different.
It just looks like it'sa little different.
You know, for example,Luke didn't know Jesus.
He walked with Paul, he was a Gentile,
and he's gotten a secondhand report,
so he's writing downwhat's being told to him,
and the Holy Spirit isleading all those guys,
but at the same time, they can be
slightly different variations, you know.
You could have two or threepeople writing letters
from a particular thing that you've seen,
and they'll all haveslightly different accounts
but they'll be telling you the same thing.
So I wouldn't let that upset you.
I mean, you know, wedon't have the autographs.
It'd be nice if we wentback to the autographs,
the actual writings of the apostles.
We don't have them.
So we've got laterversions of what was said,
and then we've got varioustranslations of that
from Hebrew and Greek into English.
And so just know the Holy Spirit.
Look for the overallthrust of what's being said
in the Bible, and don't be picking about,
well, there's a littleword here that seems to be
a little bit at variance tosomething else, don't do that,
because it isn't intendedfor that, all right?
- This is Kieran, Pat, whosays, "I've recently been
"sent home from militarytraining for medical reasons.
"Since then, I've beenunemployed, and I feel
"like I'm sinking with nopurpose, what should I do?"
- Kieran, let me suggest this,
education is a wonderful thing,
and I'm sure as an ex-service member,
you're qualified for certain,what they call GI benefits.
I went to law school on the GI Bill.
It was a terrific thing.
You know, when I got through my service,
The government providedso many months of training
and I was able to get a law degree.
I recommend the same thing for you.
See if there isn't some skillthat you'd like to have.
You can get a master's degree sometimes
in as quick as a year.
You can get a specialty.
For example, at Regent University,
we have specialties in cybersecurity,
that somebody can get in a few months.
And that qualifies you, thereare a million jobs available
for cyber experts, andso that's just one thing.
But by all means, don'tjust sit around moping
and say what can I do, get involved.
And the greatest skillyou can have is knowledge.
And this is a knowledge-based economy,
and so get knowledge.
And you can make a difference,okay, last question.
- This is Caroly, who says,"Since there is no marriage
"in heaven, when we tell our loved ones,
"'I'll meet you again in heaven,'
"will we really see themagain and know who they are?
"I do want to be withmy husband in heaven."
- Well, you're gonna be with him,
but you're not gonna bein the same relationship
you are now, because they donot marry or given in marriage,
but they're like the angels.
And there will be beautiful relationships,
but it'll be consumedby the love of Jesus.
And there will be a love for each other,
for all the people, andthere won't be any of this
breaking down, becausewhat is marriage for?
I mean, to bring forth godly offspring
is what the Bible says.
But we're not gonna haveoffspring in heaven.
The sex part of lifewon't be there anymore.
So that part of marriagewill not be there,
but you'll be like the angels
and the angels have love for God
and they're consumed by thepresence of God almighty,
and yes, you will be therewith your loved ones.
Yes, there will be love,you'll love your loved ones,
but at the same time, therewill be the love of God
that's being shared abroad to all of you,
so that's something to look forward to,
it's not a bad thing.
But yes, your loved ones,your husband, your wife,
your children, they'll be there in heaven,
but in a different form.- [Terry] Yes.