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- [Jenna] Tonight.
- [Woman] Hello San Francisco, whoo!
- [Jenna] The end of the line.
A quarantined cruise ship comes home.
As the global community adjusts
to the worldwide outbreak.
- [John] And limiting the damage.
- We're working very closely with them,
we're helping them.
- [John] The White House works to contain
the coronavirus fallouthere in the United States.
- [Jenna] Plus.
- I'm counting on you in a big way.
- [Jenna] Super Tuesday part two.
Voters head to the polls in six days
with fears the viralspread could curb turnout.
- [John] And.
(bells ringing)
The little known story ofAmerica's Parish Church.
- Nothing more New Yorkthan St. Patrick's.
- [John] The Italian roots of
New York's Irish icon.
- [Jenna] All this and moretonight on Faith Nation.
(upbeat music)
- Damage control ashealth officials scramble
to contain the coronavirus.
Welcome to Faith Nation,I'm Jenna Browder.
- And I'm John Jessup.
Tonight, New York activatesthe National Guard.
The state establishing a containment area
outside New York City closing schools
and other facilities tostem the spread of COVID-19.
- And tonight we have team coverage
of the global community as it grapples
with the viral spread.
Capitol Hill correspondenceAbigail Robertson
is on the Hill withthe latest of lawmakers
now under self-quarantine.
- White House correspondent Ben Kennedy
has the national responsefrom the administration,
but we begin with seniorcorrespondent Eric Phillips.
Eric, what more can you tell us about
the one-mile containment zone
just outside of the Big Apple?
- Well, John and Jenna, this is happening
in New Rochelle, New York,
which is about 25 milesoutside of New York City.
There are more than 100confirmed cases of COVID-19
in that one area alone.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo says there
will be more testing there.
The National Guard willmove in and schools
and other large facilities like churches
and community centers willbe closed for two weeks.
- New Rochelle at this point is probably
the largest cluster in theUnited States of these cases.
And it is a significant issue for us.
- [Eric] Vigilance is the order of the day
in New Rochelle and around the world.
Italy instituted a nationwide lockdown
with restrictions on travel
in and out of the country.
The normally busy streets of
the capital city of Rome are quiet.
In Iran, about 300 people have died
and more than 8,000diagnosed with COVID-19.
In France, the callcenter of a Paris hospital
has seen calls jump from3,000 to 6,000 a day.
Tuesday, Chinese PresidentXi Jinping visited Wuhan,
the epicenter of theoutbreak, noting improvements
in numbers of new cases.
The Pentagon is monitoring the progress
of the virus as well,
taking necessary precautions.
Even during a pressbriefing there Tuesday,
we saw much more spacing between
reporter chairs than normal.
- We've not yet seenany dramatic reduction
in readiness or ability of our forces
based on COVID-19.
- [Eric] The Navy Timesreports the Navy's boot camp
in Great Lakes, Illinois is barring
the public from attending graduations
because of health risksrelated to the coronavirus.
In the state of Kentucky, the governor
announcing new cases.
- As of this morning, wehave six confirmed cases
of the coronavirus in Kentucky.
But that number is expected to grow.
- Passengers of the GrandPrincess cruise ship,
where more than a dozen crew members
tested positive were movedoff the ship Tuesday.
Americans, led into quarantine
and several universities are canceling
in-person classes and optingfor online instruction
to reduce the risk of spreading the virus.
The virus is also impacting the world
of sports and entertainment.
The Ivy League has canceled
men's and women's basketball tournaments
and television game showsJeopardy and Wheel of Fortune
will tape without studioaudiences because of the outbreak.
John and Jenna.
- All right, Eric, thank you.
Well, tonight PresidentTrump is urging Americans
to stay calm.
Today he met with leaders of10 health insurance companies.
- He was also on CapitolHill trying to win support
for proposals to counter coronavirus.
Ben Kennedy is at the White House
with the latest, including an update
on the President's health, Ben?
- Well, John and Jenna, President Trump
says he's okay, but theincoming Chief of Staff,
Mark Meadows, along withseveral members of congress
who have had contact with President Trump
are now self-quarantined.
Turns out they interactedwith an infected person
who attended the CPACConference outside DC
about a week and a half ago.
This raised questionsif the President himself
is at risk.
The White House released a statement
in part saying thePresident has not received
COVID-19 testing because he did not have
prolonged close contact with any known
confirmed COVID-19 patients.
Nor does he have any symptoms.
- I don't think it's a big deal,
I would do it.
I don't feel that any reason.
I feel extremely good.
I feel very good, but I guess it's not
a big deal to get tested
and it's something I would do,
but, again, I spoke tothe White House doctor,
terrific guy, talented guy.
He said he sees no reason to do it.
There's no symptoms, no anything.
- Now moments ago, as John and Jenna
were just talking about,
the Commander-in-Chief satdown with health insurance
companies that have agree to waive co-pays
and no surprise billingfrom coronavirus testing.
President Trump also promiseda big stimulus package.
He is discussing that with lawmakers.
It would include a payroll tax cut,
loans for small businesses
and even helping the airline,cruise and hotel industries.
- We are working very closelywith the cruise line industry.
And very, very closely.
They're taking very strong steps
in terms of people going on and going off,
but they're spending a lot of money
and they are working very hard
and we're going to behelping that industry.
Likewise with the airline industry,
they're taking very, very strong steps
for people coming into our country,
even getting off the planes.
So we are working very closely with them.
We're helping them.
- Bottom line, the Presidentis trying to take steps
to keep the economy goingin the face of uncertainty,
but critics of this proposal fear
it could drive the deficitto $2 trillion or even more.
John, Jenna.
- All right, Ben Kennedy atthe White House, thank you.
Well, tonight more members of Congress
are under self-quarantine.
- It comes as the debate overhow to contain the spread
and address the economic fallout heats up.
Joining us now is CBN Capitol Hill
correspondent Abigail Robertson.
Abigail, as we just saw in Ben's story,
the President was on Capitol Hill today
meeting with the Republican Senators.
Do we know what's comeout of that meeting?
- Well, as Ben mentioned, he was up here
to talk to lawmakers,the Republican Senators
about legislatively whatmeasures can be done
to fight this growing epidemic
and he said that they'reworking on a stimulus package.
He called it a great stimulus package.
6He said we'll know more details
on that package soon.
We also know that he had sometop administration officials
here on the Hill meetingwith Speaker Pelosi
and that they want to try and find
some kind of bipartisanbicameral legislature measure
that can pass both the House and Senate
and help the American people during
this time of turmoil.
But for the most part, President Trump
had a very calm presencetoday on the Hill,
saying that everything is under control.
Take a look.
- The testing has gone very well
and when people need atest, they can get a test.
When the professionals needs a test,
when they need tests forpeople, they can get the test.
It's gone really real.
The biggest thing that we did was stopping
the in flu of people early on.
It hit the world and we're prepared
and we're doing a great job with it
and it will go away, just stay calm.
- You know, as he said there,
he reiterated that this will go away.
He touted China's decreasing numbers
and really was just urgingthe American people,
as we said earlier, just to stay calm.
- Abigail, the list of
self-quarantined lawmakers is growing.
Is there any talk ofsending everybody home?
- Well, when I askedone Republican senator
about this, they saidthe only talk about that
is coming from reporters.
We know that there's beena couple of Republican
lawmakers who were exposedto the infected patient
at CPAC that have self-quarantined,
one of them Congressman Louis Gohmert
decided to not self-quarantineand is here on the Hill,
but many of them areclosing their D.C. offices
and just taking extra caution.
None of them are showing symptoms so far
and none of them have tested positive
for the coronavirus.
But when I asked SenatorMinority Leader Chuck Schumer
what he thinks about possibly sending
senators home or extendingtheir recess next week,
here's what he had to say.
Are you worried at all about the members
who are traveling back and forth from D.C.
And do you think therewill an extended recess?
- Okay, we're waiting forguidance from Dr. Monaghan.
This should be a decision not made by
the political people,but by the health people,
the people who knowhealthcare, and Dr. Monaghan
is supposed to issue someguidance for us shortly.
That's what we'll go by.
- And as of now, the Capitolis still open to the public.
They're still many people visiting.
This is the busy spring break season,
so there's an influx in visitors
and I also asked some Republican lawmakers
ahead of next week'srecess if there has been
any advice about possiblycanceling public events
or trying just to takecautionary m6easures
in that front and apparently not, not yet,
but I did hear that they've been advised
not to take any international travel.
A lot of them take tripsduring these recesses
and we'll likely seethose trips be canceled,
but as far as if theCapitol is going to close
any time soon, it doesn't look like it.
Even Speaker Pelosi saidthat they're the captains
of the ship and they need to be here.
So, for now, the Capitol isvery much open for business.
- All right, Abigail Robertsonon Capitol Hill, thank you.
And this afternoon, we also learned
House Minority Leader, Kevin McCarthy,
he did not come intocontact with the person
who was at CPAP who had the virus
and got several of theseother lawmakers infected.
- Well, don't go anywhere, coming up,
Super Tuesday 2.0.
Our Faith Nation Political Panel is next.
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(upbeat music)
(children laughing)
- Well, welcome back.
Another big test tonight for Democrats
in the race for the White House.
- They call it Super Tuesday 2.0.
Polls are getting readyto close in six states,
where voters cast their ballots today.
This includes all important Michigan.
And as the country grappleswith the coronavirus
health scare, healthcare isgetting a lot of attention,
putting Bernie Sanders'Medicare for all plan
right in the spotlight.
- Think about the insanity of a system
where today somebody wakesup and maybe they think
they have the symptoms of coronavirus.
Yet, they cannot afford to go to a doctor.
- His Medicare for allpush would be a long
and expensive slog ifit can get done at all.
- And the biggest prizetonight is Michigan.
It's an important statefor Sanders in particular
who trails the formerVice-President in the pools
and in the race for the delegates.
- Well, joining us nowfor our Faith Nation
Political Panel, CBN NewsChief Political Analyst,
David Brody and Senior Washington
Correspondent Jennifer Wishon.
Michigan, as Jenna justsaid is the biggest prize
and 125 delegates up for grabs.
Biden's leading in the delegate count.
He's also leading in thepolls there in Michigan.
David, is this Bernie Sanders' last stand?
- Feels like it.
He's down 21 points inthe latest polls to Biden.
Now remember, if we go back to 2016,
he was also down about21, 22 points to Hillary.
The difference though this time is look
at the trajectory, allright, I mean Biden,
all the coalesce, I meanhe's clearly going up
and also Bernie had won someof those rust belt states
in 2016, he's not doingas well this time around.
So, yeah, it's a problemand it might not be
a happy Wednesday for Bernie.
- Yeah, yeah.
- Go ahead.
- You know, there was a story
in the Washington Post today that
Biden is giving shorter speeches,
some as short as seven minutes
because his campaign is afraid,
they're trying to keep him from,
you know, making gaffes.
And so it might be something for Sanders
to stick around for.
Also the news of the day, as we just saw,
kind of plays to Bernie supporters.
You know, they're not really concerned
about the stock market plummeting, right?
They're concerned aboutaccess to medical care.
They're concerned about wage equality,
they're concerned about, you know,
certain people who may nothave access to sick leave.
So we'll see.
- Yeah, by the way, agood campaign strategy
by Biden, folks, here, I have an idea.
- Seven-minute speeches?
- Yeah, speak less.
There's the strategy for victory.
- You know, talking aboutthe, you know, tonight,
do you think that the coronavirus
and the fears that are out there
will actually affect turnout
in some of these importantstates like Washington, Michigan?
- Yeah, well, you know,the CDC has advised
older Americans who haveunderlying health concerns
not to go into crowded places,
which are polling places, right?
The good news is theonly state voting today
that has a big coronavirusproblem is Washington
and those voters canmail in their ballots.
So they don't necessarilyhave to go to the polls.
However, this is gonna be a big concern
between now and November that states
are gonna have to grapple with.
- By the way, can I justsay Washington State,
I don't know if you heard,
but they're actually telling folks there
when you mail in the ballot,
don't use saliva, usewater, like a water bottle
to mail in your ballots, so there you go.
- That's a smart recommendation.
The President pitched a payroll tax cut
to lawmakers on Capitol Hill.
He's also advocating for hourly workers,
for them to get paid leave.
This is, of course, tocombat the coronavirus.
Jennifer, we know how difficult it was
for Obama to get thatdeal back in 2010, 2011.
Is the President gonna be able
to get this deal with Republicans?
- Well, with Democrats is the problem.
- [John] And Democrats, yes.
- You know, I think this is a heavy lift
for the President.
I think, however, thereare some other ways
that they can compromiseextending family leave,
you know, making sure that folks who work
in like the restaurant industry, retail,
if they're out of work that they're not
gonna be sitting athome without a paycheck.
The good news about crises is
that it births bipartisanship.
So, I think that they will be able
to work together.
I'm not sure he's gonna be able
to get this payroll tax cut.
- I would also say my sources on the Hill
are telling me this is gonna be
a more surgical strikeeconomic stimulus package.
In other words, help certain industries,
whether it be the airlines,
the hotel industry, aswhere Republicans stand.
You're right, Jennifer,
they're gonna have a whole lotof problems with Democrats.
But the Republicans, theymay go along with it,
but in a modified form.
- All right, David and Jennifer,
great panel, good to have you both.
- Thanks.- Thank you.
- [John] Well, nothing says Ireland
like St. Patrick's.
So why does the story of this famous
New York cathedral begin in Little Italy?
Find out next.
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- Well, they call itAmerica's Parish Church.
It stood in the heart of New York City
for more than 140 years.
But the St. Patrick'sCathedral we all know today
isn't the original.
- Yep, like the city itself,
time and circumstance haveleft it subject to change.
CBN's Gabe LaMonica has the American story
of one of New York's mostmagnificent churches.
- The iconic Cathedral of New York
wasn't always in the heart of the city.
In fact, the history ofSt. Patrick's Cathedral
mirrors the history ofNew York City itself.
(bells ringing)
Before the sound of traffic locked horns
with the music of church bells,
and before the building tops soared
above its spires, St. Patrick's Cathedral
was the only skyscraper in town.
When Irish immigrants laidthe cornerstone in 1858,
they set in motion a building
that would span generations.
- Immigrant Irish laborers
with no machines, no electricity.
- [Gabe] To tell the storyof America's Great Cathedral,
we have to begin here in Little Italy,
where the old St. Patrick's was built
some 50 years before its successor.
- Now this is considered old New York,
but at the time, anythingnorth of Wall Street
was you're on your own out there.
- [Gabe] Father Brian Graebe is the pastor
of the Basilica of St.Patrick's old cathedral.
This is where Michael Corleonebecame "The Godfather"
in that in that infamous baptism scene.
- [Priest] Do you renounce Satan.
(organ music)
(gun firing)
- [Gabe] But before this neighborhood
became known for its Italian roots,
the Irish were the largestimmigrant group here.
- [Father Brian] Theywanted to put their stamp on
the Diocese and so whatbetter way to do that
than the iconic Irish saint.
- [Gabe] When finished, old St. Pat's
was the largest indoor space in New York.
Standing in a dangerous placefor Catholics and immigrants.
- Is this it priest, the Pope's new army?
- [Gabe] Nativist gangsin nearby neighborhoods,
like those depicted in Martin Scorsese's
"Gangs of New York" led the bishop
to take extra precautions.
- There's a tunnel underground
that leads from the bishop'shouse into the cathedral.
That's how unsafe it was considered
that just walking across the street
into his church, thebishop was taking his life
into his hands.
- [Gabe] The wall builtto protect the church
from any Catholic riotsstill stands today.
- See it runs the length.
- [Gabe] Yet, for all the protection
provided by this wall, it couldn't stop
the devastation of a massivefire after the Civil War.
- [Brian] The cathedral had to be rebuilt
almost from scratch.
- [Gabe] That's when Italian Catholics
left patrons of their own
in the windows made forthe Apostle of Ireland.
- An Irish saint, but with Italian saints
in the stained glass.
- [Gabe] Now completewith Our Lady of China,
a Vietnamese and even a Spanish mass.
- It's really a greatmelting pot right here, yeah.
- [Gabe] Those who firstcame to the lower east side
of this island can still be found resting
in the tombs beneath the Old St. Pat's.
- We can go inside, let's do it.
- [Gabe] Inside these catacombs,
lie the remains of a Civil War general
complete with an altarwhere Father Graebes
still serves mass.
- Members of the general's family
were buried down here.
- [Gabe] That's not the only Civil War
connection between these two cathedrals.
It all started with a manthey called Dagger John,
an Irish immigrant who became
the first archbishop of New York.
- Well, I'm sure he looks down from heaven
and says I had the right idea.
- [Gabe] Bishop John Hughes' vision
of a new cathedral in uptown Manhattan
became known as Hughes Folly.
When the Civil War delayed construction,
Hughes was sent as anemissary for the north.
- So Abraham Lincoln used him
or asked him for his help in going through
parts of Europe to convince some
of the European governmentsnot to aid the south
during the Civil War,
but to stay with the union.
- [Gabe] Sadly, ArchbishopHughes never saw
his vision through.
- [Monsignor Brian] He diedbefore the war ended, yeah.
- [Gabe] When the new St.Patrick's was completed,
they moved the archbishop's body
from these crypts to this resting place,
underneath the altar ofthe building he started.
- So these are all of thearchbishops of New York,
they're all buried here.
- [Gabe] Monsignor RobertRitchie serves as director here.
- The Cardinal did the work upstairs.
- [Gabe] If a cathedralis a prayer sung in stone,
then this one is a place for all Americans
to come together.
When popes visit American shores,
they come here.
And from the assassinationof President Kennedy
to the World Wars and 911,
Americans look to St.Patrick's for strength
in the face of tragedy.
- When 911 happened, again the cathedral
was filled with people crying and praying
over the terrible tragedy
and during the months after the incident,
funeral after funeral after funeral
took place here at St. Patrick's.
So it was again, a unifying place
for the people of New York
and the people of America.
- From the original St.Patrick's that survived
anti-Catholic riots and a massive fire
to this new St. Patrick'sthat's some 140 years old,
the church has become anational rallying point.
That's why they call it America's Parish.
Gabe LaMonica, CBN News, New York.
- Thank you Gabe.
Well, CBN films tellsthe true of St. Patrick
in a docudrama "I Am Patrick,
"The Patron Saint of Ireland."
It hits theaters March17, St. Patrick's Day
and March 18 for two nights only.
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- [John] Coming up.
In the midst of widespread fear,
a message of hope from a pastor
who's applying faith to uncertainty.
That story next.
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- Finally tonight, while panic escalates
across the country, Pastor Greg Laurie
says fear of the coronavirus
may be worse than the actual virus itself.
- That's right, the author and
Harvest Christian Fellowship Pastor
of Southern California offered practical
and prayerful advice in a recent sermon.
- Let your request be made known to God
and the peace that passesall human understanding
will keep your heart andmind in Christ Jesus.
Listen, God is biggerthan the coronavirus.
Don't be afraid.
- [Jenna] In addition to offering prayers,
Laurie also gave practical advice,
reminding the congregationto wash their hands
and avoid unnecessary contact with others.
He concluded with a reminder that the
promises of God are true
and said God is still in control
and offers peace to thosewho earnestly seek him.
- Jenna, those are great reminders
in the midst of all the fearand panic we see happening.
- Definitely, practical advice, too,
like the, you know, elbow bump.
- There you go.- There you go.
- Well, that's gonna do itfor tonight's Faith Nation.
- Have a great evening.