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News on The 700 Club: March 6, 2020

As seen on “The 700 Club,” March 6, 2020.: Read Transcript

- Welcome to "The 700 Club."

The coronavirus now has over 100,000 cases

around the world, andit continues to infect

the financial markets.

- Here in the United States,

Maryland is the latest state

to confirm cases inside it's borders,

and many other states are bracing

to combat the virus as well.

Mark Martin has the story.

- Local, state, and federalgovernment officials

are working to contain the coronavirus,

as new cases are appearingfrom coast to coast.

Off the coast of San Francisco,

the Coastguard dropped off testing kits

to the Grand Princess Cruise Ship

to screen potentiallyinfected passengers and crew.

3,500 people are onboard.

Once the results come inofficials will determine

where the ship can berth.

- If we've been exposed,

we've been exposed,

and there's not much we can do about it.

- [Mark] In Washington,the state hardest hit,

with at least 70 people infected

and 11 confirmed dead,

some schools are sanitizingclassrooms daily,

or closing to prevent the spread.

And in New York at least 1,000 people

are under self quarantine

as more cases are beingdiscovered through testing.

- I'm perturbed that people get anxious

every time the number goes up.

The number has to go up

if you continue to test.

- [Mark] At the White House,

the president is expected to sign

an $8.3 billion bill passed but Congress

to tackle the outbreak.

Vice President Mike Pence

giving the governor ofWashington an elbow bump,

and visiting a medical mask

production facility in Minnesota,

promises the full resourcesof the federal government

are being brought tobare to control the virus

but admits vulnerabilities.

- We don't have enough tests today

to meet what we anticipate willbe the demand going forward.

- [Mark] And without enough testing kits

local communities areweighing how to respond.

In Central Virginia health officials

are developing criteria fortesting for the disease.

- There may be people in our community

who have mild symptoms,

who don't meet those criteria,

who weren't not gonna test,

but may actually have the virus.

- [Mark] The virus also continues

to infect the financial markets.

The DOW plunged nearly1,000 points Thursday

and could go lower again today,

responding to concerns ofa global economic slowdown

as the virus continuesto spread world wide.

In Saudi Arabia the GrandMosque is closed for cleaning.

And in Bethlehem, theChurch of the Nativity,

considered by many to be thebirth place of Jesus is closed.

CBN Chris Mitchell explaining why.

- Here in Israel, 17Israelis have been diagnosed

with the coronavirus.

As a safeguard the government

has quarantined 70,000 people,

and the Palestinian authority

has shut down the Church

of the Nativity in Bethlehem

after an infectedtourist visited the site.

- There is some good news,

the number of cases in SouthKorea and china is dropping,

raising hopes that thevirus can be contained.

Mark Martin, CBN News.

- Well our CBN HealthReporter Lorie Johnson

is with us now,

and Lorie, we're still learningabout the mortality rate,

but now we're hearing reports out

of China that the virushas already mutated.

How many mutations shouldwe look forward to?

How deadly is this disease?

- Great questions, Gordon,

and it just goes toshow how this situation

is constantly changing.

And you're right, scientists in China

have identified twostrains now of COVID-19.

One is called strain L,

and the other one is called strain S.

Strain L is much more virulent.

It is much more deadly.

And they say that thiswas what was so rampant

right away in Wuhan whereso many people died.

And we know now that the death rate there

in China, particularlyin the Hubei Providence

has really dropped off.

And scientists are wondering

is that because the Lstrain is a little bit less

and the S strain is now more prevalent.

This all points to the fact

that scientists need tostudy this even further,

and those studies aregoing on as we speak.

- Well as the scientists are studying,

people are getting infected,

so what are some stepsthat people can take?

I found myself yesterday suddenly

getting really hungry for Kimchi,


what should people be doing

in order to protect their health?

- I love it.

You're eating Kimchi, that's right.

Well first of all weknow that the best thing

we can do is not get thevirus in the first place.

And the ways to prevent doing that,

the CDC says the best way to do that

is to keep your hands clean

and don't touch your face.

We know that this isspread through droplets

when people cough and sneeze.

So we need to try to cough

and sneeze into our arm

or into a tissue.

And sometimes those droplets

can fall on hard surfaces

that we touch,

and then those,

we have to make sure to sanitize things

we touch all the time,

like our phones and our doorknobs

and so many things.

The World Health Organization, Gordon,

says that sometimes these droplets

can stay on hard surfaces for hours,

up to many days,

depending on the temperature

and the humidity.

But they say don't worry too much

about packages that are being sent

from places where there are outbreaks

like China because when certain objects

are being moved around

and exposed to different temperatures

and humidifies the virus is not

very likely to survive that transit.

If you do happen to get sick,

of course, please stay home.

Don't infect others.

And get well.

If your symptoms require it,

the symptoms we know are high fever,

shortness of breath, andbody aches and a cough.

Because this is arespiratory virus after all.

- Well it sounds a lotlike a cold or the flu,

and with flu season I hear people saying

when the summer comes thisvirus is going to disappear,

is that the case?

Is the higher airtemperature going to kill it?

Or is this something that will be with us

through the summer?

Is it going to reoccur next fall?

- That's the big question.

And we don't, scientists don't really know

about COVID-19, but they can look

at some of its kinfolk,

its relatives, other coronaviruses,

and we know that four other coronaviruses

are associated with the common cold,

which is seasonal.

So scientists are hoping that maybe this,

like the common cold, is seasonal,

which means we may see it again next fall,

but by that time, hopefullywe'll have a vaccine.

And scientists are also hopeful

that within, by the end of this summer,

if this thing sticksaround we will probably

have therapeutic drugs

to help people get better from this,

like antiviral medications,

which are being tested rightnow on COVID-19 patients.

- All right, Lorie, thankyou for being with us.

And if you like me have more questions

about the coronavirus,

we have a fact sheet for you.

We're going to be updatingyou with the latest news,

and you can get your free copy,

all you have to do is call us,

we will send it to youas an email attachment.

If you don't have email,

we'll even mail it to you.


And if you're worriedabout your gut health,

and your gut is actually one

of the prime defenses againstany kind of infection,

we'll have a bookletfor you as well on that,

where you can protect your gut,

you can Build a Better Gut.

Again, it's absolutely free.

We want you to be healthy,

and so all you have to dois call us, 1-800-700-7000.

We'll send it to you right away.

In other news, the unofficial vote count

is over in Israel.

The question is can Prime Minister

Benjamin Netanyahu form a new government?

Efrem Graham has that story

from the CBN News Room.


- Gordon, Netanyahu's likudparty won't the most votes,

but his conservativecoalition is three seats short

of a Knesset majority.

And that has inspired newattempts to oust him from office.

Chris Mitchell explainsnow from Jerusalem.

- [Chris] Although Likudsupporters came out on top,

the celebrations in the wee hours

of Tuesday morning seemlike a long time ago.

- As much as thiselections look right now,

it's clear that Gantz and his block lost,

but it is not clear that Netanyahu

has a clear victory.

- What we know after the third election

is that Benjamin Netanyahu has

the best chance to form a government.

What isn't known iswhether Israel's president,

the courts, or the next Knesset

will block Netanyahu's push

to build a coalition.

Since the election Netanyahu'srivals are looking for ways

to stop him from keeping his office.

- [Translator] The electionresults are slowly tallying up

and it is evident that Netanyahu

does not have 61 seatsto form a government.

We will examine our options.

- [Chris] Blue andWhite leader Benny Gantz

wants the next Knesset to pass a law

barring an indicted prime minister

from forming a government.

Israel Beiteinu leader Avigdor Lieberman

says he backs such a law.

That means a majority of the Knesset,

62 members, support that law.

That could effectivelydisqualify Netanyahu

from forming the next government.

Interior ministry Aryeh Deri

pointed out that the right

won a half a millionmore votes than the left.

And he added "We will notallow election results

"to be changed by legislation."

In addition to this legislation,

there are several potentialscenarios unfolding

on Israel's political landscape.

One would be Netanyahu having members

of the Blue and White, or Labor party,

join a right-wing coalition.

- The labor party, of all people,

even though they lean left,

they would like to have some say

in an Israeli government,

and especially if they're given a ministry

that's important to themlike the finance ministry,

they might consider it.

- [Chris] Another wouldbe a left-wing coalition

with the support of someArab members of the Knesset.

Finally, Israelis could go to the polls

for a fourth election in 2020.

The next few days and weeks will determine

which one of thesescenarios comes to pass.

Chris Mitchell, CBN News, Jerusalem.

- Turning now to electionnews in the United States,

Elizabeth Warren is out of theDemocratic presidential race,

but when she dropped out Thursday

she did not endorseher fellow progressive,

socialist Senator, Bernie Sanders.

Joe Biden quickly received endorsements

from Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar

and Mike Bloomberg after they dropped out.

Warren didn't rule out endorsing Sanders,

and he could use it as Bidenhas moved into a clear lead

over him in the polls.

President Donald Trump visits

disaster areas in Tennessee today,

just days after powerful tornadoes

whipped across the state,

leaving a trail of devastation,

and killing 24 people.

The first tornado beganearly Tuesday morning,

and created a 50 milewide trail of destruction,

well after midnight.

In a preliminary survey,

the National Weather Service says

four tornadoes hit the state.

CBN's Operation Blessing is on the scene

clearing debris and helping those in need.


- Operation Blessing is on the ground,

and if you wanna be a part

of the relief effort for tornadoes

stuck around Nashville, thedevastation is truly horrible.

And if you wanna be a part

of the relief effort we have a special

Operation Blessing Disaster Relief Fund.

You can write us, CBN Center,Virginia Beach, Virginia,

2343, or you can go to thephone right now, 1-800-700-7000.

Or you can go to

Either way, do it now.

Be part of this relief effort.

And if you're near Nashville

and you want to volunteer

and be a part of the Operation Blessing

cleanup crews, we have aspecial information line

for volunteers, 1-800-730-2537,

or you can go to OB.ORG

if you want to volunteerto help those in need.


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