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Biden Scores 3 Major Endorsements from Former Opponents as Super Tuesday Begins

Biden Scores 3 Major Endorsements from Former Opponents as Super Tuesday Begins Read Transcript

- As voters head to thepolls, Joe Biden picked up

some major endorsements ahead of today

hoping to rally more moderate Democrats

around defeating Democraticsocialist Bernie Sanders

in the primary.

- We can win big or losebig, that's the choice

that's upon us now.

- [Abigail] Senator Amy Klobucharand Mayor Pete Buttigieg

ended their campaigns before Super Tuesday

and both announced they would back Biden.

- I'm encouraging everybodywho was part of my campaign

to join me because wehave found that leader

in Vice President, soonto be President Joe Biden.

(audience applauding)

- [Abigail] Even withthe boost, Bernie Sanders

still needs the polls in delegaterich Texas and California.

So the question remainswhether Biden can catch him.

- And with your helpwe are going to defeat

the most dangerous president

in the modern history of America.

- [Abigail] BillionaireMike Bloomberg ignored

early voting states,hoping to make a splash

on Super Tuesday with his ballot debut.

- I honestly think that Mike Bloomberg

is a bit maybe out ofhis depth and got excited

about running for president'cause he had the resources

to do it and certainly someexperience, but I don't think

that he's gonna beparticularly successful.

- North Carolina Democrat Michael Bender,

a former Buttigiegsupporter, tells CBN News

he plans to vote for Elizabeth Warren.

Do you think that she has apath to winning this nomination?

- Yeah, absolutely.

That's probably one ofmy biggest skepticisms

about voting for her tomorrow,and a definitely concern

of mine, but I think ifeverybody had that attitude

on Super Tuesday, why even cast a vote?

- President Trump is alsoon the campaign trail

bringing in massivecrowds around the country

with people camping out fordays ahead of his rallies.

- [All] Drain the swamp, drain the swamp,

drain the swamp, drain the swamp.

- I'm the first person in line, yes.

- When did you get here?

- I got here about a quartertil midnight, Thursday night.

- [Abigail] Sharon's been onthe Trump train since day one

and tells CBN News thisis the seventh time

she's been first in linefor one his rallies.

- I love the job he's doingand I love to listen to him

explain what he's doing

and explain his plans for the future.

- [Abigail] And she's not theonly one going to extremes

to see Trump.

- I'm working on four hours of sleep.

I was a share guard, soabout one or two o'clock

in the morning.

- These supporters feelconfident none of the Democrats

in the field are a match for Trump.

- We'll make sure thatwe continue to push Trump

'cause he's the bestpresident we have ever had.

- With more than a thirdof the total delegates

being awarded by the end oftoday, the Democratic party

will soon have a clearer picture of who

might be taking on Trump in 2020.

Reporting from Charlotte, North Carolina,

Abigail Robertson, CBN News.


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