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I Am Patrick: Who is the Man and Who Is the Myth?

Take a look behind the scenes of CBN’s docudrama “I Am Patrick,” and dispel the myths of Saint Patrick. Read Transcript

(quill tapping)

- I am Patrick.

- I think a lot ofpeople get a little lost

with the legends and themyths about St. Patrick.

- It's nice to do alittle bit of mythbustin'.

Patrick gets kind ofdistorted and blurred,

and everything, you know, and it's nice

to put it all right,

get it down once and for all,

and say, "That's what happened."

- I mean, we interviewedthe seven leading experts

on St. Patrick.

We had access to the best information,

and the more that I dug into it,

I was like, "You don'thave to embellish the story

"of St. Patrick at all."

It's just a delight to be able

to have a story like that that's true.

- A docudrama is aninteresting sort of way

of telling the story,

because it's based upon fact,

and this particulardocudrama draws heavily

from two pieces of writingthat Patrick himself wrote.

- There is an element of pressure

to get the story right, because I'm Irish,

and I'm really proud thatwe've been able to make

such a high-quality epic movie

about our patron saint.

(inspiring music)


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