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Praying For Your Needs: March 2, 2020

Pat and Terry pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing. Read Transcript

- We wanna take some timeto pray for you right now,

but before we do, to build your faith,

just wanna share someanswers to prayer with you.

This is Lillie, Pat.

She's a CBN partner fromColumbia, South Carolina.

She has a grandson whoexperienced debilitating pain

in his knee.

An MRI showed a torn meniscusand surgery was advised.

So, Grandma Lilliecalled our Prayer Center

asking specifically that, quote,no surgery will be needed.

On the day her grandsonreported for surgery,

his doctor did a preliminary exam.

He was shocked and amazedsaying this can't be.

Surgery is no longer neededand her grandson was healed.

- A healed meniscus?- Praise the Lord.

- That, by the way, is amiracle, not a healing.

To restore something.

Monica, who lives in NorthHollywood, California,

had a friend, Gisele, whowas diagnosed with cancer

and had little hope of recovery.

Monica is a prayer warrior,called CBN's prayer line

on behalf of her sick friend.

She called us back with awesome news.

Her friend, Gisele, now has no cancer.

She's cancer-free.

Now folks, we've beentalking about the power

of the Holy Spirit.

This can be your day.

Why not now?

Why not now?

And what I'll ask you todo is to join with us.

The Bible says if two ofyou would agree on Earth

as touching anything thatthey ask will be done for them

by my Father, which is in heaven.

So the Holy Spirit ishere, he's in heaven,

and he's listening to ourprayers, and we're gonna pray

together and all we're askingyou to do is to receive it.

Don't fight God, butjust say, I receive it,

and watch what God is going to do.

So Terri and I are gonnajoin hands right now.

Father, I join with my dear friend

and we pray for people.

And you said if two ofus were to agree on Earth

that what we agree onwill be done by my Father,

which is in heaven.

Now, Lord, there arepeople in this audience

who are suffering.

Lord, you know the need.

There's a terrible need for,

it's $22000 and you just, right now,

you've been saying, oh God.

Let me say, God is gonnagive you the money,

just praise him for it andreceive it and believe that

you will receive it andyou'll have what you say.


- Someone with strepthroat, it is so painful

you can hardly swallow.

God is healing that for youright now, that sensitivity

and the whole thing is justgonna go down and you are healed

in Jesus' name.

- You have dizziness, I don't know if it's

an inner ear problem, whether

that's causing the dizziness.

I don't know what it is, but right now,

Marci, I believe itis, you're being healed

of that dizziness in thename of Jesus, touch, amen.


- Someone else, you have an elbow that,

I don't know if you'veinjured it in the past or not,

but it's like it catches andclicks whenever you straighten

your arm and bend it again.

Right now, in Jesus'name, that joint is being

totally healed, totally made whole.

You'll not have that again.

- There's a lady, she's got a goiter,

and it's pressing on your throat

and you're having a hard time swallowing.

Put your hand on that throat right now.

In the name of Jesus,


That goiter will shrink in Jesus' name.

Wherever you are, pleasegive the Lord the glory.

Give him praise.

Give him praise, and if wecan do something to help you,

go to your telephone,the phones are available,

no financial obligation whatsoever.

Call in and say, look, I'vejust prayed and would you

pray for me, or here'san answer to prayer,

or whatever you wanna do.

Toll free, 1-800-700-7000.

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