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CBN NewsWatch PM: February 25, 2020

CBN NewsWatch PM: February 25, 2020 Read Transcript

- [Announcer] This is CBN Newswatch.

- And thanks for joiningus for CBN's Newswatch.

I'm Heather Sells.

A new warning for Americans today.

The Centers for Disease Controlsays the U.S. should prepare

for a Coronavirus outbreak.

A top official says it's nota question of if but when.

This morning the CDC's NancyMessonnier told journalists

and lawmakers, "It's not aquestion of if this will happen

"but when this willhappen and how many people

"in this country willhave severe illnesses."

Around the world the numberof cases is spreading so fast

that scientists fear it couldturn into a global pandemic

that cannot be stopped.

The World Heath Organization is not ready

to declare it a pandemic just yet

but others say we are close

and the world should be prepared.

- WHO and others don't liketo use the word pandemic

but by the classical definition

we're really teetering very, very close...

- CBN's health reporter Lorie Johnson

and Senior InternationalCorrespondent George Thomas

join us now for more.

Lorie, we just learned this.

What is the latest from the CDC?

- Well the CDC is saying everybody

be prepared for outbreaks.

Remember, outbreaks andepidemics are different.

Outbreak means basically thereare more cases than normal.

And by being prepared,what does that mean?

Be prepared for shut downs.

We've seen in Milan, Italy

where there was an outbreak there.

They shut down the fashion shows.

We see that some people are,businesses might be closed,

schools might be closed.

This is something we've alreadyseen in the United States

where school districts sometimesclose because of the flu.

Also, be prepared on a personal level.

Understand how the disease is transmitted

and take precautions.

For example, wash your handsmany times during the day

for 20 seconds with warm soapy water

or use hand sanitizer, 70% alcohol.

Avoid touching your face,

putting your fingers inyour mouth or your nose

or any other places wheregerms can get inside your body.

Maybe refrain from shaking hands.

Maybe don't press thebutton on the elevator,

instead use your knuckle.

Things like that to be aware of ways

that you could get it yourself.

Improve your immune system.

There are lots of thingsthat we can do personally

to avoid getting it and spreading it.

- And it sounds like weare potentially looking

at a whole new level

if we're talking aboutshutting down events

and you know, we haven't seenthis before in this country.

- We really haven't but we'reseeing it in other countries

and they're doing it very well

and it's making a big difference.

The World Health Organizationhad a news conference today

and announced that thenumber of new cases in China

has dramatically decreasedto a new low of new cases,

only a month ago was2,000 new cases a day.

Now it's 500 new cases a day

and they say it'sbecause of these measures

that the Chinese government has taken

that's made such a difference.

Especially people getting diagnosed early

and then quarantined andisolated early, three days.

It used to be about 15 days.

So, here in America we should take heed

that if you're not feeling well,

get to the doctor soon and if you have it,

you might have to self-quarantinefor a couple of weeks

so have food and things at home.

- A lot of preparation.- Right.

- George, the Presidentwas talking about this

in India today and he wastalking about China specifically

and he's trying to manage all this.

What did he say?

- He is absolutely andvery much to Heather's,

I'm sorry, to Lorie'spoint, he made the point

that President Xi Jinping of China,

initially they got off to a rough start.

It was a difficult startand you had this explosion

in the number of cases but he did tell,

he did mention that PresidentXi and the Chinese government

have gotten a handle on itand that he firmly believes

that the country is incontrol of this virus.

At the State, at the samemoment, 8,000 miles away

in our nation's capital, infront of the State Department,

Secretary of State,

Mike Pompeo basicallylambasted the communist regime

basically saying why did you kick out

your own Chinese journalists

as well as foreign journalists

from Wuhan Provincefrom reporting on this?

He basically said to the government,

you could have managed this a lot better

in the initial days, back in late December

when you could have come outand just told us the truth,

did not have to kickout all these reporters

to try and hide what was going on.

You should have come out andbeen more forthright with us.

But now, he is obviouslybeing very, very critical

of the government in Beijing.

- So somewhat mixed message there.

- Absolutely, yes.

- Okay, and just briefly, in Africa,

you just returned from there.

What is the thinking on that continent?

- Well they're very, very concerned.


Because look at all theefforts the Chinese have made,

the Italians, other, Croatia,

and what the United States is gonna do.

Africa is by no means, theydon't have the wherewithal,

they don't have the medical infrastructure

to deal with this.

They don't have masks,

they don't have allthis latest technology.

So, the big concern isthat if any part of Africa,

if they get cases and youbegin to see a spread,

we will be dealing with amuch more serious situation

on the continent of Africa.

- All right, well Lorie,thanks for following up quickly

on that CDC announcement.

And George, we'll be backwith you in a minute.

- Yeah.

- As we mentioned earlier,President Trump is wrapping up

a two-day visit to India, theworld's largest democracy.

He and the First Laywere the guests of honor

at a State banquet held

at the Presidential Palace in New Delhi.

India's President said Trump's visit

had opened a new chapterin U.S./India ties.

Earlier in the day Trump met

with India's controversialPrime Minister Narendra Modi.

The two leaders havedeveloped a close relationship

in the last few years.

Religious freedom isa big concern in India

and President Trump was asked about it

during a news conference.

Here's what he said.

- I will say that the PrimeMinister was incredible

on what he told me.

He wants people to have religiousfreedom and very strongly.

And he said that in India,they have worked very hard

to have great and open religious freedom.

- So, again George, the President trying

to manage a challenging situation here.

What are your thoughts on his response?

- Well, I mean he clearly

has not read the recent Open Doors,

World Watch List of the worst countries

in the world to be a person of faith,

specifically Christian.

India is number 10.

It is the 10 worst place inthe country to be a Christian

and he clearly needs to read that report.


Because under theleadership of Narendra Modi,

we have seen widespread attacks,

and this is not actually the same video,

but we've seen widespreadattacks against Christians

led by Hindu radicals andit's been devastating.

From big cities to smallremote villages and towns,

Hindu radicals have gone on a rampage,

attacking churches, attacking Christians.

These village pastors, all they want to do

is tell other people about Jesus Christ

and these mobs of Hinduswould come and attack them.

That is why today OpenDoors has declared India

the number 10 worst place in the world

to be a person of faith,specifically to be a Christian.

- So the Presidential remarks help or hurt

or is it to be seen?

- No, I mean I think someof this is stagecraft.

You don't want to necessarilycriticize openly a leader

who is standing next to you.

Hopefully, behind the scenes,

behind closed doors thePresident has been forthright

with Mr. Modi and really has pressed him

on the issue of religiousfreedom in India.

- Okay and I think wewere just seeing video

of riots on the streets in New Delhi

between Hindus and Muslims.

What is really behind that?

- Well I mean on one handyou see the persecution rise

against Christians and just recently,

India passed this verycontroversial citizenship law

that basically says thatif you are a Christian,

from Bangladesh, neighboringBangladesh and Nepal,

Pakistan or even a Buddhist or a Hindu,

you can get citizenship,Indian citizenship immediately.

However, if you are a Muslimwho lives in Bangladesh

or Nepal, you will notget that citizenship.

And so today you saw very, very close

to the Presidents meetingwith Narendra Modi,

you saw hundreds of peopletaking to the streets,

protesting both Hindus and Muslims.

So this is a party thatis an equal opportunist

when it comes to discriminatingand putting pressure

on other faiths in the country.

- All right, George Thomasthanks for your reporting.

- You're welcome.

- Turning to the MiddleEast, a shaky truce

between Israel andterrorist groups in Gaza

appears to be holding.

The ceasefire began late Monday

after a Palestinian Islamic Jihadist

fired more than 90 rockets

into Jewish communitiesin Southern Israel.

Israel's Iron Domeanti-missile system intercepted

most of the rocketswhile Israel struck back

at targets inside Gaza.

There were no Israelideaths or serious injuries

but schools remain closedand roads to the area

near Gaza are just beginning to reopen.

Prime Minister BenjaminNetanyahu warned Hamas Monday

that if it doesn't reign in Islamic Jihad,

Israel will begin adevastating military campaign

against the terrorists.

Well as we've reported, President Trump

has offered a peaceplan for the Middle East

but he also faces are-election battle this year.

One pastor believesthe President will win.

Pastor Shawn Bolz toldCBN News' Prayer Link

that he believes that in the coming years

that Trump will help bringsolutions for the Middle East.

- I've been talking toDepartment of Defense members

and praying and prophesyingto them over North Korea

and Syria and Gaza, WestBank, Israel of course, Iraq.

These guys who are incharge of these policies

behind the scenes, a lotof them are Christians

and are praying andbelieving that God wants

to bring movement, notjust incremental movement

but great movement forward for solutions

to these different international problems.

And Trump listens to them as his people

in the Department of Defensewho are making these policies

and who are suggesting these policies.

He's been listening...

- To catch the full interviewwith Shawn Bolz and more,

be sure to watch The Prayer Link.

You can catch it tonighton the CBN News Channel

at 6:30 Eastern.

Well, here at home DemocraticPresidential Candidates

have been campaigningacross South Carolina

and preparing for tonight's debate.

The state's Primary is Saturdayand Senator Bernie Sanders

remains the front runner.

Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg,and Mike Bloomberg

are going after Sanders in attack ads.

Tonight's debate is thethe second in a week

and the last beforeSuper Tuesday next week

where 14 states will vote.

The next debate is scheduledfor March 15th in Phoenix.

And for more political news and analysis,

be sure to catch FaithNation this evening.

You can watch it right hereon the CBN News Channel.

(air whooshing)

Coming up, is free speech oncollege campuses in danger?

How one organization is working

to fight for students' rights.

But before we go to break, here is a look

at what is trending on

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- Free speech advocates believemany college campuses today

are chilling First Amendmentrights with policies

that limit freedom of expression.

A 2019 Knight Foundation study found

that two-thirds of college students

believe the climate on their campus

prevents people from speaking freely.

A new rule proposed by theDepartment of Education

would help to keep universitiesaccountable on the issue.

Joining us now is Nicki Neily,the President of Speech First

who supports the rule.

Nicki, thanks for joining us.

- Thank you for having me.

- How would this rule putthe pressure on universities

to create environmentsthat promote free speech?

- Sure, I mean it's sad thatwe have to do this at all,

but what this rule does, it's very simple,

it encourages universities

that apply for federal grant funding

to public universities mustuphold the First Amendment,

which is actually theirobligation under the law as is,

and it would ask that private institutions

live up to the guarantees thatthey make to their students.

Private universities aren'tbound by the First Amendment.

They are private actors,

they're allowed to set their own rules.

I went to grad school at Pepperdine,

which is a Christian university

and makes no bones about that.

However, many private institutions

actually hold themselves up as bastions

of free speech and free expression

and they don't actuallydeliver on that in practice.

And so this just says,practice what you preach

or you won't have accessto federal grant funding.

And I think it's very simple,

he who pays the piper calls the tune

and in this case, thefederal government is saying,

live but what you set and ifyou're a public university,

you must uphold the First Amendment,

which you have to do anyway.

And bear in mind the federal government

sets these kind of restrictionsfor lots of programs.

Universities often have

to uphold federaldiscrimination guidelines

or federal anti-discrimination guidelines,

and so this shouldn't beanything revolutionary,

yet it's being met

with a lot of resistancesomewhat surprisingly.

- Well I do want to ask youabout the private institutions

because there is concern

that this rule could dis-incentivize them

because they would sayhey, we'll just come up

with weaker free speech policies

if you're gonna get us into trouble

over our own free speechpolicies that we've created.

What's your response to that?

- You know I thinkuniversities should own it.

If they don't plan on delivering rights

to their students, thendon't pretend like you do

because I think if you go to a school

that has in their handbook,that has on their website

we support free speech,we support free expression

and then you get there andyou find out you don't,

it feels like a bait and switch.

And think about the cost of college today,

50, 60, $70,000 a year to get to school

and find out even thoughthe website claims

that you have free speech andfree association, you don't,

I think that's deceptive.

And I don't think universities

should be allowed to get away with that.

- Do you expect theDepartment of Education

will go forward with this rule, Nicki?

- I think they will.

They had it open for a comment period.

And what's nice about thisis this administration,

unlike previous administrations,they opened it up

through a proper rule and comment period.

So, there were lots oforganizations, Speech First included

that submitted comments and feedback

on how to maybe tailor the rule

a little bit more going forward.

One of our suggestions was asthe rule is currently written,

it only allows the Department to intervene

if a final judgmenthas been made in a case

that's been brought against a school.

Our concern is that wedefend students' rights

primarily through litigation.

Universities often change their policies

after they've been sued to tryand make a lawsuit go away.

So, we would actually like the Department

to use a little bit morediscretion to determine

if a policy has beenchanged disingenuously

to make the lawsuits go away

because unfortunatelythen you put students

in the position of playing Wack-a-Mole.

Every time rights are violated,a lawsuit has to be brought,

the school changes its policies

and then when people aren't looking,

they change them back.

So we'd like the Departmentof Education to look

and determine what's really going on

and to have that discretion.

- All right, well Iknow this is the concern

of a lot of people, alot of college campuses

have really clamped down on free speech

and so we'll be watching this of course.

Nicki, thank you so much for your time.

- Thank you.

(air whooshing)

- [Heather] Still ahead,she lost 125 pounds.

We will tell you how when we come back.

(intense music)

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- Well here's the bad news,

the Centers for Disease Control say

more than half of all Americans

are either overweight or obese.

But the good news, on thisweek's Healthy Living program,

Lorie Johnson spoke to awoman who lost 125 pounds

after she and her entire family

started eating whole foods

that were made in her Instant Pot.

- The whole reason you gotinto this new way of eating

was because your daughter was diagnosed

with Rheumatoid Arthritis,which is an autoimmune disease,

and the doctor recommended ananti-inflammatory diet for her

and so you started making that for her.

What is an anti-inflammatory diet?

- So there are foods, forinstance, nightshades,

which are tomatoes and eggplantand peppers and potatoes

and then also things like grains and dairy

that are known causes ofinflammation in the body,

and so I began to researchthe autoimmune protocol diet

and we started with that.

And then after we were on that for a while

and we saw an improvement in her health,

I began to add thingsback in little by little

to see if there was something

that might be causing herinflammation to spike.

And we noticed that gluten,dairy, red meat, pork

are all triggers for her

so we keep those thingsat a minimum in her diet.

And so what I like to encourage people

is that this is just what works for me.

Just because this is whatworks for me and my family,

it doesn't mean that it'snecessarily gonna work

for you and yours

so please feel free tochange things up as you like.

Instead of using pork in a recipe,

use chicken breasts instead.

Instead of using tomatoes or bell peppers,

if you can't have those things,

you can absolutely just leave them out.

- Well as a health reporter,

I find that inflammation causes

so many different types of diseases,

including things like heart disease

and Alzheimer's and cancer,some of our worst diseases,

so an anti-inflammatory diet

is really a good idea for all of us.

We should all try tolower our inflammation.

And they say that inflammationis mostly found in fast food,

which you have completely given up.

- Right.

- Wonderful.

- I was a fast food addict.

That started from a really young age

because we lived on a fast food diet

when my parents were raising us.

My mom was a full-time working mom,

my dad was disabled and theydidn't have a lot of time

to make us meals.

There were seven of us.

And so it was just whatever was quick,

whatever was easy,

and whatever we couldput together ourselves

and a lot of times thatentailed a lot of fast food.

And by the time I was 15 years old,

I was already clinically morbidly obese

and I had an autoimmune disease myself.

I had hypothyroid disease

and so I went on medication for 10 years

but thank goodness with switching my diet

and starting to eat just real food,

I was able to go into remission.

- Wow, what a testimonial.

Okay, so this cookbook is amazing.

The pictures in it are gorgeous.

You're gonna be showing us

how to make one of your favorite recipes.

What is it?

- So, this is my salsa chicken.

It's just really nice shredded chicken

that you can do over a salador you can do it in tacos

and it's very quick and very easy.

Your just gonna dump thatchicken right into the pot.

I have some red salsa herethat I'm gonna throw on top.

Then I have some green salsa.

And this is my homemade taco seasoning.

A lot of times in the store,

the seasoning blendshave anti-caking agents,

they have sugar,

they have a lot of ingredientsthat I prefer to leave out.

And so making it yourself at home,

not only is it really quick and easy,

but it's gonna ensure

that you're getting thebest quality of ingredients.

So then you're just gonna putthe lid on top of the pot.

You're gonna make sure it'sin the sealing position,

and then you're gonna usethe display panel to set it.

And then it's ready.

- So how long does it take to cook?

- It's under 30 minutes, start to finish,

and that's with frozenchicken breasts as well.

So you can do thawed or you can do frozen.

I always say it's theprocrastinators dream

'cause I always forgetto pull my frozen meats

out of the refrigerator.

- Wow!- Yeah.

- So you can put frozenmeats in the Instant Pot.

And this is what it lookslike after it's been cooking

for about 30 minutes you say?

- That's right.

- And you actually use yourhand mixer to shred it.


That's funny.

- I do, not only is it more fun

but it also saves yourwrists, all of that shredding.

- I'm gonna try that.

So, this is what it looks like.

And again, this is the chicken

and it sort of has a Mexican flavor

and you like to put it on tortillas

that you make yourself.

How do you make your own tortillas?

- We do, and this isactually my husband's recipe.

He is really into baking,

but these are homemade tortillas.

It's very, very simple.

It's just corn flour, oil,

and a little bit of water and sea salt.

- [Heather] If you're hungry like I am,

you can see the entireepisode of Healthy Living

with Lorie Johnson on the CBN News Channel

and that is tonight at 9:30 Eastern.

(air whooshing)

After the break, how one organization

is hoping to spark a revivalacross college campuses.

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(upbeat music)

- I am Regent's first ROTC graduate.

(girls laughing)

(upbeat music)

- This Thursday, collegestudents across the country

will be uniting in prayer.

Intervarsity ChristianFellowship has partnered

with 30 other ministries

to promote the annualcollegiate day of prayer.

The organization is inviting people

to adopt a specific campus to pray for

and ask God for revival and awakening.

A Facebook live simulcastout of Yale University

will go out Thursday nightto give students and faculty

around the country theopportunity to come together.

Last year, all 4,944colleges and universities

were prayed for.

To adopt a campus,

And that is it for thisedition of CBN Newswatch.

We hope that you'll join us next time.

Have a great day.

(upbeat music)


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