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The Global Lane - EP333 - February 20, 2020

Movie details Free Burma Rangers’ risk bringing help to people in crisis; Transforming American culture. Marvel movie's gay kiss, AOC's "pledge to the drag." Unprecedented religious freedom alliance; virus more deadly in USA than Covid-19. Read Transcript

- [Gary] Today from "The Global Lane."

In the line of fire.

Free Burma Rangers risking their lives

bringing help and eternal hope.

In the gay lifestyle for 25 years.

This man explains why he left

and how Christians should response

to the LGBTQ cultural onslaught.

- It's just an agendathat's going to keep going

until they can silence everyone.

- And a viral outbreakmore deadly for Americans

than the COVID-19 coronavirus.

And it's all right hereon "The Global Lane."

When danger and difficulties come,

do you tackle them head on or run away?

Our next guest runs directlyinto the center of danger.

He's a missionary, formerUS Army Ranger David Eubank.

20 years ago, he foundeda mission organization

called the Free Burma Rangers.

The group has helped ethnic people

under siege by the Burmese military

providing relief and medical treatment

all in the name of Christ.

More recently, FBR worked in Iraq

during the battle to liberateMosul from ISIS jihadists.

You may remember CBN News showingyou Eubank dodging gunfire

carrying a little Iraqi girl to safety.

Well now, FBR is working in Syria,

helping people under siege there.

A new documentary filmabout the Free Burma Rangers

is out any day now, and hereto tell us more from Syria,

is David Eubank.

Dave, good to see you.

For those who aren't familiarwith the Free Burma Rangers,

how did you get started20 years ago and why?

- I was in the military and I got out

and had just started Fuller Seminary,

had just met my wife-to-be,who refused to date me.

And in the middle of all that,

a tribe from Burma called theWa tribe contacted my parents,

who were missionariesin Thailand next door,

and said, "Please sendsomeone to help us."

And when they came to myparents' house from Burma,

which is, you know, Burma's 70years of civil war right now,

and came and said, theysaw a picture of me

with a green beret from,'cause after I was in Rangers,

I was in Special Forces, and they said,

"That man's a warrior.

"We need Jesus and we're awarrior people, send him."

So we started the Free Burma Rangers

by name in 1997, about 22 years ago,

but it's actually been going since,

about 26 years, since 1993.

And then the last five years,

being involved also inIraq, Kurdistan, and Syria.

- And David, it's not justproviding medical treatment

to the wounded and injuredand material relief.

Tell us about the importance

of sharing your faith with those you help.

- Well, the most important thing I want

to be and do is an ambassador for Jesus,

and I share with everyone I can meet,

like just today, with peoplewho fled Idlib in Syria,

"Ask Jesus to help you.

"He's real.

"He's supernaturally real.

"He'll help you.

"Call on his name."

And we gave them ArabicBibles and I prayed with them.

I think my faith is weak, soI don't want to share my faith

'cause it is weak, but Ican share my conviction

and my encouragement to say,

"Ask Jesus to help you, he's gonna do it

"and he's made the possible impossible."

In my own life, I'm nota very creative person,

but following him, he'shelped me do new things.

- David, the movie isout in select theaters

as a Fathom Event February 24th and 25th.

Tell us about the film.

Why was it done?

What will people see?

- Well, at about our 20 year point

of the Free Burma Rangers,

and by then, we had teamsin Burma and we'd been,

we hadn't gone to Sudan yet or Iraq yet.

We'd been in Burma.

I just had this growing feeling.

I wanted to thank God.

I wanted to thank people who've helped us

and show them what we've been having.

It just welled up inside me.

It reminded me of the 10 blind people

who were healed by Jesus and one came back

and said, "Thank you."

It just came up, Ithought this is the time

to share the story.

And I remembered I was talking

to a filmmaker friendof mine, Chris Sinclair,

in Burma, in the jungle.

He was there doinganother project with us.

And I said, "I'm gonna make a film.

"It'll be horrible if I make it,

"but I would've done my part."

And Chris Sinclair, whomade this current movie,

said, "I'll do it pro bono, free."


And we prayed.

And we wanted to tell the story:

What has God done throughus and in spite of us?

Who are the beautifulpeople all over the world

from every culture andtribe and race and religion

that God made?

They're awesome.

Get to know them.

We wanted to show themiracles God has done,

again, through weak,imperfect, simple people

like us and our friends.

And there's no other kind that I know of.

There's a lot better people than us,

but even the best people are not perfect,

but God uses us anyway.

You don't have to give up.

And I want people to seethe Karen people of Burma,

the ethnic people of Burma as we see them.

It's a lovely, wonderfulpeople deserving to be free.

We just stand with them.

I want them to see inIraqis, as I learned,

are wonderful people.

They're not our enemies.

And to see how God brings us together.

My mom says, and she's been amissionary most of her life.

She's 87, been in the field 60 years.

My dad's 90.

He's still in the field.

I think you know them,Allan and Joan Eubank.

My mom said, "Dave, God hasfriends all over the world

"and he likes them to meet each other."

So I hope this movie does that as well.

- Okay, it'll bring us together.

The Free Burma Rangers documentary

is out in select theatersFebruary 24th and 25th.

David, I guess people can check online

for a showing close to them.

Is that correct?

- Yes, you can look or fbrmovie.

And you probably thinkI'm pretty illiterate,

and I mostly am, I went to Texas A&M,

but we're writing a bookcalled "The Free Burma Rangers

"and the Battle of Mosul,"that's the subtitle.

The main title of itis "Do This for Love,"

and that'll come outlater this summer as well.

I'll tell you more about that later

when we actually finish it.

But it will be out thissummer after the movie.

And both of them tellingslightly different stories

about what we've seenand what has God done.

- Okay, coming to usfrom Syria, David Eubank

of the Free Burma Rangers.

Thanks, Dave, for your time.

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- In the midst of presidential impeachment

and the spread of the coronavirus,

you may have missed agroundbreaking world development.

27 nations have cometogether to form a new group

called the InternationalReligious Freedom Alliance.

The goal of the member nations

is to advance religiousfreedom around the world.

Joining us is Mr. David Curry.

He is the president andCEO of Open Doors USA.

David, thanks for joining us.

Good to see you again.

- Thank you so much for having me on.

- So David, tell me, what are the goals

of this new alliance?

- Well Ambassador Sam Brownback

from the State Department described this

as an activist alliance.

What it is is it's a bunch of countries

that want to get togetherand actively move forward

this idea of religious liberty.

While it seems like a common sense thing

to us here in the United States,

there are so manycountries around the world

where people do not havethe freedom of religion.

They don't have the freedom of conscience

to decide for themselves,"This is what I believe."

And this alliance of countries,

it's gonna push forward this idea.

I think it's gonna bringfreedom not just to Christians,

which is what Open Doorsprimarily focuses on,

but people all over the world

who want to have the freedomof religious expression.

- Religious FreedomAmbassador Sam Brownback

said that the bar is set highfor these member nations.

Tell me about that.

Is it set a little too high,or who's in and who's out?

- Well there are somecountries on the list

that are learning as they go.

Not every country on thelist would be perfect

in their religious liberty.

That's not the idea.

The idea is to committo a level of excellence

and freedom within your countryand then to open a dialogue

between communities aroundculture, around the laws

that it takes to supportreligious freedom.

And then in that way, Ithink the bar is high,

it needs to be high,and I think that's how

we're gonna see this move forward.

In the future, I'd love to see countries

that are on the World Watch List,

these countries of greatconcern, come into the community

and lift their level of excellence

regarding religious liberty.

That would be a great thing.

Right now, we have a group of countries

that are interested in this.

They're talking about it.

I think you're gonna seesome great improvements

because of this alliance.

- There was a little bit of controversy

because Taiwan has done quitea bit about religious freedom

and they were denied membership.

Some people say, "Well that was unjust.

"They should be part of this alliance."

What are your thoughts on that.

- Well obviously, the United States

has had a One-China policy for some time.

The fact that China is a great persecutor

of religious liberty right now

against Christians,against Uyghur Muslims,

it needs to be part of this discussion.

I think, obviously, we wantto honor the fact that Taiwan

has taken a lot of Christianrefugees, Uyghur refugees,

they've been thoughtfulabout religious freedom.

So that needs to bepart of the discussion.

I think starting with thisalliance is a good first step.

I don't think we need to stop there.

I'd love to see this administration

continue to have this dialogue.

As I said, they describeit as an activist,

trying to move it forward actively,

not just sitting there discussing it,

but what can we do to change the laws

and rules and the culturearound religious freedom?

- Now how do you affect change

in some of these persecuting countries?

And I'm thinking of places likemaybe Pakistan, Afghanistan,

even Saudi Arabia, NorthKorea, China, India.

How do you affect change there?

How do you convince them to open up?

- Well I think if you example

how religious freedom ispart of a healthy economy,

how it's part of a healthy culture,

I think that's the first step.

I think these countries, in the end,

are gonna need to have discussions

about things likeblasphemy laws in Pakistan,

how that hurts their community,

how it hurts their relationships

in the international community.

I think once people beginto have those discussions,

you begin to open in a way

that maybe that you could not otherwise.

Right now, there is not adiscussion within Pakistan

on blasphemy at a wide level.

It needs to be something that's discussed

because then maybe peoplecan see an alternate idea,

another way of doing it, sothat people can have the freedom

to discuss their faith,to choose their own faith,

without fear of vigilante justice

and being attacked or killed.

- And I think people don't realize

that there are more Muslimsthat are in jail right now

in Pakistan for blasphemythan there are Christians

on the same charge.

David, I know it's only been about a month

since Open Doors releasedthe new World Watch List,

but are there any surprises,

any concerns that youhave now early on in 2020

that we're seeing insome of these countries?

- We highlighted Burkina Faso,

which borders some of the countries

where Boko Haram, the terrorist group,

had been attacking northern Nigeria,

into Cameroon, into Chad, into Niger,

and we said, "Look, here's an area

"that we need to be concerned about,"

because it was once a verypeaceful place for Christians.

Just since the World Watch List,

there's been more attackswithin Burkina Faso,

so that's an area we've got to continue

to be both be prayerfulabout, but I think,

from an internationalcommunity perspective,

from the State Department perspective,

these folks need to understand,at the government level,

they need to protect Christians,

protect sacred places like churches

so that people can worship freely

without fear of beingattacked in Burkina Faso.

- Okay, David Curry of Open Doors USA.

Thanks so much, David.

We appreciate you.

- Thank you, Gary.

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(tense music)

- American popular cultureis steadily being inundated

with pro-LGBTQ messages.

Marvel is pushing anon-screen same-sex kiss

in a movie out next fall.

HGTV has announced itplans to feature a throuple

in its "House Hunters" series.

That show will feature amarried man and a woman

who have two kids andare in a relationship

with another woman who lives with them.

And then there's AOC.

The New York congresswoman

recently pledged allegiance to the drag

on "RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars" show.

- I'm Alexandria Ocasio-Cortezand I pledge allegiance

to the drag.♪ I am American, American ♪

- Here to set us straighton these cultural influences

from the LGBTQ community is George Carneal

Raised by a Southern Baptist minister,

Mr. Carneal spent 25 years

immersed in the homosexual lifestyle.

He's author of the new book,

"From Queer to Christ: MyJourney Into the Light."

So George, tell us, why is this onslaught

from the LGBTQ community occurringin our culture this time?

It seems they've gone from fighting

for societal tolerance to indoctrination,

demanding that our cultureembrace a minority lifestyle.

- I think it's going tocontinue to get worse.

I knew when they opened the floodgates.

It's never going to be enough, really,

until we look at the bigger picture

of what the agenda is really about,

and that is silencing Christians

and all opposition to this agenda

and anything that ispro-family, pro-Christian,

pro-life, pro-America.

It's just an agendathat's going to keep going

until they can silence everyone.

- Well, explain to usthen, how is it that you,

raised by a SouthernBaptist minister, a father,

came to embrace a gay lifestyle?

- Well, my journey was,

I really struggled with a lotof bullying when I was a kid.

There was a disconnect with my male peers.

And because of the demandsof my father's ministry

and he wasn't around a lot,

I think there was something in me

that was missing maleaffection and male bonding.

So when I first, and I wentthrough a lot of bullying,

so when I first steppedinto a gay bar at 18,

it was the first time

that men were looking at me differently

and treating me differently.

I wasn't getting the negative attention

but it was a positive attention,

and that really became addicting

because, for someone whoreally didn't have that

for 18 years of theirlife, I just quickly became

addicted to that lifeand it just descended

within three years.

By that point, I was alreadybattling drugs and alcohol,

depression, I had a sexaddiction, I was a prostitute,

and I attempted suicide, andit would still be 22 more years

before God would finallyget me out of that life.

- There's a growing effort

in states around the nation right now

to adopt legislationprohibiting counseling

that attempts to bring gays and lesbians

out of the homosexual lifestyle.

Your thoughts on that.

Should we have lawsbanning conversion therapy?

- Absolutely not.

The way they tell it,

they act as if every counselor out there

is doing harm to an LGBT individual,

and it's not the case.

I've worked with both secularand Christian counselors

and everyone has beenrespectful of my journey,

what I've been strugglingwith, even my faith.

I have not had anyone harm me,

and I've been through lots of therapy

with lots of therapists.

What they need to understandis there are LGBT individuals

who do not want thesefeelings and they want help,

getting that healing andwholeness that they want,

so they can have a family and children.

That is their desire.

And they have every right

to seek whatever kindof counseling they need

to get that healing and wholeness.

The LGBT activists and even government,

the government does not have the right

to step in and mandate and dictate

that we have to be saddledwith these feelings.

- And I'm sure, just likeyou, many gays, George,

you at one time viewedChristians as intolerant enemies,

so how should churches andChristians respond then

to gay members in their congregations?

- For me, I really hated Christians.

I had such a negative view of them

and I had really been hurt by them

because a lot of them give the narrative

that God created AIDS to kill the fags,

God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah

to get rid of the homosexuals.

You hear all of the perverted stuff.

And then they'll say, "Allfags are going to hell."

And this really stole any hope

that I had in my ownlife of trying to think

or believe that God was really an ally.

And it was really God slowly immersing me

back into the church, but with Christians

who truly had the heart of Christ,

that allowed me a safe placeto go and just sit with them,

and I wasn't harassed orbullied or mistreated.

But it was sitting underthe power of the conviction

of the Holy Spirit, ofpastors who had the guts

to speak the truth of God's Word.

And I knew that, by theChristians in my own life

who were loving andwho invested time in me

and poured love in me, that really gave me

a lot of food for thought and God started

to expose the lies of the LGBT activists,

including the liberal theologians

who pushed the gay is okay narrative.

And after I had to work through the lies

and God deprogrammed me of those lies

and gave me the healing that I needed,

gave me the strength towalk out of that life.

- The Episcopal Church just ordained

its first lesbian bishop, Bonnie Perry.

Should people who are openly homosexual

be in leadership positions in churches?

- Absolutely not.

That goes for heterosexuals

who are sleeping outside of marriage

or they're living withsomeone and they're unmarried.


There's a godly...

There's a way that we aresupposed to live our lives

that God calls us to do in His Word.

And unless we are meeting those standards,

not that anyone's perfect, but we should

really be doing our bestto live a godly life

because we are an influence on others,

and not only that, weare representing God.

So no, they should not be allowed.

- And finally, George, howshould Christians then respond

to these LGBTQ influencesthat we're now seeing

in movies, films, politics, culture?

What's your advice?

- My advice is I knowHollywood is glamorizing it

and they are giving a sanitized version

of what homosexuality is,

but until you sit down andlisten to the testimonies

of every gay, lesbian,and transgender individual

who has come out of that life

and you listen to the horror stories

of what we've been throughand the reality of that life,

which I share in mybook, it's not X-rated,

but don't sugarcoat it, butthe life is so different

from what Hollywood andwhat the media portray.

And so when a Christian affirms this,

they think that they'redoing the most loving thing,

but you're not.

You're not only hurting that individual

and you're pushing them into a life

of where they're not going to find

any peace, happiness, or contentment,

but you are pushing them intofurther rebellion against God,

and I've seen the casualties of that life.

And I'm warning Christiansto stop affirming this.

Tell them the truth in love.

And just so you'll know,in the back of my book,

I put all of the talkingpoints that the LGBT activists

and the Christian liberal theologians use

and I debunk that with scripture.

So if you have individuals in your life

who are not willing to listen to this,

give them the book, or at least get it

and familiarize yourselfwith those talking points

so when they do come at you

and say, "No, no, no, it's okay,"

you can give them scripture

because they are not going to sit down

and study God's Word to getthe truth for themselves.

- Okay, the book is "From Queer to Christ:

"My Journey Into the Light."

George Carneal, thank you

for sharing your time and insights.

- You're welcome.

Thank you for having me on the show.

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- [Announcer] From Washington DC,

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- [Woman] This is our nature as a country.

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- [Woman] And I wish that other people

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(tense music)

- Containing the COVID-19 coronavirus

certainly poses a monumental challenge

for China and the world.

China recently reportedmore than 2,000 deaths

since the outbreak began last December.

But did you know, in comparison,14,000 people have died

right here in the UnitedStates so far this flu season?

Where's the round-the-clockreporting about that?

That's 12,000 more dead from the flu

right here in the USA thanfrom COVID-19 around the world.

Of course, no one knowsfor sure the accurate count

of people infected anddead from the coronavirus.

Remember what China expertretired Brigadier General

Robert Spalding, told us last week?

- Greater concern with regardjust to this coronavirus alone

is the secrecy and control

of the Chinese Communist Party, of course.

This goes all the way backto the beginning of December.

Didn't really start comingout until mid-January.

By then, the epidemic had spread.

- It's hard to know howmany have actually died

from COVID-19.

The Chinese government isburning the bodies of the dead.

And citizens complain

that family members go into quarantine.

They never see them again.

Some family members aren'teven allowed to hold funerals.

Although the flu, not the coronavirus,

is killing thousands of Americans

right here in this country,

it's important that health officials

and governments do all they can

to protect people from thedeadly COVID-19 coronavirus.

And Baptist Pastor AndyLiu from Wuhan, China,

the epicenter of the viral outbreak,

tells us it is important for us to pray.

- Pray for our governmentand for safety of our people,

for the fear of God and for the healing.

Pray for our, the localchurch here in Wuhan

because they are, the regularmeeting and the service

are canceled to the situation.

But there's a good chancefor them to share the gospel

at home with their families.

I know so many Chinesechurches in America,

they bought a lot of medical supplies,

to pray can be received without any delay.

- So let's do what wecan to protect ourselves

from the flu and the coronavirus.

But let's not forget to ask God

to bring an end to this outbreak,

to provide medical breakthroughs,

and also comfort to thosewho have lost loved ones.

Let's pray for endurance and perseverance

for healthcare workers,and let's be assured

that God, in His divine wisdom,will use this viral outbreak

to accomplish His purposes,to bring salvation, blessing,

and eternal hope to China and the world.

Well that's it todayfrom "The Global Lane."

Be sure to follow us onFacebook, SoundCloud,

iTunes, YouTube, and Twitter.

And until next time, be blessed.

(dramatic music)

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