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- Time for some email.
We've got your questionsand some honest answers,
and Pat, this first onecomes from Linda, who says,
"My five-year-old grandson came across
"our communion fellowship cups
"and asked what they were.
"To say the least, I was at a loss.
"How do you tell a five-year-old
"that Jesus was brutallybeaten, shed his blood
"and had his body broken forhis, the five-year-old's,
"and the world's salvation and healing,
"and this is what we doto remember Him for it.
"How do you make afive-year-old understand?"
- Well, the first thing you do
is to stop being socomplicated, good grief.
How do you expect, like I say,
this shows about the Lord Jesus
and how come you and I are going to heaven
and this is an evidence thatis we share in this together,
we're going to share with him an eternity
and you can say, you know, he had to die
in order for us to live,
and don't go into all that gory stuff,
I mean five year old, I mean who,
you know, the trouble with people
is they wanna complicate everything
and God wants to simplify your life.
- [Woman] Amen.
- And I really believe,so try to make it simple
and then when he getsolder, start adding to it
but that's, you don't go into all that.
Okay, listen.
- This is Kimberley, who says,
"I haven't gone to church in a long time.
"I want to pay my tithes.
"Is it okay if I pay mytithes to churches on TV?
"Will I go to hell ifI don't join a church?"
- The Bible says thatAbraham beat up on the kings
when he went to deliver his nephew
from the king of Sodom, and won a victory
and when he got through,he was met by a man
named Melchizedek, which meansthe king of righteousness
and the king of Salem,
and the Bible saysMelchizedek blessed Abraham,
and Abraham gave him atithe of everything he had.
Now, that is the foundationwhere to give tithes
where we are blessed, and theBible also was talking about
when there was a temple set up in Israel,
a great big temple, thenthe people were told
to bring their tithes tothe temple, where they were,
but preceding, way beyond that,
you give to where you're blessed
and if you haven't made acommitment to a local church,
but you say, "I'm gonna putmy tithes in the store house,"
but that's way after Abrahamso that's the commandment.
So if you're blessed, then you can do that
but I really think that, you know,
if you have a commitment to a local church
then you are part of the fellowship
and you want to give them your support.
So but anyhow, that's the rule, all right.
- This is Letty, who says,
"The Second Commandment says,
"'Thou shalt not make untothee any graven image,'
"that's Exodus 20 verse four,
"does that mean we shouldnot have images or statues
"of Jesus or wear crosses as jewelry?"
- No, it doesn't mean that
and again you go back and you see,
what is, the Lord is Yahweh, and he is,
he who causes everything to be.
You shalt not make anyimage of Yahweh for vanity,
so the idea is you're not goingto take a statue of the God
who has, the creator of all the earth,
and try to make a statueof it then give it a name.
That's what he, shall notmake, you know, for vanity,
shall not take the nameof the Lord, thy God,
and graven images are the same thing
so I think the idea thatyou could have some saint,
set him up and you could rub his toes
or something like that,I think that's idolatry
and I don't think we ought to have that
but I don't think it saysyou can't have a cross
or wear certain jewelry, but the idea is
you don't take the name of the Lord
and make it into something else
and you don't set up graven images
and try to make believe theyare, right, the God you serve.
- This is Jonathon, who says, "Hi, Pat!
"I am inspired by what you eat and cook.
"Have you ever thoughtabout writing a cookbook?
"I think it would be a bestseller!"
- You're very kind, I thought
and dismissed the idea right away.
- Came and went, it's like a vapor.
- I tell you, I'm inthe middle right there,
writing a book about the Holy Spirit
is the most exciting thing
and I've just finished one
about how walk with a living God,
90 years of walk with God,
and you know, in all seriousness,
I've got books that Ihope will change the lives
of people around the world
and I don't wanna do a cookbook
but I'm a pretty good cook
and I've had some wonderful things.
My minestrone is legendary
and my age-definingpancakes are simply superb
but I'm not gonna write a cookbook
but thanks for saying it, all right.
- Pat, this is Theresa who says,
"Hi, Pat, I am a single woman
"about to pay off my mortgage
"on my home at the end of this year.
"I want to move out of my state.
"I heard you say to pay off all your debt
"the other day on your program.
"Would you think it unwise for me
"to start a new mortgage in a new state?
"Illinois is taxing me todeath on my fixed income.
"I have no other debt."
- All right, the idea is, doyou wanna leave your state
because it's high tax?
By all means if that'swhat you feel like doing.
As far as paying off your mortgage,
it has to do with howmuch you're spending,
I mean, can you get a better deal?
I mean, if you're payinglike 7% on your mortgage
and you can get one at 3%, well,
by all means, refile.
There's nothing wrong withthat if you get a better deal
but as far as leaving the state,
that's a differentmatter, that's up to you
between you and the Lord.