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Unhooked: Purity in a Pornified World Trailer

CBN’s Unhooked series shares how to live free from pornography and walk in sexual purity. Read Transcript

(dramatic music)

- We live in a desensitized generation.

Bombarded by media, images, lust.

Bombarded by pornography.

See, pornography comesfrom the root word, porneia

which means a selling off

or a surrendering of sexual purity.

I gave into the lie from pornography

that my worth and my value

only came from beingsexually desired by others.

- I gave into the lie and seduction

of pornography as a teenager.

Porn promises to satisfyyour desires and fantasies.

But it stabs you in the back

and bleeds out your soul.

- A war between porn and purityis raging in our culture.

Purity is virtue and love.

- Purity is honor, sacrifice.

- It's time to reclaimpurity in our culture.

- It's possible to live in purity,

to walk in freedom.

- The choice is yours.

Will you live pure in a pornified world?

(dramatic music)

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