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Praying For Your Needs: February 12, 2020

Pat and Wendy pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing. Read Transcript

- Wendy, you got some good news there.

- Yeah, here's one, Barbara

of Murietta, California saw her doctor

in December 2019, a suspicious lump

was discovered. She startedpraying and planning

for her follow-up. Thenon January 7, 2020,

Barbara was watching The700 Club and she heard

you pray Pat and yousaid, "Someone has a lump

in your breast, you heardthe testimony, this is

your left breast."

"Touch your breast andin the name of Jesus

the lump is disappearing as we speak,

in Jesus' name."

By faith, Barbarareceived her healing, when

she went for an MRI, guess what?

- (Pat) Praise God.

- (Wendy)No lump."

- (Pat) And here, isa lady named Marianeta

of Ceres, California, shehad a thyroid problem.

One day she was watchingand she heard Wendy say,

"God is touching peoplewith thyroid problems,

if you have a thyroid problem,

you are being healed."

Marianeta believed shewas healed, later her

doctor confirmed withblood work, her thyroid

problem is history.

- (Wendy) I love it, praise God.

- God is has no respecter of persons,

and he said, "Hithertoye have asked nothing

in my name, ask and youshall receive that your

joy may be full."

And Wendy and I are gonna join together.

The bible says, "If two of you will agree

on Earth as touchinganything as they lives,

it will be done by myfather wishes in heaven."

Now we are going to join together.

We're going to believe God.

Whatever your problem is right now,

right now, I want you to lay hold of God,

and believe the Lord, take away doubt.

Don't say, "Well, noI've had this forever."

Now is the time, whatever the situation,

God can heal it.

Now with your hands,believe God with his father,

in Jesus' name, we thank you,

- (Wendy whispers) Thank you.

- (Pat) Thank you Lord.

Somebody, your left shoulder is hurting,

I believe, the meniscus is gone, the bones

are rubbing together.

In the name of Jesuswe touch that and that

meniscus will grow, anda miracle is taking place

in Jesus name, Wendy.

- (Wendy) There's someone,you just saw the story

about Bobby's vert abrade being healed,

and you are saying, "That is me."

It's also with your, yourneck is also in pain.

And God is saying, "Yes."

He's gonna heal you too.

So, just start praisinghim you are being healed,

and everything is cominginto perfect alignment,

in Jesus name, thank you Lord.

- (Pat) Somebody's right, your arch is,

your bones have let go on your foot,

and you used to turnflat feet but it really

hurts and right now ifyou push your hand on your

foot that arch and those bones are coming

together, and the arch is strengthening,

and your foot will becompletely pain free.

In Jesus name all right.

- (Wendy) Amen, Thank you Lord.

Father, I just thank youthere is someone right

now, you're just, you're crying out for,

not for yourself but for a loved one.

You're standing in thegap for someone and their,

the diagnosis was very serious.

And God is hearing yourprayers on behalf of your

loved one and giving you peace and letting

you know that, that person will be well.

And will not die in Jesus name.

Thank you God.

- God is a God of miracles, he says,

"The cattle is mine, thecattle on thousand hills

of gold is behind the silver is mine."

Right now there's somebody,

I believe the name is Sherly,

but she was praying for a large sum

of money or asking Godfor a million dollars.

You have a need andGod right now has said,

"I've heard you prayer,"and receive an answer

in Jesus name.

Now Father for those in this audience who

are praying, for its for family problems,

or there's inability,or there's for sickness,

whether it's for financialneeds, whether they're

looking for a job orwhatever, you are a God

of miracles and we holdbefore you this audience,

let the anointing ofthe Lord come upon them

in Jesus name, thank you Lord.


- (Wendy) Amen.

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