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News on The 700 Club: February 11, 2020

As seen on “The 700 Club,” February 11, 2020.: Read Transcript

- Welcome to The 700 Club.

It's decision day in the Granite State.

Bernie Sanders is set to score a big win,

while Joe Biden is dropping like a rock.

Will the former vice presidentsurvive a poor showing?

And who might make asurprise run for second?

Mark Martin has that report.

- As New Hampshire primaryvoters go to the polls,

a new Quinnipiac national pollshows Senator Bernie Sanders

opening up a big lead overformer Vice President Joe Biden.

Sanders jumping four points, up to 25%

among Democrat and Independent voters,

while Biden droppednine points, down to 17.

Sanders, a Democratic Socialist,held a rock concert rally

in New Hampshire Monday.

The Senator from neighboring Vermont

easily won New Hampshire four years ago.

The latest polls showhistory could repeat itself.

- If we win here tomorrow,I think we got a path

to victory for the democratic nomination.

- [Mark] Biden dropped dramatically

after faring poorly in Iowa.

He has low expectationsin the Granite State

and is trying to look past New Hampshire.

- Stick with me 24 morehours and I promise you

we're gonna do just fine.

- [Mark] On CBN's Faith Nation,

Chief Political CorrespondentDavid Brody weighed in

on Biden's campaign.

- He knows he's not gonnado well in New Hampshire.

He could finish fifth in New Hampshire,

so he's got all sorts of problems.

Here's his main problem, he says he's

the electable candidate,he's the guy that can win.

Well, you gotta start winning states.

You have to win Iowa, youhave to win New Hampshire,

at least do well, he's not gonna do well

in either one of those states.

- [Mark] Crisscrossing New Hampshire,

Senator Elizabeth Warren is also fighting

falling poll numbers.

Mayor Pete Buttigeig andMinnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar

are the biggest surprisesof the 2020 contest so far.

- There is a hole in SenatorSander's plan financially

that's bigger than the entire size

of the United States economy.

I think it's an exampleof the kind of politics

that frustrates people,

big promises and not a lot behind it.

- As you probably heard,we're on a bit of a surge.

- [Mark] Meanwhile, Trumpheld a rally in New Hampshire

to "shake up the dems a little,"

his crowd of supporterswaiting in line for hours

in spite of freezing wet weather.

- Democrats are now theparty of high taxes,

high crime, open borders,late term abortions,

socialism, and blatant corruption.

- And what about billionaireMichael Bloomberg?

He's third in that national poll

and continues pouring hundredsof millions of dollars

into Super Tuesday states, while bypassing

the first four February battles.

Mark Martin, CBN News.

- Of course, my predictionis that Bloomberg

is gonna be the survivorafter the other ones

kill themselves off, it's a bloodbath.

You shouldn't gloat overthe demise of your enemies,

but I do believe that what'shappening to the Democrats

is a meltdown that is just beyond belief.

In other news, the deathtoll has shot to over 1,000,

so when is China now goingto control the coronavirus?

John Jessup has more on that story

from our CBN News Bureau.

- Thanks, Pat.

Worldwide the total number of cases is now

over 43,000 and still climbing.

In China, more than 100 peopledied in a 24 hour period.

Authorities there are going to extremes

to stop the spread.

This video showingofficials forcibly removing

a Chinese couple fromtheir home reportedly

for refusing to self-quarantine.

And a masked President Xi Jinping visited

a health center in Beijingand citizens still question

the government's handling of the disease.

President Trump reiteratinghis faith in President Xi

after speaking with the Chineseleader over the weekend.

- He feels very confidentduring the month of April

the heat, generally speaking,kills this kind of virus,

so that would be a good thing.

But we're in great shape in our country.

- The 13th U.S. case of the coronavirus

has been confirmed in California.

Harsh backlash from democraticcongressional leaders

and presidential candidatesover President Trump's

proposed 2021 budget.

Released Monday, the document aims

to cut $4.4 trillion inspending over a decade

and balance the budget in 15 years.

It calls for 5% cuts in allnon-defense agency budgets

passed by Congress,including taking $700 billion

from Medicaid and $465 billionfrom Medicare providers.

It also calls for a 26%cut in the EPA budget.

While there's near universal agreement

the budget won't pass Congress,Republican spending hawks

like Senator James Lankfordand Representative Jim Jordan

say it's a good start.

Economist Steven Moore, aformer Trump campaign advisor,

recently told CBN News both parties need

to take spending more seriously.

- The Republicans wanna spend10s of billions of dollars

more on the military, andyou have got the Democrats

on the other side of theaisle, if you listen to

what they're saying in the debates,

they're talking about trillionsof dollars of more spending.

So it's not an era inWashington where we have a lot

of fiscal conservatism.

- And, Pat, the totalnational debt now stands

at an astounding $23 trillion.

- I've asked our peopleto give us some numbers

for the next two or three days.

If the interest on ournational debt goes up

a half a point, how's thatgonna affect the budget?

If it goes up one point,there'll be more money

on interest that will beavailable for defense,

for education, for allthe government programs.

You know, whoever youare and wherever you are,

sooner or later the bible says the debtor

is the servant of the lender,and those lending money

are gonna start demandingmore interest rates.

And when they do, and it'sgot to come pretty soon,

we won't be able topay off this huge debt.

And they're talkingabout a trillion a year.

I mean, this is ridiculous.

A trillion dollar deficit, thenext year another trillion,

the next year another trillion,

the next year another trillion.

Our debt to GDP is out of control.

We don't have the resources to pay it off.

We'll never pay it off,and it's not just America,

it's worldwide, so what'slooming down the road?

A massive financial collapse.

It's just a question of how soon.

Japan has warded it off foryears and years and years

and years, but nevertheless,sooner or later

the piper is gonna call the tune.

And when it does, it'sgonna impair the standard

of living of every singleperson on this planet, John.

- Pat, the JusticeDepartment Monday charged

four Chinese militarymembers with stealing

the personal information of10s of millions of Americans.

Attorney General WilliamBarr said the men,

all in China, hacked into the Equifax

credit reporting agency in 2017,

stealing names, social security numbers,

and other personal informationin the company's databases,

affecting more than 145 million people.

The administration says it's part

of a troubling pattern with China.

- For years we have witnessed China's

voracious appetite for thepersonal data of Americans.

This data has economic value,

and these thefts canfeed China's development

of artificial intelligence tools,

as well as the creation ofintelligence targeting packages.

- Last week Secretary of State Mike Pompeo

warned America's governorsthat China is targeting states

in an effort to expand itseconomic and political influence.

The Justice Department is alsosuing the State of New Jersey

over policies protectingpeople living illegally

in the United States.

So-called sanctuarypolicies make it harder

for federal immigrationagents to do their job.

The suit claims thepolicies break federal laws

by keeping state and local officers

from sharing informationabout criminal suspects

living illegally in the United States.

Homeland Security officials say the number

of illegal crossingsat the southern border

have dropped for the last eight months,

down 90% over last year.

CBN Contributing CorespondentChuck Holton recently traveled

to Central America to find out why.

- [Chuck] Mass chaos alongthe Mexico/Guatemala border

as thousands of migrants faced off

with Mexican National Guard troops.

This standoff is a resultof the Trump Administration

pressuring the Mexican government

to stop these waves of illegal caravans

before they get to the United States.

But these Honduransstill plan on making it

to the U.S. any way they can.

- The goal is to get to the United States,

if God lets us, but ifHe gives us opportunity

to work in Mexico, then we work in Mexico.

- [Chuck] This is a repeat trip for many

of these migrants, who say this time

Mexican authorities aretaking a much stronger stand.

- They want to cross by 50 and more

because they are afraid.

And social media are sayingthat they are reporting them.

- So this is the riverbetween Guatemala and Mexico.

And as you can see,there are boats out there

in the water that are crossing illegally.

This river's not very deep,so you can actually see

some people just wading.

It's almost impossiblefor the Mexican military

to stop people from crossing illegally.

As a matter of fact, I was just talking

to a couple of soldiersover there that said,

"We don't stop anybody from doing anything

"as far as crossing goes."

But the Mexican policeare instead pursuing

a different strategy.

This checkpoint just northof the Guatemalan border

in Chiapas state showsthat the Mexican police

and military are working together

to try to find thesemigrants that are trying

to still sneak throughhere, even though they know

things are getting moredifficult at the northern border.

And right here they'researching a vehicle.

They just pulled acouple of Guatemalans off

of one of these vehiclesa few moments ago.

And they're here illegally,so they're gonna get deported

back to Guatemala in the morning.

And they're not just from Central America.

Here in the border townon Tapachula, Mexico,

there are thousands of migrantsfrom as far away as Africa,

Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Yemen.

They're stuck here becauseof Mexico's version

of its own wall, one made of bureaucracy.

- [Man] Every time you go toimmigration to make a paper,

they give you a different appointment.

An appointment for fingerprint,

an appointment for picture,an appointment for everything.

And sometime you go, theydon't take you, understand?

They don't want you to be going up there.

- [Chuck] The current situation has caused

smuggling fees to skyrocketfrom about $2,500 a year ago

to upwards of $10,000 today.

And those who attempt toenter the U.S. and fail

end up with a debt to the smugglers

they may never be able to repay.

Still, this Haitian migrantis relying on his faith

to get him a piece of the American dream.

- [Man] Donald Trump is the president,

I respect the president,but let me tell you,

God has a plan for me.

My faith will take me to America,

and I think Donald Trumpwill never have the right

even to touch me.

- These Mexican troops,however, might beg to differ.

From Tapachula, Mexico, I'mChuck Holton for CBN News.

- Pat, a far cry from wherethings were just one year ago.

- Well, you know, we have tobe honest about what happened.

Obama let it be knownthat people coming out

of these countries were welcome here.

We have not fixed our immigration laws.

They're still in a state of flux.

And we've got to determineexactly what we want to do

and then give our militarythe chance to do it.

But just think of a world where there are

about seven plus billion people,

many of them in desperate poverty,

and they want to go wherethere's something good.

Well, in going, you've got the flour,

the cream of the intellectual elite,

so these countries are coming

and leaving theircountry instead of trying

to build up a society, and it won't work.

And what's going to happenis it's gonna be a massive,

as I said earlier, a massive collapse.

What can we do about it?

I've been reading about the work of Truman

and what was called the Marshall Plan,

when he looked at Europe thatwas in a desperate condition,

and they determined they were gonna put in

a huge amount of moneyto rescue the economies.

And indeed, that's what happened.

France and Germany andthose countries in Europe

had a rebound becauseAmerica picked up the tab

and stimulated their economies.

But what can be done for Central America?

What can be done for India,what could be done for Pakistan?

We cannot afford therestoration of all the wrongs

that have taken place around the world.

And something's gotta bedone at the highest levels

of our government to say let us help you

re-stimulate your economy sothat you can have creativity,

so that you can make jobs, sothat you can provide wealth

for your people, so you canhave better agriculture,

better crop yields and so forth,

and you won't be in such poverty

that your people have to move here.

That's what's gotta be done.

But we're talking about,again, a massive program.

But if we sent technologyinto these countries,

very possibly we could help them.

But something's gotta be done.

Here in America we don'thave that kind of foresight

very much these days.

Harry Truman and GeorgeMarshall and others

were very enlightened,but it was to help Europe.

But they don't wannanecessarily help India

or help Honduras or Guatemala,El Salvador, so forth.

But that's what's gotta be done.

It's got to be a massive effort

to give the intellectualcapital to show them

how capitalism can work, howfree enterprise can work,

and to help them get into businesses

and productive enterprisesand better crop yields

and all that sort of thing.

That's what's gotta be done.

Otherwise we're gonna be overwhelmed

with a flood of poor peoplewho have left their countries

seeking a better life,and we just can't afford

to give it to them, Terry.


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