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'Pandora's Box Has Been Opened': Coronavirus Deaths Surpass SARS - Doctor Who Sounded Alarm Ends up Dead

'Pandora's Box Has Been Opened': Coronavirus Deaths Surpass SARS - Doctor Who Sounded Alarm Ends up Dead Read Transcript

- In China, grief and outrage are growing

over the coronavirus.

Chinese citizens are demanding answers

from the communist government

after a young doctor, whowarned about the coronavirus,

died from the disease.

In late December 34-year-old Li Wenilang

tried to tell the governmentabout the seriousness

of the coronavirus.

Huntington's disease died from it Friday.

His mother wants to knowwhat happened to her son,

and why government officialsordered him to remain silent.

She says my child was summoned

by the Wuhan Police Bureau at midnight.

He was asked to signan admonishment notice.

We won't give up if theydon't give us an explanation.

Appearing on the CBN Newsprogram "Faith Nation,"

China expert Gordon Chang said he expects

the coronavirus death toll to keep rising,

probably into the month of May.

He said the Chinese public is outraged

over the government secrecyabout Dr. Li's death.

Citizens are also angry aboutdeliberate under reporting

and falsification aboutthe spread of the virus.

And that's placing new pressureon President Xi Jinping.

- People are now callingfor freedom of speech

because they realize it's the nature

of the political system thatallowed the virus to spread.

And that's why theysay the communist party

is responsible for his death.

That's the reason why this has caused

such an outpouring of griefand anger across China.

And it also comes justafter a Tsinghua University

law professor has calledfor Xi Jinping to step down.

That shows the Chinese people

are losing their fear of China's ruler.

- In Neighboring Japan,

more cases of the coronavirus

are confirmed on that cruiseship quarantined in Yokohama.

The total is now 136.

Docked in port for one week.

The coronavirus outbreakon the Diamond Princess

is the largest outbreak ofthe virus outside of China,

with a total of 3700 passengers

and crew quarantined on board.

And in Wuhan China, the epicenter

of the coronavirus outbreak,

health officials gave aChina television reporter

equipped with a GoPro camera

an inside look at Wuhan UnionHospital Quarantine wards.

Doctors and nurses wear protective gear

and work six hours without rest.

Some wear adult diapers

because they're not allowed to undress

and redress to use the toilet.

And Dr. Tang says thePandora's box has been opened,

unleashing the disaster, fear and illness.

But there could be one thing

still left in the box, that's hope.

As long as hope is there

we shall overcome the difficulty.

Not only is the Pandora'sbox open on the coronavirus,

the Chinese public's angerover the government's

handling of the diseasehas been unleashed as well

and it may have serious

political consequences forthe Chinese government.

Gary Lane, CBN News.


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