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Israel Threatens Gaza Terrorists With Severe Retaliation as Attacks Increase

Israel Threatens Gaza Terrorists With Severe Retaliation as Attacks Increase Read Transcript

- [Chris] At Sunday'sweekly cabinet meeting

Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu

warned both Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

- [Translator] I wantto make it very clear,

we will not accept anyaggression from Gaza.

Just a few weeks ago we killed

the Islamic Jihad seniorcommander in Gaza,

and I suggest Islamic Jihad and Hamas

refresh their own memory.

I will not go into thedetails of activities

and all our plans in the media,

but we are ready todeliver crushing action

against the terroristorganizations in Gaza.

- [Chris] Since the adventof the peace proposal

by President Trump, Islamic Jihad

and Hamas vowed resistanceand retaliation.

- [Translator 2] When thePalestinian people fear

the great danger that thePalestinian cause is facing

because of the deal of the century

and because of the American positions,

its natural and rightful

of the Palestinian people

to send Confrontation messages

to the whole world

that they are fullyprepared to do anything

to fight for their rights,

to fight for the future of their children.

And the future of next generations

of Palestinians on this land.

- Since the announcementof Trump's peace plan,

over a dozen rockets and mortars

have been fired into Southern Israel.

And that's not all.

They're sending explosive devices

attached to balloons that can travel up

to 25 miles from Gaza.

They post a threat to civilians,

especially children,

who might see these balloons as a toy

and not understand the danger.

Israel Defense Minister Naftali Bennett

met with Israel's southern command

and promised no one would be immune

from Israel's Defense Forces.

Chris Mitchell, CBN News, Jerusalem.


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